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Jailbreak 3.2.1 iPad With JailbreakME

so can i use jailbreakme.com then update the ipad to 3.2.1? will i have to use the jailbreakme.com again?
would like to avoid restoring from backup..

following the normal path, i would have to upgrade to 3.2.1 which will unjailbreak my ipad...then use the jailbreakme.com and then restore from backup.
I get, Itunes 9 to function. Even though I already have it installed.

Can anyone suggest a way to correct this.


IT Workstation in 3G

iPad 3g 3.2.1 jailbreak from jailbreakme.com NOW WORKS! :D

Finally after following instructions from a spanish forum ... IT WORKED!!!
I paste the instructions:
Conseguido por fín en Ipad 3g.Explico lo que he hecho.
-entrar en Ajustes, seleccionar Safari y borrar historial, caché y cookies
- en wifi, borrar dns,y no escribais nada.
- cerrar las ventanas de safari que se os puedan haber quedado minimizadas.
-hacer un reset con los dos botones apretados a la vez hasta que aparezca la manzana.
Entrar en safari, no tiene que aparecer ninguna dirección en el explorador y escribir la URL de JailbreakMe
- deslizar botón de la web y esperar proceso.
- Ya tengo cydia instalado.
Un saludo y suerte.
Infinidock not working

After updating to 3.2.1, jailbreaking again, and restoring my apps from Rock, infinidock is no longer working.

Anyone else experiencing this problem? I have tried reinstalling several times but can't get it to work. Any suggestions?
Holy ....

Damm I surfed over to jailbreak me. Com and dam, 2 min later I'm jb'ed

Listening to pandora while surfing the web... Fucking finally
Damm I surfed over to jailbreak me. Com and dam, 2 min later I'm jb'ed

Listening to pandora while surfing the web... Fucking finally

Ain't it good? :D

I was dying for backgrounder with LogMeIn app. I was getting so tired of logging in again each time I needed to get to the browser......
app sync where do I get that? on cydia (where do I get that)

I had the RealRacing HD playing it the other day. I might have had the first OS and not 3.2

I didn't know not to do the upgrade till after the fact.

I jailbroke the ipad with spirit and now on spirit page they say don't upgrade, well it was to late for me.

Right now I can't get any of the hack games I downloaded onto the ipad now. I had

3D pinball
NBA Shoot
TPain Autotune
just to name a few
app sync where do I get that? on cydia (where do I get that)

I had the RealRacing HD playing it the other day. I might have had the first OS and not 3.2

I didn't know not to do the upgrade till after the fact.

I jailbroke the ipad with spirit and now on spirit page they say don't upgrade, well it was to late for me.

Right now I can't get any of the hack games I downloaded onto the ipad now. I had

3D pinball
NBA Shoot
TPain Autotune
just to name a few

Well, thats illegal...... so its not really a problem.
Purchase the apps and they will work. You should know if they are worth the money since you have already "TRIED" them.

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