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Ipad wifi sync

Hi Scott, what you said about syncing was ok. I went through the connections and instructions you said and I got it to sync wirelessly. At the top of the iTunes WiFi sync page on the iPad it says Automatically sync with iTunes on your computer when your iPad is plugged into the power and connected to WiFi. I tried this and first time it worked, plugged into mains, did not press the sync button and it connected automatically and synced my album. On the second occasion it did not start automatically so I switched off the power and then switched it back on. Sync started, but only 2 or 3 of 20 tracks came to the iPad. So I clicked on the sync button on the iPad, and another few came on. It got to 9 tracks then stopped, a message saying it would restart when the iPad was available, ( which it was, of course). But nothing, so I reconnected it with the cable to the PC, it would not sync, tried 3 times but no. So switched off and left until tomorrow, now 1.30am, so will try again tomorrow to try to sync the other 11 tracks. And of course still trying everything, then I'll see again about automatically connecting to iCloud. Thanks for your help. Frank
quoted from dagold: The only way I have been able to have wifi sync is to disconnect my wired ethernet cable and put my windows 7 on wifi network. So I have both my ipad 2 and my windows 7 computer on the same wifi network. Than it works. But this solution is kind of pointless since I have to disconnect a cable anyways. So now I am just syncing using the usb cable with my ethernet cable plugged into my computer for better internet.

dagold: This sounds a bit strange that you are having to connect your iTunes PC "wirelessly" along with your iOS 5 device. The only requirement that I am aware of is that your iOS 5 devices need to be on a wireless network that is in the same subnet as your iTunes computer (whether your iTunes computer (PC or Mac) is attached "wired" or "wireless" should be irrelevant). I am currently syncing my iPhone4 and iPad2 with an iMac which is attached "wired" to my network.

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I am also able to sync with my wired Windows Vista PC. The PC has no wireless connection at all.

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Hi Scott, what you said about syncing was ok. I went through the connections and instructions you said and I got it to sync wirelessly. At the top of the iTunes WiFi sync page on the iPad it says Automatically sync with iTunes on your computer when your iPad is plugged into the power and connected to WiFi. I tried this and first time it worked, plugged into mains, did not press the sync button and it connected automatically and synced my album. On the second occasion it did not start automatically so I switched off the power and then switched it back on. Sync started, but only 2 or 3 of 20 tracks came to the iPad. So I clicked on the sync button on the iPad, and another few came on. It got to 9 tracks then stopped, a message saying it would restart when the iPad was available, ( which it was, of course). But nothing, so I reconnected it with the cable to the PC, it would not sync, tried 3 times but no. So switched off and left until tomorrow, now 1.30am, so will try again tomorrow to try to sync the other 11 tracks. And of course still trying everything, then I'll see again about automatically connecting to iCloud. Thanks for your help. Frank

I discovered in the last few days that the "automatic" syncing (which only occurs when your device is plugged into a charger) will only work if you have both check boxes checked in the sync options. You have to ensure that "Open iTunes when this iPhone/iPad is connected" is checked as well as "Sync with this iPhone/iPad over Wifi" is checked. The first option "Open iTunes when iPhone/iPad is connected" is what makes the automatic sync work - if you uncheck it - Wifi Sync will still work - but you will have to press the "Sync Now" button on your device. Also I believe the automatic syncing is intended to work only once every so many hours. If you have both the options checked - and you plug in your device - it should automatically start syncing. However - if you unplug your device (from the adapter) and then plug it in again - an hour later - the automatic sync will probably not occur. If you wait about 8 hours and plug it in again - it should auto-sync. What I am not sure of is whether automatic sync will occur if - for example - you auto sync - and then go and download something from the app store - or import a CD into your iTunes library - whether that will reset some type of "sync needed" flag in your iTunes library - in which case it may auto sync the next time you plug in your device. At the moment - I am not convinced that I want my devices auto syncing all the time - I think I would rather control it myself.

I did the rest - no luck
Ip addresses are 192.168.1.x
Not an access point, connecting to router
Tested with firewall disabled and no change. Even with firewall on I can use Air mouse from ipad2 or iphone4.

I'm stumped. I have win xp sp3 running on my pc.

If you are still unable to get WiFi sync to work - you might consider taking your device to an Apple Store (if you have an Apple Store near you). Just make an appointment with the Genius Bar at your local Apple Store and they should be able to help you - although what they will do is get your device to sync with one of their Mac's (not a PC) to prove that the device is working correctly. They may also be able to tell you how to troubleshoot further. To make an appointment with the genius bar - go to apple.com / Support / Contact Us / Start Here - then click on Make a Genius Bar appointment (although it appears that Genius Bar is only for Mac products ) you can still make a Genius Bar appointment for iPhone or iPad. They should help you whether or not you have an active Apple Care agreement for your device.
markbnh1 said:
It works the same for me with or without the box checked as long as you manually start iTunes. If checked, iTunes will auto start when you connect by wire as stated.

