Hi...my suggestion is to add people through friend requests in Game Center. Take note of the GC names of active players on here and request us. I, for one, am too lazy to take names down and request them manually as I don't really need any neighbours...but if I have neighbour requests in GC I can easily accept them. Just a suggestion.
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It might be possible that i shout a Hooray Out if youre going to send me the wump egg![]()
hi jonew,Hi everyone, I hope all is going well for you. I am looking for a round peeper and a spiky pogonip if anyone has a spare egg please.
Yay they fixed the bug!!!
Could someone send over a skinny tricyclops egg if you have one to spare?
Received with thanks!!![]()
No problem! Glad to hear the billy bug is finally fixed!! Hopefully all the players will return
GC ID: erin0768
My horned wump made stripey eggs...do you want one?
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i've taken a break from this game because of the bug. sorry if i've missed some of your requests. now that it's fixed, i'm back to try and help
@erin, i'll send the nubbed persnicket later
GC: DoubleEdgeo3