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iTunes Synch Issue with iPad Apps

After taking my ipad to a 'Genius' with no result, I had to resort to a more advanced solution that I found online.

Unfortunately, it involves jailbreaking the ipad and accessing the filesystem by SSH.

Overall it wasn't too bad an experience. Though, my attitude was that I was going to end up 'bricking' my device. Happily, I did not.

So....after doing the 'fix. It looks like it is working...

Take it with a grain of salt, but here are the info I found...

"What finally worked was ssh'ing into the iphone and deleting a file. Go to /var/mobile/Library/MobileInstallation. In that folder there should be a file called 'ArchivedApplications.plist' To be on the safe side you can rename that file to 'ArchivedApllications.plist.bak' instead of deleting it.

Now when i right click on my iphone name on itunes on the pc and i click transfer purchases they actually were transferred over."

The instructions aren't detailed, so do your research on HOW to do the following:

-Jailbreak device
-Enable SSH on your device
-Access your device by SSH via a Terminal program
-Finding the file
-Renaming the file

Again, this involved jailbreaking the device and this might be too advanced for a casual user.

I plan to un-jailbreak it as soon as all the applications move over.

Good Luck!
I would really appreciate if you could do the step by step instruction. How I wish to know especially the first three instructions.
Same issue for me (iPad iOS 4.3.5, iTunes 10.5.3). Don't want to jailbreak my iPad, however. I've found a 'manual' work-around. Connect your iPad to your PC or Mac and open iTunes. In iTunes go to the iTunes Store and log in with your Apple-id. Find the apps which you have purchased on your iPad and iTunes fails to transfer. This is the manual part and could take some time if you've purchased a large number of apps. As iTunes can 'see' that these apps are on your iPad, in the store you should get the option to update or download the app without charge. After the download the apps appear in the list in iTunes, finally. Now it should be safe to sync iTunes with your iPad.
iTunes syncing problems - NEED HELP

Hi guys i have an iPad "1" and iTunes it doesn’t sync apps to my iPad.

during the sync processes it says – determining apps to sync then stops sync process?

what is wrong and what can i do?
Try doing this on itunes: File -> Transfer Purchases
cuz if the problem was from Appsync, the cracked apps that you downloaded WILL NOT WORK.
and also i'm sure you are using either installous 3 or install0us, check in their settings if you enabled: Sync iPad apps with iTunes.
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