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Jailbreaking Explained

To each their own. Personally I would do it just for Iconoclasm. I have 5 rows of 5 icons per page...also the app that lets you move groups of icons at once.

Downloaded iTunes 9.2 and iOS4 yesterday... 4x4 group folders with 12 icons max per folder. Big improvement.

Do you have an answer for your question about the SHSH blobs ? I'm fairly new to the Apple world. so, while using the recovery mode, will this restored my SHSH blobs ? Do you guys have a thread with more details on the matter. I'm a little confused on the importance of those files. I want to jailbreak but I think I need to understand about the effects It will have my Ipad.
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i'm only interested in the multi tasking so I might as well wait till 4.0 comes out in the autumn for ipad, correct?

Most likely could be, but the multitasking on he iPad isn't really multitasking, onlymif the apps support it. I would recommend jail breaking and downloading bwckgrounder.
is there a jailbreak update with the new iPad release
for 3.2.1? Not yet that I know of.

I just did it. I have the 32gb wifi ver. 3.2.1. I went to that jailbreak me.com site. It was very easy. Haven't downloaded any apps yet. I want to make sure what works and what doesn't for the iPad. Don't want to brick it. I will probaly grab backgrounder, iconoclasm, and bt stack.

I did the same thing mate (only difference is 64GB, but still Wifi-only). The apps you want work fine for me without any glitches so far!

Circuitous is also pretty handy in conjunction with backgrounder.
3.2.2 version

Hi! I need your help on jailbreak. My ipad was updated to 3.2.2 version. My bad. :confused: How can i change it to the version that Spirit supports? Many thanks! :)
hi! does anyone know how to hard reset the ipad? its not successfully turned on to homescreen. been trying many many times and hrs of waiting. this has been jailbroken neither can do restore or update via itunes. pls help.
I have a JB Ipad running 3.21 and was having strange problems last night with "cannot find file "and "not enough space on Ipad" so disconnected from Itunes and reconnected. Gave me the option of a new Ipad or restore from backup. I assumed that the restore would remove the JB and that was ok as would wait until 4.0 was released. However was surprised when went through restore and restart and everything is still the same including all of the cydia apps? Given that this didn't remove the JB when 4.0 is released do I just allow iTunes to updateand it wil lremove JB then :confused:

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