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Maps offline


iPF Noob
How can I see maps while offline? I will be doing a bike tour and would like to be able to use my iPad (which has GPS) for way finding. But how does one use the Maps Ap if they are offline? Is there a way to download maps? Or is there another Ap? I would like to avoid buying a year contract for 3G so for now I am reliant on wifi networks.
Thanks for your suggestions!
How can I see maps while offline? I will be doing a bike tour and would like to be able to use my iPad (which has GPS) for way finding. But how does one use the Maps Ap if they are offline? Is there a way to download maps? Or is there another Ap? I would like to avoid buying a year contract for 3G so for now I am reliant on wifi networks.
Thanks for your suggestions!

What country are you in? There are many app's with offline maps, but they are often country specific.

Motion X GPS HD, allows you to download maps for offline use. It is really a superb app for navigation, even shows cycle routes and walking routes as well as roads.

Also has other features like recording your route, pace, altitude etc.

When I did a recent 140 mile cycle ride from coast to coast in the UK, it was invaluable.
Using Maps Apps.

If you are using the maps apps that is installed with your iPad I would suggest try this. With WiFi active, open Maps app. zoom in to the route that you are going to use and scoll throuh the route close in(classic and if required also satilite). Then zoom out just enough so the route that you are going to use is covered. Go to settings and turn off WiFi, open maps and see if route that you want is satifactory. When you are on the route the gps will show the position where you are at.
I have tried out MotionX, works ok, follows your position and is not very expensive, but you must make sure you preload the route while on WiFi and then it will work off line.
Hope this will work for you.

P.S After thought. The Maps app will not follow your GPS position as you move. Don't how you can ride a bike and operate the iPad.:confused:
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> Tim, I'm doing a month long tour around the pacific northwest, starting in Portland and heading to Vancouver.

> DefBref, I have downloaded MotionX HD, is it just me or does it seem overly complicated. Basically I'm just trying to have maps handy on my iPad so I can do a bit of way finding. I can't seem to figure out how to get direction, I see that the ap tracks a route and downloads maps, which is great. But does it suggest routes? How do I see cycle routes?

> Bruce, I spend a great deal of money on maps when I cycle long distances. And I spend a great deal of time starring at maps wondering where I am, so I though maybe the iPad would save me money and time by allowing me to have detailed maps on hand while also knowing where I am rather then guessing. And like reading map, I'll stop the bike, but instead I'll look at the iPad.

Thank you all!
You are right

I tried to get MotionX to set up a route from Portland to Vancouver and was unable to do it. Perhaps DefBref can help?

I am into RVs and have tried (beside MotionX), Navfree and Copilot HD on iPad. Copilot works for me other than I am not satified in that its points of interrest (mainly rest stops) are not there for Canada, US seems OK. Also have TomTom XXl. I have all the stuff for and just have to set up in my motorhome is a mobile hotspot with GPS navigator on iPad, IP backup camera and WiFi internet for my wife.
I have to admit that I am an older person and would probily meet my maker if I tried to do what you are going to do.

Best of Luck and Hope you find what you need
NavFree is available for several countries and regions. As the name suggests it is free.

If one of the NavFree apps won't do the job, Tom Tom and some other popular GPS navigation apps can be had, for a cost. The prices tend to be about the same as updating or buying new map packages for dedicated GPS navigation devices, which makes sense I suppose. Unfortunately it a whole of cents they are making.

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