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Message App


iPF Noob
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
My friend and I bought iPads more or less same time but from different shops. Hers was IOS 5. Something and mine was 4.something. Hers had the Message App already installed and mine didn't. Then I got the tech guy at the shop to update my software and then the Message App appeared. Green square with white "speech bubble". It's a great instant messaging like text on a cellphone. When I got it home the app was still there but didn't work! Next day I went to a coffee shop with wifi and it worked there! Didn't work when I got home! A couple days later suddenly worked at home for no rhyme or reason and then the next day stopped working. Haven't got it working since. Have spoken to my ISP and several other "boffins" - nobody can explain it. Help. CherryB.
A couple of questions: Is your iPad WiFi only or did it come with 3G? And, when you are trying to use the iMessage app, are you sending messages to other people with iOS 5 installed?

The big thing to know about iMessage is that it only works to talk with other people who have Apple devices (iPhones, iPads or iPod Touches) that have iOS 5 installed. If they don't have iOS 5 installed, iMessage won't connect to them. In addition, iMessage is not a regular texting app, in that it will ONLY message between iOS 5 Apple devices.

Hope that clarifies. If you are trying to message someone on an iDevice with iOS 5, and it's not working - holler back and we'll see what else could be going on.

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Best Wishes and Enjoy!
Mickey330 said:
A couple of questions: Is your iPad WiFi only or did it come with 3G? And, when you are trying to use the iMessage app, are you sending messages to other people with iOS 5 installed?

The big thing to know about iMessage is that it only works to talk with other people who have Apple devices (iPhones, iPads or iPod Touches) that have iOS 5 installed. If they don't have iOS 5 installed, iMessage won't connect to them. In addition, iMessage is not a regular texting app, in that it will ONLY message between iOS 5 Apple devices.

Hope that clarifies. If you are trying to message someone on an iDevice with iOS 5, and it's not working - holler back and we'll see what else could be going on.


Hi Marilyn. Mine is Wifi and 3G though I've had no need yet to buy a 3G card. The friend I had succeeded in Messaging when mine was working is IOS5 and she sends messages to her daughters all the time with hers. Like I said, when it works it's brilliant but just can't understand what's made it stop working!
Messages only works with the Internet does not work offline, it is a e-mail.  
AnonymousNoOne said:
Messages only works with the Internet does not work offline, it is a e-mail.  

Yes I know that but mine doesn't work even when I'm connected - although as I said sometimes it has worked and then stops working for no reason!
When you say it's not working, what exactly is or is not happening? Do you get a notice saying something is wrong or does the message not go through? Can your friend send you a message okay from her iPad? Is home the only place where it doesn't work? Is there any way you can look at your friend's set up to see if she's got something configured differently than yours?

When your Message app doesn't work - can you still access the Internet? <--- I ask that one cause maybe you want to look at your router settings.

While you are coming up with the answers, have you tried to restart or reset your iPad (or both)? In case you don't know:

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears.

Reset: Hold both the power and home buttons until the screen goes dark and the Apple logo then appears (the slide to unlock screen may or may not appear). Once the logo appears, release the buttons. After a time, your homescreen will appear. Please note that it may take some time for the Apple logo to appear or for your homescreen to appear (or both). This is normal. Eventually, the homescreen will appear.

Try that and see if it helps. Unless you get warning messages otherwise, I'm thinking that there is something about your WiFi set up. Have you taken it to other places than Mickey D's to see if it works there?

Lots of questions, I know, but it's one of the perils about trying to troubleshoot something when you're not face-to-face. Hopefully, we'll figure this out...

Mickey330 said:
When you say it's not working, what exactly is or is not happening? Do you get a notice saying something is wrong or does the message not go through? Can your friend send you a message okay from her iPad? Is home the only place where it doesn't work? Is there any way you can look at your friend's set up to see if she's got something configured differently than yours?

When your Message app doesn't work - can you still access the Internet? <--- I ask that one cause maybe you want to look at your router settings.

While you are coming up with the answers, have you tried to restart or reset your iPad (or both)? In case you don't know:

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears.

Reset: Hold both the power and home buttons until the screen goes dark and the Apple logo then appears (the slide to unlock screen may or may not appear). Once the logo appears, release the buttons. After a time, your homescreen will appear. Please note that it may take some time for the Apple logo to appear or for your homescreen to appear (or both). This is normal. Eventually, the homescreen will appear.

