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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 HELP

I'll walk you through it but its not easy. Many times you have to go back and forth. I died A LOT before I completed it. If you are worried about being a true wizard go back to 5-2 & 5-3 to collect the red bricks for X4 & X6. (X2 is in 6-1 if you don't have it already)
1) lumos- Walk through the glowing bubble and it will light everything.
2) Walk to the door with three lamps
3) Use the deluminator and walk the light to the one gated door to the right to get the hat (Its easier to do this now than later when you are frustrated.)
4) Take the light back to the 3 light door and put it in.
5) move to the slight out cropping near the chest that needs to be dug up
6) raise the first stone. (I suggest you let it sink back down and do it again before jumping. It gives you a better idea of the speed at which you need to move.)
7) Jump to the first stone and immediately start to raise the second. DON'T WAIT OR RAISE IT ALL THE WAY.
8) Jump and then IMMEDIATELY jump to the middle.
* Build the bell and ring it. Hit the bats and you get a character. It also gives you something to do before getting frustrated again.
9) Take the light in the middle. (A gate will form but don't worry about that.)
10) Repeat 6,7 & 8.
11) Use the light to open the red wall
12) cut the circle and build the Apparation point.
13) Take back the light (Gate will reform) & Apparate away.
14) Put the light in the missing space- which removes the gate at the top.
15) Remove the light to the right- this will cause a handle to appear on the bottom step.
16) drag each step out. Jump up to parseltounge puzzle and solve it.
17) Leviate the apparation point over the water. (It guides itself...and if you do it wrong it floats back. Just try again if necessary.)
18) Get in the apparition point that you arrived in. This time it will show you a wheel. Use your thumb control to keep it on the right side arrow. Apparate.
19) Take the light you are carrying to the 3 light door, putting it in one open spot. Apparate back.
20) Take the second light. (The gate will reappear- don't worry about it.)
21) Repeat step 18 then put the last light in. The door opens.
22) Walk in.

That may have been way more than you wanted, but it is a walkthrough.
Hope its what you needed.

Thank you for taking the time to help us. I tired following your exact information but I am still stumped. On number 4 I took the light from the lamp by the gate and took it back to the 3 lamps. I touched each of those lamps. Is that correct? Do u then point the light into the cave? I tried doing that but nothing seemed to happen. when I went to the middle island it wouldn't let me light that lamp. That seems to be where I go wrong. Could you tell me where I am missing something. Thanks for your patience.
Please could someone help. I am stuck in year 5 chapter 3 the weasley twins bit. In the hall i used the sticky shoes to climb the pendulum then it showed a broomstick over to the left which you are supposed to jump across to. I have tried and tried but cant figure out how to get across, just keep falling off the top of it.

You just need to keep jumping
Stuck in the Burrow on Fire. Got the tube created but can't get the Lupin animagus to go up the tube and neither Arthur nor Tonks has a pet to send up there. Have put out the fires I could with the cart and not sure what else to do. Help!

Did you get out of here? I have managed to get myself stuck in the pet tube!
Hi everyone, I hope someone can help. I'm stuck trying to compose the Draught of Living Death. I can't get the plant on the top shelf. I've hopped and zapped and built everything I can, even with the Spectorspecs. TIA.

ETA: I got my six year old to figure out the timing of the bounce to get on top of the bookcase, so I finished that room.

Now I'm stuck in the next level in the pub. I can't find the Spectorspecs and my pet can't climb up the tube.
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Three Broomsticks

A number of people have mentioned being stuck in the Three Broomsticks. I am too but unfortunately noone has replied with a solution.
I need to get Slughorn his drink. There are a number of interactive areas in the room but none that seem to work:
- there is a lego pile that needs spectorspecs
- a tube to the upstairs for pets to climb but its missing a segment so oet just stops halfway
- a door for heavy characters of which there are none in party
There is also a lady on a chair sweeping and rats running round the room but I cant get anything to happen with them either.

Please help! like I say I am not the only person stuck here on this thread so help from a kind person who has cleared this area would be so gratefuly received. Thanks x
Change into Hermione, then use her cat to chase the rats. To kill the rats, use the magic wand while still the cat. The cat swipes when you do this. Then the girl will drop the tube and you use WL to fix it and send the cat up.
I can't work out the bit right after the three lights in Year six. I've managed to pull the boat to the side of the cave, but can't work out what to do next. Jumping into the boat kills me, whilst I imagine I might need to find a pair of the specs I can't, nor can I use the pet spot, and I can't find anything I can cast a spell on ... Any advice much appreciated!
Too stupid to jump

Now I have been through once, now for the finer details.

my main problem is the jumping...I just about mention some of the jumps, but the ones in year 5 where you run from the water in the ministry. I cannot for the life of me jump that shelf. I press jump and try move the contol at the same time but alas. Any trick to it? Any at all? Any help appreciated!
Now I have been through once, now for the finer details.

my main problem is the jumping...I just about mention some of the jumps, but the ones in year 5 where you run from the water in the ministry. I cannot for the life of me jump that shelf. I press jump and try move the contol at the same time but alas. Any trick to it? Any at all? Any help appreciated!

