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Is Apple Planning an iPad Mini?

As I see it, most of the folks that are posting ... "sure why not, it would sell" ... are not looking at the cost of manufacuring and distribution, problems with resizing apps for a new display size, and that Apple doesn't sell low cost anything... they don't need to. Marketing different size screens is just the competition scrambling to do something to compete with Apple's outstanding success with iPad. Steve already mentioned that 7" is too small to work with nicely. Apple is already offering iPod Touch for more portability. Look at the iPhone scramble, hyping bigger is better ... maybe, maybe not. But what else can they do but scramble. Look at the adoption of iPad into enterprise ... well over 90%.

IMHO it will never happen ... doesn't have to.
I've seen various reports that basically put it in this perspective: MP3 player popularity is going to continue to shrink as more devices (such as phones and tablets) replace dedicated players. Despite that, touch sales have gained as a percentage of iPod sales, so touch sales are doing "well."

I think there's a place waiting for you in marketing at Apple. :) Better hurry, though, I suspect the iPod Touch is on its last legs.
As I see it, most of the folks that are posting ... "sure why not, it would sell" ... are not looking at the cost of manufacuring and distribution, problems with resizing apps for a new display size, and that Apple doesn't sell low cost anything... they don't need to. Marketing different size screens is just the competition scrambling to do something to compete with Apple's outstanding success with iPad. Steve already mentioned that 7" is too small to work with nicely. Apple is already offering iPod Touch for more portability. Look at the iPhone scramble, hyping bigger is better ... maybe, maybe not. But what else can they do but scramble. Look at the adoption of iPad into enterprise ... well over 90%.

IMHO it will never happen ... doesn't have to.

I certainly agree that posters often underestimate the effort and investment involved in bringin gout a new product. However, Apple is currently selling a 3.5" iPod Touch with a relatively low resolution screen for $200. And that represents a $30 price drop designed to deal with declining sales. It's a dead product and Apple will need something to take its place.
I think there's a place waiting for you in marketing at Apple. :) Better hurry, though, I suspect the iPod Touch is on its last legs.

Lol, I didn't write any of the analysis. I was conveying what analysts have written. I don't care if touch dies a fiery death, lol. I read analyst reports for investment perspective. Some of it is crap; some isn't.
i was looking for a 7inch tablet for a long time. I was going to settle on a droid but if apple produces one with 3G and GPS then I will buy one without thinking twice. my problem with the current size is that it is too big to carry in a pocket and my iPad pretty much stays home. I do drive a lot and having a gps/tablet is a win win for me.

Agreed. I'd like a device smaller than iPad, but larger than touch. It can come from Apple, Samsung or whoever, as far as I'm concerned, but I want at least the same level of user friendliness and reliability as Apple has generally delivered. iOS 5 has been two steps forward, one step back, IMO, but it's still better than what else is out there so far, for my uses.

I'm waiting on the Samsung Galaxy Note, a 5" phone-tablet hybrid. I might switch from iPhone 4S and iPad then, for on the go most days.
If so, it's clearly the replacement for the iPod Touch, the only product in the Apple family where sales continue to plummet.

A lot of roumors in this way.. Apple is planning to release an Ipad mini version..
As I see it, most of the folks that are posting ... "sure why not, it would sell" ... are not looking at the cost of manufacuring and distribution, problems with resizing apps for a new display size, and that Apple doesn't sell low cost anything... they don't need to. Marketing different size screens is just the competition scrambling to do something to compete with Apple's outstanding success with iPad. Steve already mentioned that 7" is too small to work with nicely. Apple is already offering iPod Touch for more portability. Look at the iPhone scramble, hyping bigger is better ... maybe, maybe not. But what else can they do but scramble. Look at the adoption of iPad into enterprise ... well over 90%.

IMHO it will never happen ... doesn't have to.

They would be smart to do it if they want to offer a portable tablet. the iPad is too clunky for pockets, and I want to at least attempt to get it in my pocket, even if I have to squeeze it in for going around the house, etc. Also, as long as they keep the same resolution as the current iPad, the apps will work just fine. Apps are based on resolution, not on size of the screen. A 7.85 inch iPad mini, or whatever you want to call it, would be ready to go right out the door with iPad 2 specs. I would kill for a 7.85 iPad. However, if they have a smaller one with inferior specs compared to the iPad 2, I will pass for sure. An iPad mini with retina, well, I think that would be too expensive, but I would actually buy it, but I am the minority I guess.
" Steve said NO" and that is it. Why do we want to compete with sub standard Kindle or Black berry play book. The experience of a pad is 9.7 ". Having said that I enjoy my iPad touch and I phone4S as well as my iPad. My 11.2 Mack Book Air is a perfect size screen for a laptop.
Blackbelt said:
" Steve said NO" and that is it. Why do we want to compete with sub standard Kindle or Black berry play book. The experience of a pad is 9.7 ". Having said that I enjoy my iPad touch and I phone4S as well as my iPad. My 11.2 Mack Book Air is a perfect size screen for a laptop.

Yep sounds good to me!! My iPad is a substitute for a laptop for me right now so I wouldn't want it any smaller as I already have an iPhone.

Sent from my Tricked Out, Sparkly Pink Black Verizon 32GB iPhone 4 using iPF
" Steve said NO" and that is it. Why do we want to compete with sub standard Kindle or Black berry play book. The experience of a pad is 9.7 ". Having said that I enjoy my iPad touch and I phone4S as well as my iPad. My 11.2 Mack Book Air is a perfect size screen for a laptop.

Whether or not Apple produces a smaller tablet, I doubt Steve Jobs is running the company from the great beyond. Steve Jobs also had the sense to change his mind if he saw reason to.
I doubt Steve Jobs is running the company from the great beyond.

I wouldn't assume that! :D

We ended up not getting an ipad on black friday like we had originally planned because my DH found out about the ipad 3 supposedly coming out early next year. I was personally a little pissed because I was really wanting one for me and my 4 yr old for Christmas, but somehow that morphed into him wanting the newest and fanciest months from now (ie: it became about what HE wanted, not what we wanted). So, what's probably going to happen (and this also kinda pisses me off) is that he will wait and buy a 64gig new ipad 3 for HIM then end up getting an ipad2 for us anyway because it will be cheaper. So, if they have a mini ipad maybe that will be what we end up with for us.
I wouldn't assume that! :D

We ended up not getting an ipad on black friday like we had originally planned because my DH found out about the ipad 3 supposedly coming out early next year. I was personally a little pissed because I was really wanting one for me and my 4 yr old for Christmas, but somehow that morphed into him wanting the newest and fanciest months from now (ie: it became about what HE wanted, not what we wanted). So, what's probably going to happen (and this also kinda pisses me off) is that he will wait and buy a 64gig new ipad 3 for HIM then end up getting an ipad2 for us anyway because it will be cheaper. So, if they have a mini ipad maybe that will be what we end up with for us.

If Steve Jobs is still running Apple, then maybe Santa exists, too, and he'll bring you an iPad for Christmas. Lol.
Kaykaykay said:
If Steve Jobs is still running Apple, then maybe Santa exists, too, and he'll bring you an iPad for Christmas. Lol.

I wish Santa Claus really did exist I would ask him for a whole bunch of things... :D

Sent from my Tricked Out, Sparkly Pink Black Verizon 32GB iPhone 4 using iPF

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