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iPad Gets iOS 3.2.1 Software Update

Final update. All of my info was intact. The book, the presentation, everything. So if you're bricked, this should fix it for you.
I have a lot more faith in apple in updates than any it company just make sure you back up first before updating if it fails it most likely will be a corrupt file or something on your computer pc or Mac that caused the issue

Yep ... bricked mt ipad ... lost everything. My ipad was not jailbroken.

Sincerely doubt that the Apple update as delivered through iTunes bricked any unmodified iPad.

Clearly your good faith in Apple testing surpasses reality.

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No it is not apple update works fine it will be a corrupt app or connection jus do a dull restore and try again.

Wow, Apple is having a really bad month.

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If doing the dull restore doesn't work, do the method I described above. That was directly from Apple when the iPod Touch update failed and worked perfectly again this time. Still trying to figure out what can be causing this.
It can be virus protection software interrupting it if on a pc I use a Mac we updated 6 ipads today 2pm pc's and rest on macs all clean
Update fixes wifi issues completely

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Thanks for all the really useful info on this thread, especially the tip about the anti-virus software if updating on PC, I'm going to make sure I disable mine while doing the update.
I'll have to do this later tonight. I look forward to holding my breath and hoping I don't have to start deleting software and reinstalling etc. Although if all the update does is add Bing I'm not overly bothered. My wifi has always been brilliant so I assume once this update is done I'll lose all wifi connectivity.
Im prolly just gonna wait to update mine, First im in iraq so it wold take DAYS to update. Second I rly havnt had any problems with wi fi or video playback on my jailbroken ipad. Dont know for sure but I prolly wont update till iOS 4 is out.. I know we ALL cant wait for that!:)
Im prolly just gonna wait to update mine, First im in iraq so it wold take DAYS to update. Second I rly havnt had any problems with wi fi or video playback on my jailbroken ipad. Dont know for sure but I prolly wont update till iOS 4 is out.. I know we ALL cant wait for that!:)

I updated with no problem, but really if you are not having any problems there is not much reason to update. I may be getting a little better WIFI, but no big deal. I, like you was having no problems before, so no big rush to update...... plus, if you have JB you iPad, you don't want to update until you get a green light from the JB folks....

Be safe....
I've had my iPad since last last Thursday, and have been able to get online with WIFI for a total of 2 minutes since then! I waited what I thought was a reasonable amount of time after launch for Apple to get their act together - guess not long enough.

Completed the 3.2.1 software update this evening, and still NO WIFI! My home wireless network has a total of 1 desktop XP PC and 2 XP laptops currently working with no issues - starting to think this long-avoided excursion into the Apple end of the pool was ill advised.

My ipad works different on different wifi points at home i' have never any problems..
At work it connects but the wifi point gives me a generic IP address(not in the ip range of the conecting network) so connection to the internet is not possible.
A workaround is just simply restart the wifipoint and it connects perfect..
Have you tried that? Did your ipad show a wifi symbol in the header.

Another point is that apple demands that the password used at your wifipoint is at least 10 caracters...If it's shorter it won't accept a connection...have a go let me know if it works..:o
My wifi had always been subject to freezes, even sitting right next to the router, when laptop worked perfectly. I did the update last night and now it's MUCH worse. Some apps, like Associated Press and Newsy, do not work at all. I deleted AP and reinstalled, and still have the same problem. I posted this same info on the Apple discussion board last night, referencing another post where the user had problems, and this morning both my post and the referenced post have been deleted!
It can be virus protection software interrupting it if on a pc I use a Mac we updated 6 ipads today 2pm pc's and rest on macs all clean
Update fixes wifi issues completely

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not sure what it is. I was on a Mac when mine acted up. Like I said, did the exact same thing at the exact same point in the updates on the iPod Touch and the iPad. I'm not sweating it. Got everything back with no problem. Didn't lose any info at all. Just took a little longer and a touch of a nuisance, but nothing to lose sleep over.

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