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iPad2 & syncing - can I use iCloud (cannot use Itunes)


iPF Noob
Since the last update to Itunes for PC, iTunes will no longer run on my PC. Apple's stand is that they cannot help with Windows7 problems, even though they caused the problem with the 64-bit update. I got iTunes to run on an old WinXP machine so I got IOS5 on my iPad2, but I'd much rather sync with iCloud rather than hassle with iTunes which Apple clearly has no interest in supporting on PC's anyway.

Is that possible yet?

Also, given a CSV file from my Outlook contacts, how can that be imported into my iPad2 contacts?

Sorry, don't mean to step on any toes here, but after experiencing Apple's support with my iTunes issue and hearing them "wash their hands of the issue", I love my iPad2 but am less than impressed with Apple support.
You should have no problems if you already have iOS5. Do you have an iCloud account? If so, you're good to go. If not, you can get a (I think) 5GB account for free, but - just like with iTunes - they need a valid credit card to create the account. Then everything will sync automatically and you can 'kiss goodbye' to iTunes....

Thanks Tim. I *DO* have an iCloud account, but note that for the same reason that I cannot install iTunes on my PC, I cannot install iCloud either. Is there a way to access iCloud online (ie, from my computer that won't run iTunes or the iCloud interface but from a standard browser) to put things that I want to sync to my iPad2; typically movies (MP4 videos for my job) or ibooks (ie, typically PDF files that I want to read at my leisure)?

Can you elaborate?

You access iCloud via a desktop browser at icloud.com

What you can do there is fairly limited, but you can access your mail, contacts, calendar, reminders, Find My iPhone, and documents synced through the iWorks apps. You turn all of this in Settings for iCloud on your iPad, including your backup options. You may have to add your iCloud email account manually. I don't know. I had MobileMe and it was updated automatically.

Other iCloud features are accessed via the apps that use them, or through the iTunes, iBooks, and AppStore apps. If you noticed the new Purchased section in those stores, these were beta features of iCloud and have been available in some countries for a while. Other apps may use iCloud to store files and other stuff. This will be accessible only through those apps, or other apps by the same developer if they decide to use that feature.

Most of what iCloud does is in the background and device to device. As such you are going to find very few controls or content available on the icloud.com site. It's about keeping things synced and available on your devices, not putting it on the internet.

DropBox and Box.net are still the kings of internet file storage and sharing.
I've downloaded ios5 to my iPad2 and set up to sync through the cloud ( I think) . While I can sync with Outlook when I plug into my PC it doesn't happen automatically through the Cloud when I add appointments in Outlook. Is there a step I need to take from my iPad2 to have the sync occur?

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