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Memory cards for iPads


iPF Novice
Anyone using a memory stick with the Lightning connector or the Lightning adapter for an SD card? Wondering how they work for photo back up and data transfer from a PC. Potential virus issues, ease of use, what can you transfer to it, what can you not transfer, etc.
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Anyone using a memory stick with the Lightning connector or the Lightning adapter for an SD card? Wondering how they work for photo back up and data transfer from a PC. Potential virus issues, ease of use, what can you transfer to it, what can you not transfer, etc.

Hello - the CCK (Camera Connection Kit) allows you to transfer images from your digital camera using either a USB cable or the SD card adapter - the adapter is rather finicky in what is recognized on the card, i.e. a DCIM folder needs to be present and the pics named w/ exactly 8 characters and an image format extension - the card is best formatted by your camera. This connection is not meant to work like an external HD used on a computer and will not - iOS is not an hierarchical operating system on a 'stock' iPad, so will not behave like using Windows Explorer or Finder in Mac OS X.

NOW, there are a number of 'wireless' options that allow 'some' file transfer and storage - of course, iCloud has advanced considerably in recent years and might fulfill at least some of your needs, which need to be outlined - might help? For myself, I recently purchased a new iPad but did not opt to buy a new CCK adapter, i.e. one w/ a lightning connection - instead, when I need to transfer images from my camera's SD card to my iPad, I use a Wi-Fi device called AirStash (check the link if interested) - pic below - the device establishes a 'personal' Wi-Fi network, a SD card inserts in one end, and an app on the iPad communicates via that network w/ the device. I've transferred images back & forth and also some PDF files - other 'transfers' may be possible but music exchange is problematic.

The Apotop Wi-Copy is yet a similar wireless transfer device (and router) - I have no experience w/ this product, but there are several threads on this forum w/ reviews. SO, let us know what you need to do and possibly more specific advice can be given. Dave :)
Thanks for the answer, Dave. I just saw an ad for a memory stick with lightning connector. I wondered if I could use it, like icloud or Dropbox, to back up locally Pages, Numbers, Keynote, PDF, photos, etc. sounds like only photos. But that might still make it useful as I know people whose iPhone have thousands of photos. As Twerppoet has pointed outi n the past icloud is not really a place to archive your photos.
Thanks for the answer, Dave. I just saw an ad for a memory stick with lightning connector. I wondered if I could use it, like icloud or Dropbox, to back up locally Pages, Numbers, Keynote, PDF, photos, etc. sounds like only photos. But that might still make it useful as I know people whose iPhone have thousands of photos. As Twerppoet has pointed outi n the past icloud is not really a place to archive your photos.

Well, the more 'redundant' backups you have of your data, regardless of whether in the cloud or on physical devices (or preferably both), the better - BUT, relying on just one location for your personal files (whether pics, music, docs, etc.) is unwise - using the cloud or an iDevice (such as the people you know w/ thousands of photos on their iPhones) alone is just a scenario for disaster - how many threads do we see here of those w/ their 'precious' photos and/or music on one device and then in a sudden, all vanishes!

I would still suggest you explore the links provided in my last post - SD cards now come in large capacities, e.g. 64 GB and higher at reasonable cost, AND this is solid state storage, more reliable than a mechanical drive. The AirStash can store not only your photos but other files - I've honestly not explored all of the options but have exchanged a half dozen emails w/ them, so help is available - as I said, music is always an issue, i.e. Apple seems to want to regulate closely how this media can be manipulated. AND, let us know w/ pics/links of the devices you are considering - you might be able to provide a better opinion. Dave :)
Thanks for the answer, Dave. I just saw an ad for a memory stick with lightning connector. I wondered if I could use it, like icloud or Dropbox, to back up locally Pages, Numbers, Keynote, PDF, photos, etc. sounds like only photos. But that might still make it useful as I know people whose iPhone have thousands of photos. As Twerppoet has pointed outi n the past icloud is not really a place to archive your photos.

Those USB with lightening connections need to work with the associated app provided. Therefore you are limited to whatever functions the app allows, which can vary depending on the manufacturer.

Typically these types of devices allow storage of media, photos and documents.
The device that got me started on this thread is iBridge by Leef. It seems quite new and reading about it on their website, it looks like it is a great way to backup stuff. I'do be interested in other people's thoughts.
The device that got me started on this thread is iBridge by Leef. It seems quite new and reading about it on their website, it looks like it is a great way to backup stuff. I'do be interested in other people's thoughts.
I have something like this already, for use on my iPhone 5S. It's the Mophie Space Pack and it works just like the iBridge.
The device that got me started on this thread is iBridge by Leef. It seems quite new and reading about it on their website, it looks like it is a great way to backup stuff. I'do be interested in other people's thoughts.

Thanks for the information - the uncapped device is shown below - comes in different storage capacities starting @ 16 GB for $60 (and going to $400 for 256 GB) - information HERE. I was unaware of this device - not really in the market for a new gizmo; but looks like a cool addition for extra storage - probably does about the same and possibly more than the AirStash device that I posted previously; of course, one is connected and the other wireless if that makes a difference.

From their website, plenty of file types can be stored and w/ their iOS app, camera shots can be sent directly to the iBridge rather than the Camera Roll - music files seem to still be problematic (a few FAQs & other comments address this issue) - I'd have to buy one to test this out. Dave :)
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Another alternative might be the Hootoo tripmate nano, acting as a wifi point with a memory stick attached. There is a review on this forum and I am impressed enough to try one shortly. at £17, so roughly $20, it seems worth a try.

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