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keep getting error 9 or 3194


What he's trying to say is he cannot go straight to the latest version from 4.3.3. - this is the reason he is trying to get to IOS 5 first:

You cannot jump to IOS 9.1 from version 4.3.3 (some sort of coding issue), you can only jump to IOS 9.1 from IOS 5 or greater, so if you're anything below that it is unfortunately nearly impossible (you will continue to receive error 9). You must first get to IOS 5 which he is trying to do, but because it isn't signed there is no way.

This might be a method that may work for you:

There was recently a find that strictly iPhone 4S & iPad 2 can get to IOS 6.1.3.

See if you have any luck with this method, so instead of going 4.3.3 -> 5 -> 9.1, you could go 4.3.3 -> 6.1.3 -> 9.1

This method does require to be jailbroken though, so you will have to jailbreak your 4.3.3 then eventually you will get to standard 9.1.

Hope this helps.
It won't work because Apple is not signing anything other than the latest version of iOS 9 for the iPhone 4s and iPad 2. Part of the update procedure is an online verification with Apple servers. If you're attempting to install an unsigned iOS version, the verification will fail every time. Jailbreaking will not allow you to install an unsigned version of iOS.
The narrator in the video says it only works with signed iOS versions.
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Yeah, thank you for explaining mintek. I already went to the apple store, I waited for about 2 hours just so they can do the same thing I already tried. Which is restoring and updating. They don't understand that it's a problem with their coding, far from fixing from our side if we don't have access to older IOS. I am going to try this now. However there is no way to fix it without bypassing the "signing" of Apple.
Yeah, thank you for explaining mintek. I already went to the apple store, I waited for about 2 hours just so they can do the same thing I already tried. Which is restoring and updating. They don't understand that it's a problem with their coding, far from fixing from our side if we don't have access to older IOS. I am going to try this now. However there is no way to fix it without bypassing the "signing" of Apple.
Did you eventually managed to do the upgrade with the method described above ?
I've the exact same problem.
Hi everyone - I have the exact same problem with an iPad2 stuck on IOS 4.3.3 which is incapable of updating to current IOS 9.x OTA using iTunes on my Mac, giving the error (9) others have found. I am at least comforted that I have found a thread now that identifies the problem clearly, and eliminates all the likely solutions too unfortunately! Has anyone got past this yet, because Apple telephone support couldn't yesterday either - and weren't aware there is a fundamental block going from 4.3.3 to 9.x either. From what I read only IOS 5.x or 6.x will upgrade OTA to the current signed v9.x, but 4.3.3 will not, however there is no signed 5.x or 6.x that 4.3.3 can update too as an intermediate step as the verification connection blocks this (jailbreaked or not). I also seem to be blocked from apps on the App Store as most don't support 4.3.3 anymore. Hoping someone can give me hope that an iPad2 on 4.3.3 is not marooned in historical oblivion, as I have no convenient Genius bar nearby to visit either. Thanks all, regards Richard
P.S. I also got stuck in the Recovery Mode (connect to iTunes picture) and there was no way to press buttons and escape. With clues elsewhere on this forum, I found the trick to get Tinyumbrella on Mac to actually work in breaking out of Recovery mode. The new Tinyumbrella v8 beta doesn't have this functionality anymore, and the available download for v7.12 fails as the file /users/[name]/.shsh/.cache/lib-osx.jar is corrupted (size=0). Someone has posted a link to the correct 3.4MB lib-osx.jar file that can be overwritten over the corrupted one. This made Tinyumbrella v7.12 work properly and offer the various options including to cancel Recovery mode on the iPad. Hope that helps anyone else hitting the 4.3.3 upgrade problem and getting stuck in Recovery mode too...

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