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Just got my iPad 2, and now i think ive broke it :/

isnt it frustrating when we sometimes go for the most complicated solutions first, only to find the obvious and simple are the most effective.

you are a true gentleman, thank you for your help.

sorry for the biggest noob thread ever. bloomin 'eck

Glad you got it in the end. And it's not the biggest n00b thread by a long chalk!

Sorry you can't JB, but sit tight, enjoy your stock iPad (we have tons of good areas for that too!) and stay tuned to the hacking section. We'll let you know when there is any news for iPad2 > 4.3.3.
So let me get this straight I have just brought my ipad2 16gb wifi model and I went straight to update it to 4.3.5.

Am I still able to get the SHSH file or have I missed my chance now I have upgraded to the latest version?

So let me get this straight I have just brought my ipad2 16gb wifi model and I went straight to update it to 4.3.5.

Am I still able to get the SHSH file or have I missed my chance now I have upgraded to the latest version?


my fault, i should've told you not to update, cause there is no way you can downgrade to 4.3.3 now(no way possible), basically your iPad 2 can't jailbreak, until further notice.
Okay boys ~ let's not hi-jack the OP's thread, please. Ranjb, you can take out a thread for help and it will be all yours.:):)
Sorry I don't get what you mean?

Instead of posting your question in this thread where we are trying to answer the original question, create a new thread and put your question there. That way we don't have 2 conversations going on at the same time when we should only be having one conversation.
JuniorBear said:
my problem is, i went throught the downgrade process before saving shsh files

and nowits stuck in like limbo and when i plug it in TU doesnt see any devices
so im unsure how to restore now

First of, your title is misleading. Next time, try to make a more on-topic title. After reading this, I was pretty confused myself.

So he broke the SHSH blobs?

Second, I'm sure your problem can be fixed after deleting and reinstalling the program. If not that, try a clean reboot. Then a hard reset. Then, a restore. One of those options is ALWAYS bound to help you.

EDIT - OMG, 100th post! :D
my ipad does not show up in the connected devices tab

So that probably means it is in DFU mode? If so, press home and power for 10 seconds and let it reset. It should then appear.

If it is not in DFU mode then you have probably messed up the USB driver installation on Windows. Try a different USB port.

What exactly is shown on the iPad screen? Is it just blank or is there the "connect to iTunes" graphic?

umm hi, do you mean that the ipad need to be in DFU mode or not in DFU mode for it to be detected by TU?

i think i have the same problem as the OP's. i'm pretty sure it's in DFU mode as the screen is totally black and itunes detected my ipad1 in DFU mode, so when i turned on TU, nope it's just not there on the left tab. tried plugging into all available USB ports, same result.

now the only option is trying to plug it into another PC.
You should not have your device in DFU mode to use TinyUmbrella to save blobs. It needs to be either in recovery mode or booted normally.
To get the device out of DFU mode hold power and home to 10 seconds. Then let go of both buttons and just press power.
Then TU should detect the device and allow you to save blobs.

However, when you are going to use TU to assist with a firmware restore, you simply press "Start TSS Server". It does not matter if the device is detected or not, nor whether it is in DFU mode or not. TU does not need to detect the device to be serving blobs to iTunes.

TU failed to detect when the ipad was in the recovery loop and also while in DFU mode too. So what i did was to restore to 4.3.5 via itunes and get it up and running, only then TU detected the ipad. Pulled whatever blobs there is from cydia and saved it locally, was lucky to have blob for 4.3.3.

Subsequently able to downgrade to 4.3.3 and used jailbreakme for the hassle free jb. I'm a happy lark now. :D
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