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JB tools to upload files with iPad?


iPF Noob
Hi All, first post here. I'm wondering if anyone has come across any jb utility that will enable file access to the ipad(or ipad2) in such a way that we can easily upload files from a safari browser?

Currently I've noticed all 'upload' or 'browse file' buttons are disabled since there's no direct file system access by default. Any ideas anyone?

thx in advance,

Welcome to the forums.
There are probably lots of solutions to enable what you want once jailbroken. Basically being jailbroken will provide unrestricted file access across the entire iPad file system.

iFile is a very popular file manipulation tool for JB devices. I use it almost daily.
If you are a bit "techy", you can use SSH to manage files easily from your desktop with any one of hundreds of SSH / FTP clients.

Goodreader has a very big following as it comes close to providing much of this functionality without being jailbroken.

I'm sure some of our other members can chip in with their favourite solutions...

What exactly are you looking to achieve? Give me a specific example (file type, purpose, etc).
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sorry I should have put a better subject for the post. I'm pretty familiar with ifile, ssh and jb in general but so far have not come across this - what I mean is for safari's browser specifically - whether there any utils or hacks out there to let the ipad upload pics/photos/files on the web page itself. For example, if I were to browse to this forum using standard view on the ipad and tried to upload a file, i wouldn't be able to(upload button is disabled) because of safari's limitations, I'd like to know if anyone out there has worked around this somehow.
Ahhh, OK. Didn't mean to patronise a veteran. Sorry. There isn't a tweak I know of, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. I wouldn't really need that myself. Hopefully someone else can chip in. Good Luck.
Yup no prob. Yeah anyone have any ideas? I think having this ability for browsers to have access to the file system will be one of the steps towards a true laptop replacement. That and.. Flash support
Hi All, first post here. I'm wondering if anyone has come across any jb utility that will enable file access to the ipad(or ipad2) in such a way that we can easily upload files from a safari browser?

Currently I've noticed all 'upload' or 'browse file' buttons are disabled since there's no direct file system access by default. Any ideas anyone?

thx in advance, dwd

I use a browser called "Knowtilus Pro" from the App Store. When I view this forum, I noticed that the upload button is also disabled. So it might be an IOS issue or an issue related to this forum.

I also noted the same problem exists on other forums, so it might be an IOS issue after all.

You might consider using Drop-Box. I can upload images easily from public folders on DB using the URL. Just go to the shared folder, open the image, select the URL, copy, and paste where needed.

I do not use Safari because Knowtilus is a much nicer looking GUI. It makes surfing the web easier because it is quite fast and there are many interesting tools included. I would suggest you take a look, it is free the last time I checked. At least one version is/was free.

Luck to you.
Found this on the Forum:


Apparently, the OS restricts applications from accessing the file system. True or not, it explains why we see this issue with different browsers.

Somewone offered this: "Apps can browse photo's but they dont see the actual file saved on the device. The apps use API's to let the user view pictures and select a picture. The picture that is picked is then passed to the app, the app never actually gets to browse for the picture file." This was in responce to the question about why a FaceBook app can apparently handle uploading.

Someone else offered that in the last three years, no such app has been released so it might be a hard thing to do. Read, impossible.

I suggest using Flicker or DropBox.
mm yeah, It's already established a fact that iOS was built to limit direct access to the file system, hence all upload buttons on any web interface are disabled. Even download is normally locked up(except for supported stuff like PDF, which automatically opens) unless you have a jb tweak like safari downloader. My main question was if there's such a jb tweak that exists out there that's similar to safari downloader, but for uploading. Safari Uploader maybe? lol.

Using Flickr and DropBox are workarounds, I realize that. It would be dependent on application support for those APIs to connect to file storage onto the cloud.

It's ok. I gather now, no such app exists.
I've using my iPad a stack for all kinds of things. Today, I wanted to updated my blog and have been frustrated to discover that I can't upload images via the browser. There is a long work around for the blog using iFtp - for other sites though, where I don't have FTP access, this is going to be an issue. I can understand Apple blocking directories, but why can't the images folder be available for uploads?
I've using my iPad a stack for all kinds of things. Today, I wanted to updated my blog and have been frustrated to discover that I can't upload images via the browser. There is a long work around for the blog using iFtp - for other sites though, where I don't have FTP access, this is going to be an issue. I can understand Apple blocking directories, but why can't the images folder be available for uploads?

ICab web browser can upload pics directly from the photo app....and documents....but the documents have to be added to the downloads folder of iCab first.
Thanks for the feedback. The only icab app I can find is a remote desktop access utility not a browser. Please advise.
marsm said:
Thanks for the feedback. The only icab app I can find is a remote desktop access utility not a browser. Please advise.

Search for "iCab Mobile"...
Don't know what to tell you. It's in there. See screenie...


  • image-3552305293.webp
    18.6 KB · Views: 299
f4780y said:
Don't know what to tell you. It's in there. See screenie...

Blue iPad v2 theme. I have the same. But I got rid of the silver status bar because I couldn't read the time and stuff.

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