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iPhone 4G / iPhone HD

Yes, I've budgeted for a new iPhone this year - I also skipped the 3Gs upgrade, and my contract happens to finish next month so I'm nicely placed to replace my 3G. I feel sorry for you guys with no choice of service provider - here in the UK we currently have three networks to choose from. One of the reasons I deliberately chose a different network for my iPad was so I could trial it over the next couple of months before having to decide re. the new iPhone; so far, so good.

Cheers, Pete.
I will be upgrading to the new iPhone.

It won't matter if it is 4g or not. Sprint 4g is only available in 25 major cities ... And since I live in an area that only has 2g service, 4g will most likely be out dated by the time 3G service arrives.
Nope. I got rid of my iphone 3gs alreay and switched to a company that offers unlimited everything for $40/month. my iphone plan was $100.

besides now i have my ipad
Iv'e been wanting the iPhone, but I love Verizon, would never switch over, ever. I have a sister in-law that has been working with Verizon for over 10+ years, she is manager at an Orlando, Fl store. She told me that the iPhone is comming to Verizon in Mid to Late June. She wasn't kidding either. I'm not sure if it's also hitting At&t, but it's sure hitting Verizon!
Just a rumor. Sorry but it may be true but they certainly wouldn't tell some low level employee at store level about it. Sorry to burst your bubble.
She isn't a low level employee, she's got her shipments for the next 8 or so months, I was going to get an incredible and that's when she told me to wait for the iPhone. She wasn't supposed to let me know but she saved me some money. No bubble to burst here :). & if she's lying to me then so be it, I'm okay with my blackberry & iPad, together they make an unstoppable killer duo. Since I have no 3G, my blackberry gives me all the wifi I need, when ever! ;)
Oh and proof that there is a New iPhone comming, they dropped the price on a 3GS to $98.99 .. from the whopping $199.99 it was just last week!
I'll be opting for my free upgrade and adding the new iPhone to my iPhone collection.

I'm one of those early adopters, much as many in this forum and I never ever regretted being first to use or adopt any Apple product as well as use AT&T which has been absolutely supportive to me and my needs.

Unlike many complaints I read online about dropped calls poor service from AT&T, I have nothing but good service, I get a few dropped calls but are from tower changes just like other services do for me on my other phones.
I use multiple iPhones with both AT&T and T-Mobile as I travel around doing support calls and service calls. And now also adding to that, my Wifi iPad at home as well as my 3G for on the go and personal business manager.

I can't wait for the new iPhone, using 4.0 iPhone OS on my 3GS has been a dream and already appreciate many of the changes implemented into the new OS. I can only imagine what it will be like on the new HD version iPhone.
I actually think an iPhone would be pointless for me at the moment, what am I gonna have same apps on my iPad as on my phone? Android is killing iPhones anyway ;)
For the Verizon guys - nothing is written in stone, but the rumors are strong that Verizon will be getting the iPhone this year, but the bad news is that even though the new iPhone will be announced next week, it is still not expected to be available for Verizon until later this year.
I'm waiting to see what happens before I decide on the Droid Incredible or not. Assuming the phone comes to Verizon with OS 4.0 and there is a jailbreak (let's just call it Spirit 2 for the sake of the discussion), will it work on any iPhone with 4.0 or will there need to be a wait for one specific to the Verizon version?
As for all of you poor (yes I feel sorry for you) guys using Droids, HTC, or worst case scenario a Storm, I am trying to be polite here, but you have evidently never used an iPhone.

I have had an iPhone since the beginning provided to me from my employer. I also have a personal Verizon phone, I had the Storm when that was the 'iPhone killer' - cough cough, I now have a Droid (the Motorola one with all the commercials for it). This thing does not even hold a candle to an iPhone. I am serious, I pity every person who has to use these inferior piles of @#$^. They attempt, very poorly I might add, to copy the iPhone, but end up with buggy, poor operating junk.

What they need to do, is what Apple did. Find out where the future is going and design an all new product.

When they stop trying to be an 'iPhone killer' and instead to be the next revolutionary product, then and only then will there be a phone better than an iPhone.
I've got no problems with my Droid. It does what it's meant to do...

And I feel sorry for everyone on the ATT network, especially the people around here. It's a steaming pile of dog shit. It doesn't matter what phone you have here on the ATT network...it's garbage. An LG Dare is better than the iPhone here because the LG Dare actually gets a signal. /shrug

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