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Is 7 years A Long Time NOT To Be Married?

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Yes, you are correct. To get others perspectives.
However you didn't read or misunderstood the thread.
As an individual I'm asking for the perspective of another's thought on when they feel marriage, in their lives, would be good. Whether it be 2 years, 4 years or whatever.
I didn't start this thread to get advice I'd hear from Dr. Phil. My camp is tight. I just know that there are folks on this Earth that are different from me & my sitch. Wanted to hear others sides on that issue.
But I due thank you for your input, tRuly

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You put your business out there and then invited comment. Maybe you intended differently, but that's not how your post read.
My experience is from being married to the same person for 34 years.

Relationships are never safe. Danger and risk are part of adventure, which is what a life partnership is.

Marriage is a puzzle that can't be finished. The addition of each new and interesting piece redefines the relationship.


:thumbs: I agree!
AntonCartel said:
Is it getting any easier, or are all women impossible?

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Well i've learned that all women are impossible ! And im not married ! - age 22

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Oi. Is this about marriage or lack thereof or moaning about us females! We have our gripes too so let's not go there!

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Tell me about it! I expect he hasn't come across well himself to get such a bad idea of us! You youngsters have no staying power. Give and take!

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Tell me about it! I expect he hasn't come across well himself to get such a bad idea of us! You youngsters have no staying power. Give and take!

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

I find that relationships are more about us than the other person. For instance, if you're consistently running into probs with women or men, it's probably because you're picking or attracting the wrong ones. If you have your own crap together, you're unlikely to end up in a bad relationship. (Having your crap together includes not being drawn to people who need "fixing.")

Of course, these are just my observations.
I'm in a 4 year relationship and not even looking to get married. College and career come before anything. I plan to get married after I get a final or official job and able to make good money.
.....I'm far from single but have been around long enough to realize marriage only makes things more complicated.....

This is not always the case. If children, or joint property is involved and the relationship turns sour, then legally you are better off being married. This, of course is NOT a reason to get married!!
Let start off by saying I am married, I have two kids, and I (unfortunately) own two houses.

Three things I always say:

Never buy a house (rent and let it be someone else's problem)
Never have kids (if you can't take care of yourself or are not prepared to think LONG and hard about what it entails, don't do it)
Never get married (costs too much money to get married and costs to much to get out of it)

Only one I regret is buying my house and having the other to rent to my in laws. My kids are awesome I would not trade them for the world. But I have these thoughts as to how I am going to handle things when crap hits the fan, get into fights at school, get made fun of for some reason, etc etc etc. Those are the things you don't think of when you're planning on kids.

If you're happy with your situation, then stay that way. Nothing changes after your married besides her name and your bank account.:(
Wow, doesn't sound like you're happy with your choices.

I can speak only for myself: I'm very happy with my husband of nearly 20 years, and with the homes I own. I'm also happily child free, lol. I can see why some people want kids, but I did think that through and decided against them.
AntonCartel said:
My girlfriend & I have been together since 2004 & I'm not no where close to wanting to get married. I enjoy the relationship but am in a "Don't fix it if it's not broken!" kind of mind frame when it comes to marriage. I've seen a lot in my 29 years of life here & kno that ppl change. What someone loved in the beginning can later be the main thing they despise.
How long until you feel a relationship is safe for marriage lane?

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In my opinion, I dont think there is a set time in which is best to get married. I mean my mum and stepdad got married after 2 years being together and that was 10 years ago, whereas my dad and his fiancee have been together for about 6 years and they're not rushing to get married. My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year and a half and yeah we've spoke about maybe getting married in a couple of years but we're in no rush. If the time is right, it's right. If not, I don't think it will affect anything but that's just my opinion :)
Wow, doesn't sound like you're happy with your choices.

I can speak only for myself: I'm very happy with my husband of nearly 20 years, and with the homes I own. I'm also happily child free, lol. I can see why some people want kids, but I did think that through and decided against them.

Definitely happy with my choices. I would change my choice in home decisions though. Mostly because I am stuck and one and the other in my opinion is too small for what we have.

My wife is great and puts up with my crap (expensive hobbies, sports, etc). The kid thing is more of how I am going to deal with issues that come up later in life and how I understand why people stay up at night worrying about their kids. I would still do it all over again.
owning a house has its perks! but for me it is easy because i am very handy from everything from plumbing to electricity. i own 3 houses apart from the one i live in. so far ive only had 1 bad tenant. because of him i am down about $8,200. thats rent, heat and court bills. he only has 1 more week left until he is legally forced to leave.

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