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Klammer email reader not working


iPF Noob
I have klammer to read and store in folders pre-written emails in .eml format. I also have some in my dropbox. Until the other day Klammer opened and displayed them so I could add a new address and send it out. Suddenly now all that is visible is the subject line from and to. No text below subject line, not colourm no logo nothing, totally blank.
I ahve deleted and re loaded klammer but still zero.
When i open in dropbox , dropbox wont open so says to open in Klammer, thats normal. I ckick to do that and it opens but again nothing but a blank page and the subject title...........i have written to klammer but wondered if anyone here had any similar experience or advice?

The easiest first way to try to solve ā€˜unexplainedā€™ or ā€˜unusualā€™ problems with the iPad are:-

Force the offending app to close. If you have iOS 4.2 or 4.3 double-press the ā€˜Homeā€™ button to bring up the multi-task bar at the bottom of the screen. Press *and hold* any icon until they start to ā€˜jiggleā€™. Then tap the top left-hand corner of the app that you want to close. It will ā€˜disappearā€™ from the list. Donā€™t panic - youā€™ve not deleted it, just closed it. Now tap the Home screen and the multi-task bar will disappear. Re-open the iPadā€™s app and see if the problem has resolved itself. If not, itā€™s on to possible solution number two!!
Restart the iPad. Press *and hold* the Power button. After a couple of seconds a slider control will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to switch the iPad off (this is all youā€™ll be doing). Slide the control to accept. A rotating white ā€˜bezelā€™ will appear in the iPad screen as the iPad powers down (it takes a few seconds, just like it would if you were shutting down your PC). When the screen of the iPad has gone completely blank, press *and hold* the Power button for a couple of seconds until the white Apple logo appears and the iPad starts to power up. This takes several seconds, so be patient. During the power up the automatic screen orientation function is disabled, so donā€™t panic. A few seconds before the power up is complete, the iPad plays a little ā€˜jingleā€™ and then youā€™re back to the Home screen. Restart the iPadā€™s app and see if the problem persists. Apple (and Forum members) recommend that you power down your iPad at least once a week, just as you might regularly completely switch off your PC. The normal procedure of just briefly pressing the Power button of the iPad merely puts it to ā€˜sleepā€™. Most Forum members have found that one of the two methods Iā€™ve mentioned here cure a whole bunch of unexplained problems and are an easy first step to resolving most anything that happens on the iPad.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your assistance.

Tried both methods and even deleted and reloaded the Klammer app. Still nothing.
when I open the email in dropbox it loads then says it cannot display and i should open in Klammer, this is all quite normal but when it opens like I say the subjest title is there but the entire contents below the subjdect line is missing, even the email is in white when originally it was blue.
It is very strange as Klammer was openning it properly before so I know it can be done. I have written to Klammer and sent them the offending emails but no reponse at all from them which is dissapointing. I cant find a contact tel No for them only their support email address. I have written to them 3x now and now replies so not that impressed with their support.
I have looked for another app to open .eml format but cant find one. I really do need it on the ipad as Im travelling this weekend. If you know of any other app to do the job even temp until klammer sorts itself out I would be grateful,



I paid and downloaded the winmail app but that when you open it says you need to open the mail in another app first and then it will give the option to open in winmail. quite normal I suppose.
So I open the .eml file in dropbox, it loads in dropbox then says to choose an app to open in..so far so good.
I click the box/arrow top right and the dropdown only gives klammer so I am no further forward. No sign of winmail on the drop down options. I did the same in box app and that too only gives the klammer option.
I think maybe winmail is only to open attachements it certianly doesnt give the option to open emails on the ipad via dropbox or box.
Seems than klammer is the app to use except its simply no longer working. I have searched for other apps and cannot find any others.
Still no response from Klammer to assist.


OK - if the app doesn't work for you it's easy to get a refund. Just call the toll-free Apple Support line with the transaction reference number and you'll be give a refund as a credit to your iTunes account.


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