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF

I uninstalled and the reinstalled iTunes and actually did get it yo work......for a while. I actually disconnected the iPad and iTunes did see it, I did a sync over wifi. But now it won't work again. ITunes doesn't see the iPad. Any suggestions? Weird that it workrped for a while. Again. When I go to iTunes wifi sync the button is grayed out and it says when my laptop is available it will sync....my laptop IS available on wifi....frustrating....
Scott: Thank you for your information. I wish I new what is wrong with my set up. My network must not be set up correctly. I did check the subnet using ipconfig and looking at my ipad settings they are both on the subnet My apple tv works the same way. They only way I am able to see my pc computer with the apple tv is to disconnect the ethernet cable on pc and connect pc using wifi. Than my apple tv sees my itunes library from my pc. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thanks.
Hi Scott, what you said about syncing was ok. I went through the connections and instructions you said and I got it to sync wirelessly. At the top of the iTunes WiFi sync page on the iPad it says Automatically sync with iTunes on your computer when your iPad is plugged into the power and connected to WiFi. I tried this and first time it worked, plugged into mains, did not press the sync button and it connected automatically and synced my album. On the second occasion it did not start automatically so I switched off the power and then switched it back on. Sync started, but only 2 or 3 of 20 tracks came to the iPad. So I clicked on the sync button on the iPad, and another few came on. It got to 9 tracks then stopped, a message saying it would restart when the iPad was available, ( which it was, of course). But nothing, so I reconnected it with the cable to the PC, it would not sync, tried 3 times but no. So switched off and left until tomorrow, now 1.30am, so will try again tomorrow to try to sync the other 11 tracks. And of course still trying everything, then I'll see again about automatically connecting to iCloud. Thanks for your help. Frank

I just tried auto syncing again and it worked fine. After auto syncing - I imported a CD into my iTunes Library - added the artwork - went back to iPhone - plugged it into charger - and it immediately synced the new CD along with artwork - including all 12 tracks. It did this in a matter of minutes. I did the same with the iPad2 - which was connected to a different WiFi access point (but same subnet) as the iPhone - and it synced the new CD as well - all tracks. If you are getting partial syncs - this could be an indication of a problem with your own WiFi. When I first started syncing - there were a couple of unstable syncs initially - but it was smooth after that. When the device says "Waiting for {hostname} to become available" - that is an indication that the device thinks it's can't see your iTunes library - and is usually and indication that iTunes is closed. {hostname} should show whatever your current iTunes computer is called.

I believe the sync worked again immediately because I imported new content into my iTunes library in between the sync attempts.

Hope this helps ~Scott
I followed those instructions n the syc wifi is always greyed out. I'm using iPad. 1.
I'm at wits end.. iOS 5 is a bust for mme
In order to wirelessly sync your iPad 2 and iPhone 4 to iTunes - you first have to attach your devices (via USB cable) to your computer containing your iTunes library - the one with which you are trying to sync - just as you always had to do in the past to sync your devices. Once your device is attached (you will repeat this for both the iPhone 4 and the iPad 2) - double click the device icon in the left pane of the iTunes window - this will bring up the sync options. On the first page of the sync options - scroll down to the Options section - you will see a check box called Sync with this iPad (iPhone) over WiFi. Make sure this box is check. After checking the box - look in the lower right corner of the screen and click the Apply button. The button will then change to a Sync button. Once the Sync button appears - click the Sync button to Sync your iPad / iPhone one more time. When the Sync completes - you will be able to remove your iPhone or iPad. Note - the mobile device is now wireless communicating with iTunes - you will continue to see the Eject button next to your device under devices - even after you disconnect it. You can optionally "eject" your device - and it will reconnect during a future sync attempt.

On your Device - Click Settings / General / iTune Wi-Fi Sync. The Sync Now button should be available - and not grayed out. If it is grayed out - wait a minute or so and it should appear. You "must" have iTune "open" or minimized on the PC or Mac to which you are trying to sync. Your computer cannot be sleeping when you are trying to sync wireless. (On a Mac - the sync may wake the Mac from Sleep - but it will not open iTunes if iTunes was not already open.

If you see a message that says "Sync will resume when XXXXXXX becomes available" - this means that iTunes is not running and needs to be opened.

When you sync over WiFi - this has nothing to do with iCloud. This is the same sync that you were previously performing via USB cable - the only difference is that you no longer have to physically connect your device to your iTunes computer - you simply ensure that iTunes is open on the computer and then press the sync button on each of your devices when you want to sync. As far as the sync being "automatic" (such as the way the iCloud backup is automatic) - I am not seeing that it syncs automatically - you have to press the sync button.

Let me know if this helps.

