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Is anyone here a first time Apple user?


iPF Noob
When you bought the I-Pad(2)?
I have never owned an apple product ever- not even the tiniest of i-pods. As such it will take me some time to get used to it. Furthermore many of my friends are making fun of me(in a friendly way) saying that I have finally crossed over to the dark side.

Is anyone here a first time Apple product user with your I-pads?
That is me to a T.

I am a network administrator and also have been building/customizing/repairing PC's for years. I have never owned ANY Apple product before and I have also been catching hell (in a good way) from all my buddies etc.
By the way, the MacBook Air in my sig is newer than the ipad2.

I bought it because I was so sick of all the asinine restrictions on the ipad2
My iPad is my first and last Apple product. I'm content with my iPad 1 and all that but won't be buying any more Apple products. I HATE iTunes and barely use my desktop anymore either and then it's only to do things Apple decided I don't need to be able to do on my iPad. I use my phone more than my desktop to counter iOS restrictions but sometimes need a bigger screen than my Inc provides

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iPad2 was my second Apple purchase. My first was a couple months ago when a friend induced me to try an iPod Touch. I reluctantly installed iTunes on my PC and away I went into the Dark Side. Pretty cool devices. Except for iTunes and the locked up system. I got all the apps I need on both of them. Put some tunes on em. And when I travel, I will put some videos on. So, I gave the iPad to my wife. She will use it to show off her photos and play some solitaire and do some email/surfing. No need for anymore apps for her. I started up the iPod again and for casual surfing and email it is okay. I uninstalled iTunes on my PC and put it on an old never used laptop whenever I need to sync either one, to add a movie or photos. I feel so liberated not having all that crap Apple stuff all over my PC. It is now a clean machine and seems to run just as fast as it did pre-Apple. Apple makes some beautiful devices. But it is just too much of a hurdle for a long time open system person to jump over. I got two really neat devices with some very nice apps. It's all I need...I will only sync when I have to. But these are the last Apple products I will buy with iTunes as a mandatory requirement. I didn't realize how amazing open systems are until I actually owned Apple and had to be forced to use iTunes for EVERYTHING. With my PC I can do a zillion different things the way I WANT...not just the single way Steve tells you.
First time Apple user here too and I'm loving it.

I have always been a PC guy, so it took me a little while to suss things out, but I seem to be be getting on OK now.

Have to say whilst queuing for my iPad on release day I did find the pile of 27" iMacs were calling my name..... I think that could be my next purchase and my PC days could finally be over.

I think Apple products and the brand are very seductive, so I think I am slowly being seduced LOL :)

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Got my first apple product ie ipad 2. Never owned an ipod or iphone but have used them earlier(via friends).Long time windows user

Pretty happy with iOS user friendly interface
(PS desperately waiting for jailbreak to be able to customize home screen
Seen some of the magnificent ones of ipad 1 here)
My iPad is my first and last Apple product. I'm content with my iPad 1 and all that but won't be buying any more Apple products. I HATE iTunes and barely use my desktop anymore either and then it's only to do things Apple decided I don't need to be able to do on my iPad. I use my phone more than my desktop to counter iOS restrictions but sometimes need a bigger screen than my Inc provides

Agree with every bit of it mate. :D

iPad is my first Apple product too and it will be my last one! I am not that impressed with iPad as it is way too restrictive.
This is my first Apple product also. Had my iPad2 for a couple of weeks and haven't put it down. Not to impressed with iTunes.

Reason why I purchased the iPad was because I didn't want to wait another year when Android would be more mature.

We'll see in another year whether I continue with Apple or go to Android.

My 2 cents.
When you bought the I-Pad(2)?
I have never owned an apple product ever- not even the tiniest of i-pods. As such it will take me some time to get used to it. Furthermore many of my friends are making fun of me(in a friendly way) saying that I have finally crossed over to the dark side.

Is anyone here a first time Apple product user with your I-pads?

I will let jmorton's post answer this for me:

That is me to a T.

I am a network administrator and also have been building/customizing/repairing PC's for years. I have never owned ANY Apple product before and I have also been catching hell (in a good way) from all my buddies etc.

I am in the exact same situation.

This is my first Apple product also. Had my iPad2 for a couple of weeks and haven't put it down. Not to impressed with iTunes.

Reason why I purchased the iPad was because I didn't want to wait another year when Android would be more mature.

We'll see in another year whether I continue with Apple or go to Android.

My 2 cents.

I feel the same. I hate having to use iTunes to put any files on the iPad and the lack of external storage (ie. no SD card slot, can't use USB hard drives or thumb drives) really sucks. Other than those two things, I have been really happy with my iPad.
When you bought the I-Pad(2)?
I have never owned an apple product ever- not even the tiniest of i-pods. As such it will take me some time to get used to it. Furthermore many of my friends are making fun of me(in a friendly way) saying that I have finally crossed over to the dark side.

Is anyone here a first time Apple product user with your I-pads?

I have only ever owned an ipod touch. I am more fond of PC and the dexterity of it. I like do be able to modify my system as needed where as apple products simply out date themselves and then thats it. Time to spend another $1000 to keep up witht the times.... I think not. I will stick with PC untill the day that the apple falls from the tree(and far from it if I might add). Most PCs are able to be modfied and customized to the 9's. I would never buy a product only to find out a year later that i cant do a lot of things that my neighbour can. I can take a 10 year old pc and upgrade it to match the specs of a computer from 2010. I dont beleive that an ipod or ipad is worth anymore than a bag of apples(no pun intended) that is going to rot leading me to buy a new bag of apples. DONT BUY apple products!:)
When you bought the I-Pad(2)?
I have never owned an apple product ever- not even the tiniest of i-pods. As such it will take me some time to get used to it. Furthermore many of my friends are making fun of me(in a friendly way) saying that I have finally crossed over to the dark side.

Is anyone here a first time Apple product user with your I-pads?

I have only ever owned an ipod touch. I am more fond of PC and the dexterity of it. I like do be able to modify my system as needed where as apple products simply out date themselves and then thats it. Time to spend another $1000 to keep up witht the times.... I think not. I will stick with PC untill the day that the apple falls from the tree(and far from it if I might add). Most PCs are able to be modfied and customized to the 9's. I would never buy a product only to find out a year later that i cant do a lot of things that my neighbour can. I can take a 10 year old pc and upgrade it to match the specs of a computer from 2010. I dont beleive that an ipod or ipad is worth anymore than a bag of apples(no pun intended) that is going to rot leading me to buy a new bag of apples. DONT BUY apple products!:)

I was beginning to think I was the only one who sees the emperor is wearing no clothes

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