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Monster pet shop

I got the Billy Issue, but there are Open Orders i Could do. But i Need eggs.. Maybe someone can send me terrabear, horned wump, horned tumper, Polygol Or anolly for all the Rest orders ;)? Add me to your neighbourhood maybe i can help in Reply.

Hi...my suggestion is to add people through friend requests in Game Center. Take note of the GC names of active players on here and request us. I, for one, am too lazy to take names down and request them manually as I don't really need any neighbours...but if I have neighbour requests in GC I can easily accept them. Just a suggestion.

>---[^_^]---< =w=
Hi...would appreciate if any of you could send me the following eggs if you could spare them :-

Nubbed persnicket
Bunny tuckle
Squiggly moppet
Bumpy egglet
Two horned Steve.
Thank you so much !

GC : Aishupoo level 52
Hi...would appreciate if any of you could send me the following eggs if you could spare them :-

Nubbed persnicket
Bunny tuckle
Squiggly moppet
Bumpy egglet
Two horned Steve.
Thank you so much !

GC : Aishupoo level 52

Nubbed persnicket headed your way

GC ID: erin0768
Hi...would appreciate if any of you could send me the following eggs if you could spare them :-

Nubbed persnicket
Bunny tuckle
Squiggly moppet
Bumpy egglet
Two horned Steve.
Thank you so much !

GC : Aishupoo level 52

Hi Ashupoo,

the eggs are at yr doors !

can anyone would be kind in sending me this eggs? Thank you!

I've got a problem here where i'm already on lvl 19 but it seems to my friend that i'm only on lvl 18, though i've login n logout trying to refresh few times, do anyone hv suggestion or solving to it?
And i'm in need of curly-pronged marinna if anyone can send me :)

Add my GC : micqqy
I've got a problem here where i'm already on lvl 19 but it seems to my friend that i'm only on lvl 18, though i've login n logout trying to refresh few times, do anyone hv suggestion or solving to it?
And i'm in need of curly-pronged marinna if anyone can send me :)

Add my GC : micqqy

That could explain why u didnt receive my egg. A friend of mine had the same problem. Do u have the game downloaded on another device & logged in?

GC ID: erin0768
I've gone through all my neighbors and no one seems to have the following available to request; so if anyone could help, that'd be great! Thanks :)

Spotted Steve
Horned Slugabug
Boxy Moppet
Nubbed Persnicket (gave one away yesterday & then a customer requested it :o )
Horn-Nosed Rabble

I also have the following if anyone is interested:

Nubbed Bumpkin
Horned Snorker
Tiny-Eared Slugabug
Pronged Slugabug
Fin-Eared Fripp
Skinny Krakel (2)
Horned Squonk
One-Horned Steve
Skinny Tricyclops
Squiggly Tricyclops
Round Moppet
Fuzzy Tuckle (2)
Bunny Tuckle

The following are available in the egg shop for the next 21 hours
Pig-Nosed Squonk
Mouse-Eared Fuzzle
Horned Rabble
That could explain why u didnt receive my egg. A friend of mine had the same problem. Do u have the game downloaded on another device & logged in?

GC ID: erin0768

Ah so that's the case :( nope, i only logged in on one device.. Help me :'( dunno what to do with this error :( refreshing also not the answer..

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