Scott-I need to thank you for your very concise and helpful direction. I got my ipod touch 4G running with your help! Also loaded another CD onto my itunes library and did another wireless sync-perfect turn out!! Thanks again!:)
Scott: Thank you for your information. I wish I new what is wrong with my set up. My network must not be set up correctly. I did check the subnet using ipconfig and looking at my ipad settings they are both on the subnet My apple tv works the same way. They only way I am able to see my pc computer with the apple tv is to disconnect the ethernet cable on pc and connect pc using wifi. Than my apple tv sees my itunes library from my pc. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thanks.

Ok - since you are experiencing the same problem with the Apple TV not being able to see your desktop when your desktop is using an ethernet cable vs wireless - tells me that you have one of 3 things going on 1) You have a problem with your ethernet adapter on your PC 2) Your ethernet adapter may be using a static ip address - which is causing it to be in a different subnet than the rest of your wireless devices 3) Your wireless network is setup as a guest network - which may allow it to see other wireless devices on the same access point - but not wired devices in the rest of your network.

I need to know a few more things in order to help: First - forgetting all the wireless devices - when your PC is connected via the ethernet cable - with wireless disabled - can you in-fact get out to the internet - from internet explorer - and browse web pages? If you can do this - your ethernet adapter is probably working fine - and you can safely assume the problem is not the result of a defective ethernet adapter.

Secondly - the is the subnet mask - and not the actual subnet. The subnet mask is used in conjunction with the ip address to determine what part of the ip address is the subnet - and which part is the host address. Example: if your ip address (that you see with ipconfig) is - your subnet id is 192.168.1. All of your devices on your network need to have the same subnet mask of and also an ip address that starts with 192.168.1.x (depending on which router you have you may see ip addresses that look like 192.168.0.x - as long as all your devices (wired and wireless) start with the same 3 sets of numbers - those devices will be on the same subnet and can see each other.

Can you look at the apple tv network settings - and tell me what both the ip address and subnet mask are - as well as going to ipconfig on the PC (with the ethernet cable plugged in and wireless disabled) to get the ip and subnet. Don't worry - these are internal ip addresses and not accessible to the outside world - so you are not compromising your network by indicating those here.

If any of your ip addresses (on your are starting with something other than 192.168.x.x 10.x.x.x 172.x.x.x or 128.x.x.x then your device is not using an internal LAN ip address and that could be causing you a problem.

Once you determine the ip addresses of both the apple tv and your PC (with only the ethernet cable) - open a command prompt on the pc and type the following command: (for this example I am making up an ip address for your apple tv of

ping <--- you would substitute your apple tv's actual ip address in place of

you should get at least 4 responses indicating:

xxxxxx bytes from

if you get a response indicating "request timed out" - then your PC cannot see the apple tv and we need to figure out why.

One other thing to check - is there any possibility you have the windows firewall or some other type of firewall software that is maybe locking down your ethernet adapter but not the wireless adapter?

I am curious to know what you find.

Scott, thanks for your continued advice and information. I think I understand all you've said about the auto syncing. It does seem that way that it will only sync the once, without a long break. I also think I will prefer to sync manually, when ana what I want to sync. It's not any more trouble connecting the iPad to the PC, than it is to plug into the mains adaptor. Especially when the battery life is so long and not needing charging so often. Much better to be able to carry the iPad about than having it plugged into the mains. I've just put 3 consecutive CD's in and they have synced gautomatically whilst I've been writing this. Yes it is plugged into the mains. Once I've loaded most of my CD's it won't be as big a necessity to be loading more at one time, only occasionally. It's more a case of getting to know the process and understanding how things work. All is going OK so no problem. Thanks again, Frank
Scott; Thank you for your help. You are very very kind. First, I can surf the web with internet browser using my ethernet cable (LAN). MY pc ip address is:
192.168.2.xx and subnet is My applet tv ip address is: 192.168.2.xx and subnet is My ipad is: 192.168.2.xx and subnet is I pinged my apple tv and it does receive the 4 packets. I ping the ipad and it also receives the 4 packets. I have turned the windows firewall on and off and it does not help. I don't believe my wifi is a guest set up because I still put in a password. I don't know if this is why but I tend to think my wired connection and my wifi connection is not on the same network. Is that possiable? If it is what do I need to do to fix it? Thanks again, David
I have iPad 1 still can't sync. Does the pc have to be wireless? My pc is on cat 5, verified iPad is on same subnet. But still can not syc. Also several. iOS 5 features won't work. Gestures photo slide show also don't work... What gives thanks alex
matt5968 said:
I have iPad 1 still can't sync. Does the pc have to be wireless? My pc is on cat 5, verified iPad is on same subnet. But still can not syc. Also several. iOS 5 features won't work. Gestures photo slide show also don't work... What gives thanks alex

As far as I can tell - the iPad 1 doesn't support the new gestures - although a previous post in this thread is indicating that something can be done to enable it. I haven't looked at that post in detail.

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