.I!m stuck in the Wesley's shop in year 6. Got access to upstairs, I've put the powders back in the 3 jars, fed sweets to the dog, made the dog cry, hit the flying saucer! But can't figure out what to do next. I've been back downstairs but can't get out of the shop and have replayed the level 3 times but still can't figure out what to do. Can any one please help? Been stuck here for 2 days and it's driving me mad. Thanks
hey all
sooooo many walkthroughs out there.
Found this
Which has nice reference all the way through it, so you can quickly find items either via level OR by the item name.
Also bunch of YouTube videos out there now too, just look for Lego harry potter 5-7 walkthrough.
Pretty much what i do for any games i get stuck on... however much i feel like a loser for getting stuck on a kids game lol
Hi everybody.
I need help in the final Fight with Voldemort. After the duel i get in the Garden and mix the potion. Then it explodes and one of the Lamps crashes. But when i use wingardium leviosa the Lamp turns of. I have no idea how to turn it ob, please help me!
Ps: If i dont need the Lamp for killing Voldemort than please Tell me how
Thank you all!
I need help finding a hat! I'm on year 6 chapter 1 please help me it is driving me crazy I've dove thing level 100 time and can't find it
What year/ level is this? I've completed all the levels, so should be able to help you guys!