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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 HELP

Please could someone help. I am stuck in year 5 chapter 3 the weasley twins bit. In the hall i used the sticky shoes to climb the pendulum then it showed a broomstick over to the left which you are supposed to jump across to. I have tried and tried but cant figure out how to get across, just keep falling off the top of it.

This keeps happening to me as well. Help! :(
I am also stuck on the cave level with Harry and Dumbledore. When I use the deluminator to light the 3 lamps, how do I light all 3? Then I know I need to jump on the rocks that I have to keep raising to a an island with another lamp that I need to use the deluminator. How do I get the light for that lamp? Help someone walk me through.
Can someone please help me with the aguamenti level. I can't get the last key. Where you have to get the soldiers head down from the leaves.

Three keys-
1) water the four potted plants. Destroy the flowers. (key one)
2) fill the water jug. Raises the gate. Put out the fire. (Key two)
3) Fill the stair container. Climb the stares. Fill the tube half way. Fill the second half. The nozzle will glow purple. Activate the nozzle. Painting guy pushes the chest out of the painting. Reducto the chest. (Key Three)

The helmet has nothing to do with the keys.
The helmet can only be done in free play with Dumbledore or Ron (Deluminator).
On the plus side if you hit the chair it will wobble then shoot up. If you jump on after it steadies but before it rises you can jump up from the chair to get something- hat or character. I can't remember which.

Hope that helped.
I am also stuck on the cave level with Harry and Dumbledore. When I use the deluminator to light the 3 lamps, how do I light all 3? Then I know I need to jump on the rocks that I have to keep raising to a an island with another lamp that I need to use the deluminator. How do I get the light for that lamp? Help someone walk me through.

I'll walk you through it but its not easy. Many times you have to go back and forth. I died A LOT before I completed it. If you are worried about being a true wizard go back to 5-2 & 5-3 to collect the red bricks for X4 & X6. (X2 is in 6-1 if you don't have it already)
1) lumos- Walk through the glowing bubble and it will light everything.
2) Walk to the door with three lamps
3) Use the deluminator and walk the light to the one gated door to the right to get the hat (Its easier to do this now than later when you are frustrated.)
4) Take the light back to the 3 light door and put it in.
5) move to the slight out cropping near the chest that needs to be dug up
6) raise the first stone. (I suggest you let it sink back down and do it again before jumping. It gives you a better idea of the speed at which you need to move.)
7) Jump to the first stone and immediately start to raise the second. DON'T WAIT OR RAISE IT ALL THE WAY.
8) Jump and then IMMEDIATELY jump to the middle.
* Build the bell and ring it. Hit the bats and you get a character. It also gives you something to do before getting frustrated again.
9) Take the light in the middle. (A gate will form but don't worry about that.)
10) Repeat 6,7 & 8.
11) Use the light to open the red wall
12) cut the circle and build the Apparation point.
13) Take back the light (Gate will reform) & Apparate away.
14) Put the light in the missing space- which removes the gate at the top.
15) Remove the light to the right- this will cause a handle to appear on the bottom step.
16) drag each step out. Jump up to parseltounge puzzle and solve it.
17) Leviate the apparation point over the water. (It guides itself...and if you do it wrong it floats back. Just try again if necessary.)
18) Get in the apparition point that you arrived in. This time it will show you a wheel. Use your thumb control to keep it on the right side arrow. Apparate.
19) Take the light you are carrying to the 3 light door, putting it in one open spot. Apparate back.
20) Take the second light. (The gate will reappear- don't worry about it.)
21) Repeat step 18 then put the last light in. The door opens.
22) Walk in.

That may have been way more than you wanted, but it is a walkthrough.
Hope its what you needed.
I'm stuck too - in 7.1, how do I fight against Voldemort, what is Ron supposed to do with the sword?

Okay just read Joy88's post - I'll try (':
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What part are you on?
Are you having trouble dueling?
Where are you in year 7 exactly?

I am in the part where I am trying to dodge Voldemort. I am walking around the courtyard trying to avoid Voldemort who is shooting Avada Kedavra curses at me constantly. I found a shield and I see a glowing orange thing covered by a red tapestry. I try to do the super charged reducto at it and it won't budge. Help!

Got it. I finally found out where I needed to place the sheild.
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Hi everyone,
So thrilled the new game is finally with us. Not too happy with the new controls mind you. Got myself stuck in year 5, the ministry, where you have to run from that water (stupid with the control), then fight death eaters (again stupid, as u cannot see them properly) and hurray now finally stuck trying to jump on those shelves, any suggestions, tricks? Sometimes make no 1 but never no 2, desperate!

Hi, i am stuck here too. Did you figure out a way to do it or is it just a case of perserverence?
Can anyone tell me where the brown snake is for the potion, I think I'm in Slughorns room?

It's ok I found it, have run across that brick so many times and never realised, lol
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Thank you so much for taking the time to walk us through who r stuck. One question because I think it is where I'm really stuck. I got to number 9 and it won't let me take that light it just stays brown. I only saw one bat. Is that my problem. I got the character but not the light. Idumbledore has the deluminator and and I have pressed everything. Why am I not getting the light in the middle island?

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