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iPad Stylus used for writing???

For notes I use Penultimate and Noteshelf. love both of them and the box wave stylus works great. The other thing I like about the boxwave stylus is that the end inserts into the earplug hole so you can easily take it with you and not lose it.
Just ordered e.stylo through their website. haven't seen that many reviews yet except for some video ones. but they do have the best website of all the stylus vendors. I'll keep you guys posted.
I made a pen myself already two years ago. It was absolute free:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y9vrSShEIs]YouTube - ‪Make an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Stylus Pen‬‏[/ame]
miket5au said:
Anyone found a good app for taking notes using a stylus?

The ones I have tried are Jotter, epinotehd and jot it down.

The Pogo Stylus is good for drawing but as I cannot draw I have given it to my wife and I have a cheap rubber tipped one which works well for writing but I don't like the apps I have tried.

Notetaker HD with a Targus stylus works great for light note taking and PDF annotations.
I use both Penultimate and Noteshelf for notetaking in meetings with Boxwave stylus. Love it. You don't need both of those, one will do, but i downloaded Penultimate first and then read reviews about Noteshelf and tried that and like it as well so i go back and forth which probably isn't the best way to do it.
notetaking apps

I like Penultimate, too. (for a handwriting app) I also use Pages a bit - though it's more than you need for simple note taking - but I have it for other things and make use of it for that as well. I have Notify and Nebulous Lite and of those I kind of like Nebulous. I haven't used it enough yet to see if I'd want the upgrade, paid version. I find a lot of free apps do what I need them to do without having to upgrade.

I know Evernote is popular, and I have that - frankly I don't use it all that much, but I do think it has a simple to use interface.

For quick notes to myself on my phone I just the Note app that came with it and it does well for lists of things I need to remember or refer back to later.
I really have to put in a plug for my favorite note taking app---Note Taker HD. I have tried all of them, and always come back to this one.

I am still on the quest for the best stylus. Just ordered the e-faraday, and am looking forward to trying it out. Most are too short for handwriting. The stylus-R-us is long enough, but the point material compresses and loses effectiveness after a while. The best thus far are the Alu pen and the Targus, but they are too short. Dagi doesn't work for me.

I even tried making my own from conductive foam. Worked great at first, but began to fail after a while (fiber compression?).

Good luck.
I'm using SmartNote and have ordered the Faraday stylus set. I've tried all the other stylus' out there with little success.
The stylus-R-us is long enough, but the point material compresses and loses effectiveness after a while.

You do know that you're not supposed to press down when you use the stylus-r-us styli, right? I barely have to touch it to the touch screen and it works fantastic! They also sent a small piece of velcro with the stylus and if the stylus starts to become less effective or you have to wash the tip, you're supposed to lightly roll the tip once over the velcro and it's supposed to be like new again. Since my styli is new, I have yet to try it but I have heard that it works. Anyway, if your stylus-r-us stylus tip has become compressed, you probably pressed too hard on it. Like I said, all I had to do was BARELY touch it to the screen and it worked. Of course, I had to remove my screen protector because it wouldn't work over the screen protector - but neither would my other styli (I have a boxwave and I also tried the ifaraday). My screen protector must be too thick or something...

Looking forward to see what you think of the eFaraday stylus! Let us know what you think of it. I'm on the verge of ordering one or the artist set of three for $45 - they each have a different tip. I'm very curious about them.

I really have to put in a plug for my favorite note taking app---Note Taker HD. I have tried all of them, and always come back to this one.

I am still on the quest for the best stylus. Just ordered the e-faraday, and am looking forward to trying it out. Most are too short for handwriting. The stylus-R-us is long enough, but the point material compresses and loses effectiveness after a while. The best thus far are the Alu pen and the Targus, but they are too short. Dagi doesn't work for me.

I even tried making my own from conductive foam. Worked great at first, but began to fail after a while (fiber compression?).

Good luck.
Dieverdog: I ordered the same set! We'll have to compare notes when we've had a chance to try them out.

China_Cat84: Yes, I have been very active in the thread on the Stylus-R-Us products. If you will check there or have a look at the thread I started in which I compared several, you will see my reactions to the compression issue: yes, I'm sure that if one presses lightly enough the tip material will not compress. Probably for you and many others that works fine; for me, however, it is an extremely unnatural writing style. As I do write a lot, it becomes pretty tedious after a while.
Heaviside said:
Dieverdog: I ordered the same set! We'll have to compare notes when we've had a chance to try them out.

China_Cat84: Yes, I have been very active in the thread on the Stylus-R-Us products. If you will check there or have a look at the thread I started in which I compared several, you will see my reactions to the compression issue: yes, I'm sure that if one presses lightly enough the tip material will not compress. Probably for you and many others that works fine; for me, however, it is an extremely unnatural writing style. As I do write a lot, it becomes pretty tedious after a while.

Yeah, I see how that could be a problem. For me, writing on the iPad with a light touch is more natural because I'm paranoid about marring the naked screen...as I can't find a screen protector that works well with the stylus r us styli. I currently use the stylus r us styli for handwritten notes and an acase styli for other tasks. I hate the acase fir handwriting/drawing - it requires too much pressure and makes my hand hurt. I also don't care for the squishy tip - feels like I'm writing with a mini rubber ball. Wish there was some way they could replicate a felt tip marker or something...something that I more familiar writing with...pretty sure they can't replicate a mechanical pencil or pen, due to the writing surface needed. I guess the stylus r us is the closest I'm going to get. It does work pretty well for me. I'm thinking about putting a barrel grip on it though - the kind kids put on pencils - to add some thickness and padding. I have really small hands - even for a woman - but the barrel is still a little small and slick for my tastes...
rtruxal said:
have you guys seen fiber mesh tipped styluses? they work WAAAY better than rubber tipped styluses and you never need to replace the tip. TruGlide is the brand i use, they're sold at lynktec.com and on amazon.

As I posted on another tread, this one looks good---enough for me to give it a try.

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