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iPhone 4G / iPhone HD

As for all of you poor (yes I feel sorry for you) guys using Droids, HTC, or worst case scenario a Storm, I am trying to be polite here, but you have evidently never used an iPhone.

I have had an iPhone since the beginning provided to me from my employer. I also have a personal Verizon phone, I had the Storm when that was the 'iPhone killer' - cough cough, I now have a Droid (the Motorola one with all the commercials for it). This thing does not even hold a candle to an iPhone. I am serious, I pity every person who has to use these inferior piles of @#$^. They attempt, very poorly I might add, to copy the iPhone, but end up with buggy, poor operating junk.

What they need to do, is what Apple did. Find out where the future is going and design an all new product.

When they stop trying to be an 'iPhone killer' and instead to be the next revolutionary product, then and only then will there be a phone better than an iPhone.
Have you tried all the droid phones? I tried out the verizon droid it it seemed horrible compared to the iphone. but these newer HTC devices that are running droid seem to be getting better and better. The next iphone needs to have more than just a front facing camera and flash on the back or it just might be left behind.

You have google working and improving there mobile OS (android). Then you have the fact that all the phone makers can take this good mobile OS and put it on what ever hardware they plan on creating. The phone hardware companies are good an making hardware, not software. They no longer have to really worry about that. They build the best hardware they can come up with and load android on it.

Apple still has a far superior GUI and will always be much more secure for those who think about security. Apple has seen what can happen with a totally open environment like with windows and all it virus's. iPhone users dont have to worry about there phones getting virus's, yet the company SMobile seems to think android users should be worried about virus attacks and have created an anti-virus for android phones.(not supprising)
SMobile, Mobile Security Software for smartphones and other mobile devices. Exclusive BlackBerry Antivirus Provider
Right now I have an iPhone 3G and will be upgrading my phone. I am waiting to see what the new iphone will have and compare to the Sprint EVO. I live outside of Boston (and should see 4g Sprint soon). I love the iPhone UI and having everything just work with my MAC, but if I can save some $$ with the Sprint plan. We'll see next week with the apple announcement!
As for all of you poor (yes I feel sorry for you) guys using Droids, HTC, or worst case scenario a Storm, I am trying to be polite here, but you have evidently never used an iPhone.

I have had an iPhone since the beginning provided to me from my employer. I also have a personal Verizon phone, I had the Storm when that was the 'iPhone killer' - cough cough, I now have a Droid (the Motorola one with all the commercials for it). This thing does not even hold a candle to an iPhone. I am serious, I pity every person who has to use these inferior piles of @#$^. They attempt, very poorly I might add, to copy the iPhone, but end up with buggy, poor operating junk.

What they need to do, is what Apple did. Find out where the future is going and design an all new product.

When they stop trying to be an 'iPhone killer' and instead to be the next revolutionary product, then and only then will there be a phone better than an iPhone.
Have you tried all the droid phones? I tried out the verizon droid it it seemed horrible compared to the iphone. but these newer HTC devices that are running droid seem to be getting better and better. The next iphone needs to have more than just a front facing camera and flash on the back or it just might be left behind.

You have google working and improving there mobile OS (android). Then you have the fact that all the phone makers can take this good mobile OS and put it on what ever hardware they plan on creating. The phone hardware companies are good an making hardware, not software. They no longer have to really worry about that. They build the best hardware they can come up with and load android on it.

Apple still has a far superior GUI and will always be much more secure for those who think about security. Apple has seen what can happen with a totally open environment like with windows and all it virus's. iPhone users dont have to worry about there phones getting virus's, yet the company SMobile seems to think android users should be worried about virus attacks and have created an anti-virus for android phones.(not supprising)
SMobile, Mobile Security Software for smartphones and other mobile devices. Exclusive BlackBerry Antivirus Provider
The Droid Incredible is just that - incredible.
I've got no problems with my Droid. It does what it's meant to do...

You may be right - and I guess I am just spoiled since evidently an iPhone is 'meant' to do a whole lot more.

And the iPhone is so much more intuitive, you don't have to try to do things, you just do them. I bought the Droid for myself only so I could learn more about it to help my wife operate her Droid. Every time I am going through explaining to her how to do something I am reminded that her next phone WILL be an iPhone (hopefully on Verizon)

And yes there are times I wish I had Verizon, anyone who says AT&T has great signal quality has evidently never left the big city they live in. Strangely enough though, AT&T is the only provider with signal at my cabin.
Have you tried all the droid phones?

No, I haven't tried the newer ones, I am just getting tired of everyone saying that this new great phone, from the Storm to the HTC's, to the Droid. And then it is some poorly operating piece of junk.

It's obvious Google is aggressively targeting Apple, and so Steve Jobs has said that Apple will be aggressively upgrading the iPhone. I don't see why, for a better camera? You could put a 1000 mega pixel camera on it, the pictures will always be just mediocre until someone designs a better sensor. I already can't tell the difference between the droids 8mp pictures and the iPhones 2mp pictures.

In the end there is one sure thing. Even if nobody builds a phone that holds a candle to the iPhone, if they were not trying, Apple wouldn't be forced to continue to improve it. And wether you like the iPhone or one of it's attempted copies, we all win.
What doesn't the Droid do that the iPhone does?

Actually I don't know -- it was the only answer I could come up with when you said the Droid does what it is meant to do. Since I have both in my pocket, and feel the iPhone does everything the Droid was meant to do, just better.

But, I should clarify one thing, Mathew. How many iPhones have you owned? I ask this because I have NEVER found a person who prefers another phone to the iPhone that has actually ever used an iPhone. But that being put aside, and that I know the iPhone is a fantastic phone, the fact that we can even have this debate about the Droid says a lot. And love or hate the iPhone, if it were not for the iPhone, the Droid would not exist, we'd all be stuck with Blackberries with clunky mechanical keyboards.
I owned an iPhone when I was with ATT when I lived in Texas. Great phone. I have also owned just about every smartphone out there from BB to Android devices, including the G1 when it first was released (piece of junk) for TMobile.

So yes...I have owned it.

I would buy an iPhone if it came to Verizon and could be jailbroken in a heartbeat simply for the fact that it could easily sync with my iPad on a lot of apps. But the Droids, especially the Incredible, are equally good phones...with the exception of the app store selection of apps...but of course iTunes has a huge headstart in that department.
Well the Droid camera sucks to be honest.

And actually so does the iPhone camera, the previous model, a fixed focus camera, actually took better pictures more reliably.

In all actuality I don't think a small camera like those in phones are capable of taking good pictures, I've owned 5mp compact cameras and their picture quality doesn't compare to my very old 3mp digital SLR and I believe that is because of the size of the CCD. Granted in daylight conditions the pictures are usable, but less than that... not so good.
I've seen some pictures from the Incredible, and the pics are pretty damn good.

Not meaning to be so negative, but the 'sample' pictures from the 3GS iPhone looked awesome too. And even with the Droid I have, you 'can' get a great picture, it's just that you usually don't.

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