This gave me huge problems too. I tried a variety of people too. Peeves & the first brother do great running jumps to get you to the highest shelf before you have to jump across to try to get to the shelf of Trewlaney's character token. The only characters I have been able to make that jump without a run are Fred/George. Don't know why but they are who I ended up getting over to the shelf.

I will also tell you that in 6-4 in Free play, there is a gate that can only be opened by Dark Magic. The only person that I could make the jump over the pit to that character is Hagrid.

Hope that helps.
Hi! I'm going crazy trying to duel Voldemort in the final level. I'm hoping someone can give me some tips. When he casts the spell at Harry (with the glowing ball in the center), I tap and tap like mad, but I ALWAYS lose. I don't know if the screen isn't registering my taps, or if I'm tapping in the wrong place, or what...

Please help!

Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to help us. I tired following your exact information but I am still stumped. On number 4 I took the light from the lamp by the gate and took it back to the 3 lamps. I touched each of those lamps. Is that correct? Do u then point the light into the cave? I tried doing that but nothing seemed to happen. when I went to the middle island it wouldn't let me light that lamp. That seems to be where I go wrong. Could you tell me where I am missing something. Thanks for your patience.

I am sorry. I realize now that was unclear.
What I was trying to do was get one step out of the way so you didn't have to come back to it. Instead I just confused the heck out of you. SORRY.
The '3 light door' was the best way I knew to describe it, not that you had to put the light in each spot. There was just a space for three balls of light. That's all. When you encounter the door only one light is lit. If you snag that one light then you can take it over to the gate and get the hat. If you don't want to do that step because it isn't part of getting the stupid door open, don't. Just leave the light where it is and move on to step five. It's important to remember that the deluminator can only hold one ball of light at a time. By the time you get to the middle island your deluminator has to be 'empty' so you can pick up the light there. You don't want to light the middle light. You want to take the middle light.

See if its clearer now.
I might suggest just restarting the level (hit the home button down until it says exit. You will gain all the money, and objects you have acquired.)
If you restart the level I think if you follow my instructions minus step 4 you should get the door open to move on. You can always pick up the hat in the free play version.

I will shorten my instructions to pertain just to getting through the door.
1) lumos- Walk through the glowing bubble and it will light everything.
2) move to the slight out cropping near the chest that needs to be dug up
3) raise the first stone. (I suggest you let it sink back down and do it again before jumping. It gives you a better idea of the speed at which you need to move.)
4) Jump to the first stone and immediately start to raise the second. DON'T WAIT OR RAISE IT ALL THE WAY.
5) Jump and then IMMEDIATELY jump to the middle.
6) Take the light in the middle.
7) Repeat 3,4 & 5.
8) Use the light to open the red wall
9) cut the circle and build the Apparation point.
10) Take back the light & Apparate away.
11) Put the light in the missing space- which removes the gate at the top.
12) Remove the light to the right- this will cause a handle to appear on the bottom step.
13) drag each step out. Jump up to parseltounge puzzle and solve it.
14) Leviate the apparation point over the water. (It guides itself...and if you do it wrong it floats back. Just try again if necessary.)
15) Get in the apparition point that you arrived in. This time it will show you a wheel. Use your thumb control to keep it on the right side arrow. Apparate.
16) Take the light you are carrying to the 3 light door, putting it in one open spot. Apparate back.
17) Take the second light.
18) Repeat step 15 then put the last light in. The door opens.
19) Walk in.

If that isn't any clearer I'm sorry. I've written it the way my brain thinks.
Has anyone finished the game completely?

I have gotten everything that gave me trouble until the very end.
There is one stupid hat in the final chapter (what I call 8-4). I have one from getting true wizard. One from the vine courtyard where you can walk over with lumos and get it.
I even have the one you get by blowing up the wall, moving the light fixture and taking a deluminated ball of light to its new location, thus the vines drop the hat.
There is a fourth hat and I cannot figure out where it is. Anyone able to help?

Also, what to do you have to do to get the eight locked characters at the end. Do you have to finish everything at 100%? Do you have to buy the mini-game for dueling? Is there a skull you have to blow up that I haven't found.

I am frustrated that I am this close to the end but I still can't find the one hat and these eight people.
(I'm a bit OCD so I have a spreadsheet of where every person, hat, and red brick is located and how to get them. That is how I know I am missing something here. It also means if any of the rest of you are stuck on any of those things, I can look it up.)

Please - someone help me with these last few things. Its driving me nuts.
Joy88 I'd love to help you, although I am stuck on Y6-4 at the bit just after the door with three lights. Could you tell me how to progress there? I posted earlier saying that I have worked out how to pull the boat to the side of the cave, but not what to do after that. When I eventually make it as far as you have through the game I'll try my best to help you!