Try that and see if it helps. Unless you get warning messages otherwise, I'm thinking that there is something about your WiFi set up. Have you taken it to other places than Mickey D's to see if it works there?

Lots of questions, I know, but it's one of the perils about trying to troubleshoot something when you're not face-to-face. Hopefully, we'll figure this out...


Thanks Marilyn - I appreciate all your input. OK - your first questions: How I know when it's not working - after I

have typed a message and pressed SEND there is a bar at the top of the screen. As the message is going (that is when it's working correctly) a grey "line" shoots across the bar - whoosh - and the message is sent. The message then moves from the "typing bar" up onto the main screen into a "speech bubble". When it is NOT working, I type my message, press SEND, and the grey line at the top moves slowly from leftt to right but stops short of the end. Only then do I know that it isn't working. And a few minutes later my typed message moves up to the main screen with a red circle next to the message with a white exclamation mark in it, and underneath the message, also in red, the words Not Delivered. When it is in this not-working mode my friend's messages do not reach me either.

When has it worked? It worked at Incredible Connection, the shop I bought the iPad, after he had updated me to 5.0...... When I got home and was connected to my home wifi it did not work and therefore I assumed it was something to do with my wifi. However, I have never had a problem being connected to the internet, it is always there, e-mails work, everything works. Next day I thought, let me try on another wifi network and I went to a local coffee shop - hey presto, it worked! I went home, tried it again and it worked! So I thought all was now OK. Then the next day - or after a few hours, I cant remember - it didn't work again. A couple of days later it was suddenly working again. - and then stopped again. I went to the coffee shop 2 days ago and it didn't even work there.

I have re-started my iPad as per your instructions above but am a little reluctant to re-set in case it changes anything! I have been to another friends house this morning with wi-fi which I was easily able to connect to, but no luck with the Message.

Over to you!
Okay. First, don't worry about the reset. It won't harm anything on your iPad. It's the same as a reboot on a regular computer, so all it does is, well, reboot the iPad. It doesn't mess with your settings, apps or anything. So, I still recommend you try it.

Also, one thing - what version of iOS are you running? The most current one is 5.0.1, but you type 5.0. Do you mean you have 5.0 loaded or are you just dropping the last part (and you have 5.0.1 loaded)?

Now, let me give a little disclaimer here: I have NO idea why your iMessage isn't working right. So, all of my suggestions to follow are things that I would do if I had the same problems. With that...

1) Try a reset of your home router. They all vary - but most can be reset by turning them off, unplugging them for about 5 mins, replug it in and then turn it on.

2) Try to forget your home WiFi. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi Networks > and press the arrow next to your WiFi line. At the very top is the line "Forget this Network." Press that line. Then, once your network is gone, re-enter it and see if that helped.

To be honest, I believe it's your WiFi connection (or the lack of it). Unfortunately, I don't know of any other way to fix it - I'm out of options here.

If any of these suggestions don't work, I must say you probably should restore the iPad with a "fresh" version of iOS 5.0.1. Yes, a pain in the ... knee :)D), but so is not having your iMessage work.

So, try the above. If that doesn't work (and no one else can think of another fix to try) - I suggest a restore. We can help with that...

Sorry I'm not helping that well. Here's hoping the above will help.

It won't change Anything, cause everything is in your iCloud from apple . iMessage is inside the iOS it self. Also try getting new wifi router, try the linksys E3000 wireless +N. it's either your iOS or wifi router. Or both of them.

"iMessage is an instant messenger service developed by Apple Inc. for iOS 5 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
iMessage was announced by Scott Forstall at his keynote speech on June 6, 2011 at the WWDC 2011. A version of the iOS Messages application with support for iMessage was included in the iOS 5 update on October 12, 2011.
As of December 2011 there are reports of stolen devices still sending and receiving messages of the original owner. In another case, an iPhone bought by a customer received iMessages sent to and by the employee who activated the iPhone.
On February 16, 2012, Apple announced that a new OS X Messages application with support for iMessages, replacing iChat, will be part of OS X Mountain Lion.

