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Made a Stand

Its made by cutting off about 3.5in from a 6" wide oak plank. (I think the actual width is slightly less). This is a standard width you can find at most lumber yards. You can make it wider if you want by cutting off a longer piece.

Then I set the table saw blade at a 27deg angle and cut off the tip of the block at this angle. This makes the front of the stand that is visible angle back.

Next I repositioned the guide to scoot over a bit and cut the grooves for the iPad to sit in. You need to back the depth off (using some scraps to test your depth). I made the first cut then repositioned the guide to make a second cut 1/16th in over, then kept moving the guide little by little to get about 1 1/4" gap. Then I set the saw back to 90 deg and adjusted the depth to match the depth of the angle cuts and continued the groove back little by little until I liked the angle the iPad would sit at.

Finally, I lowered the blade down, flipped the block over and cut a shallow groove to allow the sync cable to run under the block.

Currently, I'm looking for some kind of rubberized stick-on material to put on the bottom to give it a nice solid feel. Sometimes when I tap the screen the block will pivot from having a slick finished bottom and sitting on a slick finished desk.
You'll find sheets of the stuff at Walmart. I use it to line wood boxes and to put underneath.
Got a new phone - much better pic
Looks like it puts a fair amount of stress on the case/glass if you push on the screen. A support behind the back would help.
I was concerned about that at first, but it sits upright enough that most of the weight goes straight down. You can get a feel for how much the stress changes at different angles by holding your ipad with you thumb and index finger at the bottom where the stand would touch. (careful)

The most stress is probably on the casing in the back. I dont detect any flexing going on back there even when I push firmly from the front. I added felt liners in the grove to further spread the stress and soften the contact points. The felt makes it feel a little bouncier and less solid, but its still fine.

Some closeup views of the contact points


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