Thanks a lot in advance for any help you, or anyone else can offer ...! I'm sorry I can't help you now ...
Joy88 I'd love to help you, although I am stuck on Y6-4 at the bit just after the door with three lights. Could you tell me how to progress there? I posted earlier saying that I have worked out how to pull the boat to the side of the cave, but not what to do after that. When I eventually make it as far as you have through the game I'll try my best to help you!

Thanks a lot in advance for any help you, or anyone else can offer ...! I'm sorry I can't help you now ...

1) Jump in the boat.
2) Arrive on the other side.
3) Lumos to the ball of light the coins lead to.
4) Check out your surroundings, the water cooler is in the middle but you are in a circle around.
* There are three light posts and three cup holders that need a light below them to open.
** Infiri can hurt you but that is only if they catch you. Don't slow down to fight them. Run past them as best you can. They are dead and therefore clumsy & uncoordinated. If you have to fight them only Reducto can do anything to them.
*** There is a skull/skeleton in a heap in the center circle destroy that and you get 5-8 free characters unlocked.
5) Reducto the rock wall straight ahead.
6) Head to the water's edge and deluminate a lamp post.
7) Coins will appear in arrow formation. Follow them to the cup holder you need.
8) Put the light in and grab the cup. Yes there will be infiri but try to run past them rather than fight. You fight more, come. You will lose the cup and have to go back for it.
9) Run to the water cooler in the center. Line up with the spot and hit the block icon.
* Little movie will run and show Dumbledore loosing it from the poison and the cup.
10) Run to the edge again to find the next light post. Once you grab the light, follow the coins to the next cup.
* There will be fire blocks and more Infiri but just keep moving.
11) Put the light in grab the cup and find the fastest way to the middle again. You might have to run around the outside edge to do it.
12) get to the water cooler and repeat 9 & 10
13) The last cup you will have a hard time hanging on to because you will have more infiri to deal with. Just try to avoid getting caught or dropping the cup.
14) Run to the cooler for the last time. Drink up and then wait for the cut scene.

Next part is Hogwarts on fire.
I will go over this if you get stuck here but try it first.
Pointers- Always follow the coins where they lead. Always blow up plants because character tokens and hats hide there. Always throw things back at Bella. Normally its the only way to stop her.
Lastly- Don't really try to beat Snape. Just like in the book you have to lose that fight. Things move faster if you don't fight hard.

Good luck
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I am sorry. I realize now that was unclear.
What I was trying to do was get one step out of the way so you didn't have to come back to it. Instead I just confused the heck out of you. SORRY.
The '3 light door' was the best way I knew to describe it, not that you had to put the light in each spot. There was just a space for three balls of light. That's all. When you encounter the door only one light is lit. If you snag that one light then you can take it over to the gate and get the hat. If you don't want to do that step because it isn't part of getting the stupid door open, don't. Just leave the light where it is and move on to step five. It's important to remember that the deluminator can only hold one ball of light at a time. By the time you get to the middle island your deluminator has to be 'empty' so you can pick up the light there. You don't want to light the middle light. You want to take the middle light.

See if its clearer now.
I might suggest just restarting the level (hit the home button down until it says exit. You will gain all the money, and objects you have acquired.)
If you restart the level I think if you follow my instructions minus step 4 you should get the door open to move on. You can always pick up the hat in the free play version.

I will shorten my instructions to pertain just to getting through the door.
1) lumos- Walk through the glowing bubble and it will light everything.
2) move to the slight out cropping near the chest that needs to be dug up
3) raise the first stone. (I suggest you let it sink back down and do it again before jumping. It gives you a better idea of the speed at which you need to move.)
4) Jump to the first stone and immediately start to raise the second. DON'T WAIT OR RAISE IT ALL THE WAY.
5) Jump and then IMMEDIATELY jump to the middle.
6) Take the light in the middle.
7) Repeat 3,4 & 5.
8) Use the light to open the red wall
9) cut the circle and build the Apparation point.
10) Take back the light & Apparate away.
11) Put the light in the missing space- which removes the gate at the top.
12) Remove the light to the right- this will cause a handle to appear on the bottom step.
13) drag each step out. Jump up to parseltounge puzzle and solve it.
14) Leviate the apparation point over the water. (It guides itself...and if you do it wrong it floats back. Just try again if necessary.)
15) Get in the apparition point that you arrived in. This time it will show you a wheel. Use your thumb control to keep it on the right side arrow. Apparate.
16) Take the light you are carrying to the 3 light door, putting it in one open spot. Apparate back.
17) Take the second light.
18) Repeat step 15 then put the last light in. The door opens.
19) Walk in.

If that isn't any clearer I'm sorry. I've written it the way my brain thinks.

Joy88 - I am more than grateful for your help. It took me two times to do it but I just didn't read your directions correctly the first time. You are amazing and so helpful.
Thank you!!!!

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