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LEGO Harry Potter game

Hi There,

I'm new to the forums and Harry Potter. I have finished all levels in the Sorcerers Stone, but can't get into the Chamber of Secrets.
Any ideas? I 'm sure I'm doing something silly wrong.

Please can anyone help?!?! I am in year 3 trying to get from Hogwarts to hogsmeade and I just can't. I already entered the tunnel behind the statue. Please help!
Hi There,

I'm new to the forums and Harry Potter. I have finished all levels in the Sorcerers Stone, but can't get into the Chamber of Secrets.
Any ideas? I 'm sure I'm doing something silly wrong.


So I'm assuming you have already chased Lockhart to the bathroom. You need to talk to moaning myrtle and she tells you to go over to the sink. You go over and Ron says something about a loose vent. Go stand on the vent and cast whatever spell makes it float in the air. You float up to the top and you need to walk to the middle. Hopefully there is a green circle around your characters feet. Tap your character and you should draw something in the shape of an eye. Then everything goes dark and ther is a spotlight...draw some circly-spirals inside the spotlight and then the sink should drop. It opens into stairs going down. Descend the stairs and you should be there.
I hope this answered your question
Go to hogsmeade

Hi, I'm stuck on year three. I am trying to get through the secret tunnel to hogsmeade, I'm past the witch statue but I can't get any further, I think I'm supposed to do something with the frames but I don't know what! Help please! :)
I'm stuck in year 3, in the dorm I can't get past the prefect standing in the corner? Just after The three broomsticks quest.. Any ideas?
Has any1 else got to year 3 then level called pursuing Peter pettigrew? How do u get past the perfect who is standing in the corner of 1 of the rooms? U can't use ur invisibility cloak and every time I try 2 get anywhere near him 2 get in the other room he stops me? Its doing my head in!!! Can any1 help??

I've just got past that bit and now am stuck with two prefects again! but for you, theres a painting above a table opposite the side the prefect is patrolling, go to it and tap on it and he'll distract the prefect for you, then go the long way round to get past him! (if you go behind him he'll spot you) :)
Quick hint to all those asking for advice on how to get through a level, make sure you tell us what year and the level name as well as where you're stuck. "level 3" or "year 3 in the dorm" for example, doesn't give much clue about what you're stuck on. I'll post back soon with some help when I know what levels I'm meant to be doing for you.

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Hello everyone :)

I have been scouring the web for clues on how to get through Hogsmeade East, Year 3, on my iphone. I have chased scabbers to the end of the road, talked to the witch, built the cannon, built and climbed the ladder plus the one above it, hopped from ledge to ledge and I just can't see a way to get the rocket. I've turned the time turner and climbed to get the hat. I have even tried to throw myself off ledges to fall onto the snow mounds that Scabbers was hiding under and tried to levitate those, but no use. I can't seem to get any further. I have noticed that loads of people are asking this question but it is rarely answered, and when it is it seems not to apply to the iphone. I am really frustrated - please help if you can - I would be most grateful.


PS For those of you asking about killing the Basilisk in the final stage of Year 2, it's a case of 3 steps forwards, 2 steps backwards. You have to hop backwards and forwards on the platforms to avoid the tail and head (you know which platform to avoid as there will be a little blue glow before the Basilisk comes out) and then fire at the tail to make it retreat. It is a slow process but if you keep your eye out for the blue glows, you will do it easily. When you get to the top, it is much easier as after a couple of spells the sword will kill the Basilisk for you.
tinkerbell1234 said:
Hello everyone :)

I have been scouring the web for clues on how to get through Hogsmeade East, Year 3, on my iphone. I have chased scabbers to the end of the road, talked to the witch, built the cannon, built and climbed the ladder plus the one above it, hopped from ledge to ledge and I just can't see a way to get the rocket. I've turned the time turner and climbed to get the hat. I have even tried to throw myself off ledges to fall onto the snow mounds that Scabbers was hiding under and tried to levitate those, but no use. I can't seem to get any further. I have noticed that loads of people are asking this question but it is rarely answered, and when it is it seems not to apply to the iphone. I am really frustrated - please help if you can - I would be most grateful.


Interestingly the level you've called "hogsmeade east" on your iPhone is called "hogsmeade village" on the iPad.
I've attacthed some SS' to this post to help you understand what I'm saying.

Go to the two ladders you've been talking about and climb both of them. As you reach the top of the first and climb onto the roof you should see a blue jump icon like the one shown in the SS. Tap this and you'll jump up there. If you want the coins walk along it to the left and jump to the next bit, grab the coins then come back to where you first jumped up to. This time run right. Jump over the gap and you should see the rocket there. If you stand at the right spot it should have a glow around it and you can cast a spell to bring it down. A quick tip, if you continue to run to the right jumping where needed you can grab a couple of extra hats etc.
Hope I've been helpful, and if you need any more help just say :).
Good Luck!

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EDIT: I haven't uploaded the photos in quite the right order. The second photo you will see should be the second to last, I'm sure you would have worked that out anyway ;).


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Thanks very much MrLuke - screenshots and all! Very helpful :)

Just want to add to anyone trying this game on the iphone, when you reach the end of the road and scabbers is sitting in front of a building waiting, the screen pans up from where he is to show you a white grate above a doorway. This grate should have a spell glow on it. You have to get close to Scabbers without making him run away, trying to get the grate above the doorway to peek into your screen, then keep tapping it so that you can do a spell - it will convert into a cage and trap Scabbers. If you get too close to him, he will run off, and the grate will no longer be active. You then have to chase him back to his position in the doorway and try again. It is a flaw in the game that was obviously overlooked! I found that creeping in bit by it from the right was the easiest manouver. I hope that helps!
tinkerbell1234 said:
Thanks very much MrLuke - screenshots and all! Very helpful :)
I found that creeping in bit by it from the right was the easiest manouver. I hope that helps!

Haha, no problem, glad I've helped. And extra hint on what you've said, if you run as far left as possible past scabbard and then move in round him that works every time.

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the object are stars on your map though there is one on the table to the right of Arthur (ron's dad) which you can access by jumping onto the table, there is one on the table to the left of Arthur which can be accessed by destroying the table it's on, There's one upstairs then use winguardiam leviosa to access the room on the right and destroy the chair to find another object, ther's one outside the house and then out of the garden before turning left then going up to locate a stand looking thing which is another object, and then there is one on the right of the garden stand on the platform use winguadrium leviosa and then jump on the roof before heading left into the last object.

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