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iPad Printing on HP Printer

Apple only wants u to use AirPrint enabled printers BUT you in luck. Get the app from app store called Print n Share. Allows wireless printin over air print enabled printers and wifi printers. Print n Share is probaly the most recommended for wifi printers.

Thanks for this info. I really needed it!
I have an HP Deskjet 6988. Does anyone know if the print n share app allow an iPad to print directly? EuroSmartz says that it hasn't tested this printer model.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I am so excited to read about Print n Share. Since I received my iPad, I've been unhappy thinking I would need to replace my still hardworking Canon MP640 printer to buy an HP that doesn't always get great reviews.

Thank you for the suggestion.
For what it's worth, I am finding that print n share is a great app for iPad printing. If the so-called "direct printing" function doesn't work, the sponsor's no-cost download, WePrint, is likely to make it work. Also, the sponsor's support staff is terrific.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I specifically bought the above printer in order to print from my iPad. It was on Apple's Airprint page! And it will not print. My ipad recognzes the printer.....says it's contacting the printer...but nothing ever happens. The printer works with my computer well...but not the ipad. I called Apple...they said call HP. After an hour with HP, they said it was the internet. My internet provider says everything is fine. #@$**(&&****!!!

I could really use some help, please!
Thanks in advance.:confused:

EXACTLY the same problem I am having- see my full post on this date above- when first set up, it worked, the next day it did not. The printer shows up, but issue a print cmd and nothing happens. VERY frustrating!
I want to print items from my iPad 1st gen. To my HP wireless laptop possible? Is there such way or app ???


As the previous poster suggested, Apple have their own proprietary printing protocol called 'AirPrint'. Only a few printers support it at present - HP is one of those that do and you can see if your model is on the list at the Apple web site

Apple - iPad - Print right from your iPad with AirPrint.

If it is there, then you can print directly under iOS 4.2 and 4.3 from apps that support in-app printing, such as Apple's iPad iWorks suite ('Pages', 'Numbers' and 'Keynote'). Not all apps support in-app printing, so you need to check out whether the app you're interested in does. For example, Apple's native iPad 'Calendar' app does not support in-app printing.

If your printer is not on the list then there are third-party apps that can help. Some printer manufacturers have released apps for PCs with their printers connected (i.e. Lexmark). On these models, an app on your PC or Mac 'pretends' to be an AirPrint printer and the app translates the AirPrint printing protocol into a form that the printer understands.

However, there are standalone apps for the iPad and 'Print N Share' is one of the best known. It can print directly from the iPad to a WiFi printer without any PC being involved. It does this by cleverly inserting itself into the printing menu of apps that support in-app printing and 'pretends' to be an AirPrint printer. It then, similar to the previous case, translates the AirPrint printing protocol to a form that your printer understands.

Most all WiFi equipped printers are supported by 'Print N Share' but even those few that are not are able to print via a PC using, again, a small (free) app that's available from the developers of 'Print N Share'. Once again, this app sits on your PC or Mac and links your iPad to the printer via your PC - meaning, too, that the printer can be WiFi, USB or even Bluetooth. The downside is that the PC has to be switched on.

One 'issue' that sometimes confounds users of 'Print N Share' is that this only works under iOS 4.2 or 4.3 - the iPad's 'multi-tasking' operating system (OS). 'Print N Share' needs to be loaded and running before you can print!! So, if you're going to be doing some printing, you need to first of all fire up 'Print N Share' and leave it running in the background. You can check whether it is running by double tapping the iPad's 'Home' button, to see the tasks that are 'loaded' in the 'Multi-task' menu bar. For various reasons, it's helpful if 'Print N Share' was loaded quite recently. If you haven't printed for a while, use the multi-task bar to 're-activate' it.

Hope this helps, but don't hesitate to post any more detailed questions that you might have.


