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iPad Wi Fi Hardly works and at my wits end. Please Help

I called Linksys today and they went into my computer threw the internet and changed it to channel 11 (which I could have done myself if Linksys or apple mentioned it). So far I have a connection which is an improvement from almost nothing. Not full bars yet but they told me to monitor the connection and are going to call me back tomorrow so fingers crossed.

I can't help feeling bad that apple returned 2 ipads and sent them back to California, but I followed everything they told me to do.
Found the camera app. Thanks

You right, ur router should pump out enuff signal strength. Not sure what it could be other thn somethng in the settings of router or router bad. Router gets good signal with other wireless devices? Iphone has some tethering apps out. I beleive u have to jaibreak ur phone first though. Then afterwards just download the wireless tethering app. They even have the app to use ur iphone as a camera for ur ipad. ;-).

The app is called camera A and camera B. One app goes on iphone, costs .99 and the other is free which goes on ipad. They connect wirelessly thru wifi or bluetooth. There are more but thats a popular one. As far as the tethering apps for iphone go, i believe it needs to be jailbrake. Then u get tethering apps from Cydia(jailbrake store that pops up immediately after u jailbrake). There are diffent ways to jailbrake. Research em if interested.
That one guys gets great coverage for his property.
I did try a friends house and College. It wasn't gone but when up and down.

Home was where I used it the most. Though seems to be working well at home now, hard to say what the issues were elsewhere or was just a fluke.

didn't see it here but assume you've gone to starbucks or somewhere to eliminate that it might be iPad. My house has one wall that has steel rebar and concrete in it,
I use airport extreme base station and have airport express scattered around the property.
Well i thought my problem was solved or close but too good to be true. I don't know what is to blame the iPad or router or what?

I get a connection/bars now where in most of the time I didn't but keeps dropping. Plus sometimes will have half or all bars but when I try and use safari the thing just spins with trying to load the page and times out.

Though the Friday when the router was changed to channel 11 it loaded web pages super fast even when not at full bars all the time. But not since then. The signal is actually worse in my room now than before the channel change and it's on the same floor and close to the router.

Anyone know what I can do? Is it the iPad or router itself or settings?
The easiest and cheapest way to improve your signal is to make a parabolic reflector. Go to Google with "wifi parabolic reflector" to get a template it is the first listing. I've used this, and it improved the signal dramatically. It only takes minutes, and will cost nothing. The router manufacturers should supply their kit with them, in my opinion.

I looked it up and this router doesn't have the antenna to attach the parabolic reflector to.
I am having a very similar problem, but I am now thinking its the ipad and not the router.... as the ipad won't even search for wifi anymore, no matter where I am. Its acting like its completely broken. I don't know what to do, and I am really pissed off at this whole situation.

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