iMessage allows users to send texts, photos, videos, contact information, and group messages over Wi-Fi or 3G to other iOS 5 users, thus providing an alternative to standard SMS messaging for all users with devices running iOS 5.
iMessage is accessible through the Messages app on either an iPhone, iPad, or an iPod touch. Owners of these devices can register one or more email addresses with Apple, and, additionally, iPhone owners will have registered their phone numbers with Apple.
In Messages, a user can see if the other iMessage user is typing a message. Three pale blue dots/circles appear in the text bubble of the other user when a reply is started. It is also possible to start a conversation on one iOS device and continue it on another. iMessage-specific functions operate only between iOS 5 devices, such as an iPhone or iPad, but, on the iPhone, Messages can use SMS to communicate with non-iOS devices, or with other iPhones when iMessage is unavailable. On iPhones, green buttons and text bubbles indicate SMS-based communication; on all iOS devices, blue buttons and text bubbles indicate iMessage communication.
All iMessages are encrypted and can be tracked using delivery receipts. If the recipient enables Read Receipts, the sender will be notified when the recipient reads the message.
iMessage also allows users to set up chats with more than two people - a "group chat".

Message is based on XMPP, the eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol specification related to PubSub or Publish and Subscribe, the same system that's used for push notifications. By building a unified XMPP notification system into iOS, Apple provides push notifications, push messaging, and FaceTime call notifications without having to keep multiple open connections to several different IM chat provider services, while also avoiding additional dependence upon a mobile account required by SMS."

From, wikipedia.org   ☣ ☢
Cherry, what is the exact brand and model of your router at home?

Also, do other apps that use push notifications work properly on your home network?
joeyteel said:
Cherry, what is the exact brand and model of your router at home?

Also, do other apps that use push notifications work properly on your home network?

Thanks Joey - my original router is a Telkom Mega100WR (South Africa) but when I bought my iPad I found I was not able to get internet upstairs in my house, only downstairs. So I had 2 extra routers installed, as well as the Telkom one, one downstairs and one upstairs - and this set up works fine. 2nd question - yes, I have Words with Friends, which works perfectly. Have done the restart and the reset as suggested by Marilyn but Messages still not working!
Cheers, CherryB
Mickey330 said:
Okay. First, don't worry about the reset. It won't harm anything on your iPad. It's the same as a reboot on a regular computer, so all it does is, well, reboot the iPad. It doesn't mess with your settings, apps or anything. So, I still recommend you try it.

Also, one thing - what version of iOS are you running? The most current one is 5.0.1, but you type 5.0. Do you mean you have 5.0 loaded or are you just dropping the last part (and you have 5.0.1 loaded)?

Now, let me give a little disclaimer here: I have NO idea why your iMessage isn't working right. So, all of my suggestions to follow are things that I would do if I had the same problems. With that...

1) Try a reset of your home router. They all vary - but most can be reset by turning them off, unplugging them for about 5 mins, replug it in and then turn it on.

2) Try to forget your home WiFi. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi Networks > and press the arrow next to your WiFi line. At the very top is the line "Forget this Network." Press that line. Then, once your network is gone, re-enter it and see if that helped.

To be honest, I believe it's your WiFi connection (or the lack of it). Unfortunately, I don't know of any other way to fix it - I'm out of options here.

If any of these suggestions don't work, I must say you probably should restore the iPad with a "fresh" version of iOS 5.0.1. Yes, a pain in the ... knee :)D), but so is not having your iMessage work.

So, try the above. If that doesn't work (and no one else can think of another fix to try) - I suggest a restore. We can help with that...

Sorry I'm not helping that well. Here's hoping the above will help.


Hi Marilyn

Well I have tried all of the above and the reset (the home screen never came back on! I waited over an hour and then I just had to switch it on - but all seems OK). My version is 5.0.1
So frustrating!! I will try to get to an iStore and see if they can help - it's only 120km away!!

Thanks anyway for your efforts!

CherryB said:
Thanks Joey - my original router is a Telkom Mega100WR (South Africa) but when I bought my iPad I found I was not able to get internet upstairs in my house, only downstairs. So I had 2 extra routers installed, as well as the Telkom one, one downstairs and one upstairs - and this set up works fine. 2nd question - yes, I have Words with Friends, which works perfectly. Have done the restart and the reset as suggested by Marilyn but Messages still not working!
Cheers, CherryB

I starts to ask about multiple routers but figured it wasn't likely, live and learn :)

Depending on how things are configured that could actually be your problem. In a multi-router setup it is quite easy to break things in odd ways. Is there anyway you can temporarily disable everything but the router directly connected to the Internet and try sending yourself an iMessage? If that works, and does so consistently (you should have two copies of each message you send) then it's possible something in the way the routers are hooked up causing the issue.

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