Hey Timbo :D Today I my old printer died, so I thought great time to get one that is iPad compatable :p. I am not a heavy printer so it was never issuse for me and my iPad. Today is was so I google this best iPad forrum -IPF of course, and of course there are many helpers and suggestions, BUT Timbo, you have out done yrself on this one. With the quote above you answered and explained all I needed to know on this subject, now I off to get my printer

p.s I follow yr most of yr replies becuase they are always informative. I just think this one is out of the box. Hope this encourages you to continue with the efforts and time you do put intot this forum.
Cheers :):)
Two months ago I purchased a new HP Laserjet and noticed it was HP ePrint capable. At the time this meant nothing to me. Last weekend I got my iPad2 and started reading this forum.

I was reading about AirPrint and remembered the HP ePrint feature. In about 5 minutes I was printing to my HP. The setup assigned an email address to my printer and I was on my way. I hope this helps others.

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MAcsure said:
Hey Timbo :D Today I my old printer died, so I thought great time to get one that is iPad compatable :p. I am not a heavy printer so it was never issuse for me and my iPad. Today is was so I google this best iPad forrum -IPF of course, and of course there are many helpers and suggestions, BUT Timbo, you have out done yrself on this one. With the quote above you answered and explained all I needed to know on this subject, now I off to get my printer

p.s I follow yr most of yr replies becuase they are always informative. I just think this one is out of the box. Hope this encourages you to continue with the efforts and time you do put intot this forum.
Cheers :):)

Originally Posted by Taylor263621
I want to print items from my iPad 1st gen. To my HP wireless laptop possible? Is there such way or app ???

As the previous poster suggested, Apple have their own proprietary printing protocol called 'AirPrint'. Only a few printers support it at present - HP is one of those that do and you can see if your model is on the list at the Apple web site

Apple - iPad - Print right from your iPad with AirPrint.

If it is there, then you can print directly under iOS 4.2 and 4.3 from apps that support in-app printing, such as Apple's iPad iWorks suite ('Pages', 'Numbers' and 'Keynote'). Not all apps support in-app printing, so you need to check out whether the app you're interested in does. For example, Apple's native iPad 'Calendar' app does not support in-app printing.

If your printer is not on the list then there are third-party apps that can help. Some printer manufacturers have released apps for PCs with their printers connected (i.e. Lexmark). On these models, an app on your PC or Mac 'pretends' to be an AirPrint printer and the app translates the AirPrint printing protocol into a form that the printer understands.

However, there are standalone apps for the iPad and 'Print N Share' is one of the best known. It can print directly from the iPad to a WiFi printer without any PC being involved. It does this by cleverly inserting itself into the printing menu of apps that support in-app printing and 'pretends' to be an AirPrint printer. It then, similar to the previous case, translates the AirPrint printing protocol to a form that your printer understands.

Most all WiFi equipped printers are supported by 'Print N Share' but even those few that are not are able to print via a PC using, again, a small (free) app that's available from the developers of 'Print N Share'. Once again, this app sits on your PC or Mac and links your iPad to the printer via your PC - meaning, too, that the printer can be WiFi, USB or even Bluetooth. The downside is that the PC has to be switched on.

One 'issue' that sometimes confounds users of 'Print N Share' is that this only works under iOS 4.2 or 4.3 - the iPad's 'multi-tasking' operating system (OS). 'Print N Share' needs to be loaded and running before you can print!! So, if you're going to be doing some printing, you need to first of all fire up 'Print N Share' and leave it running in the background. You can check whether it is running by double tapping the iPad's 'Home' button, to see the tasks that are 'loaded' in the 'Multi-task' menu bar. For various reasons, it's helpful if 'Print N Share' was loaded quite recently. If you haven't printed for a while, use the multi-task bar to 're-activate' it.

Hope this helps, but don't hesitate to post any more detailed questions that you might have.

Hello all,
I have the iPad2. I recently bought and am using the Airport Extreme as my router bc my Netgear one died. I was able to print from all wireless products (iPad x 2, iPhone x 2, and my HP laptop) with the Netgear router. I have only been able to print from the HP laptop since using the Airport Extreme. My iPad and iPhone sees my ePrinter and will even let me attempt to print says contacting printer but never prints.

Reset, restarted, unplugged, etc etc with Apple tech for over an hour. NO success. Please help!!!

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