I've gone through all my neighbors and no one seems to have the following available to request; so if anyone could help, that'd be great! Thanks
Spotted Steve
Horned Slugabug
Boxy Moppet
Nubbed Persnicket (gave one away yesterday & then a customer requested it)
Horn-Nosed Rabble
I also have the following if anyone is interested:
Nubbed Bumpkin
Horned Snorker
Tiny-Eared Slugabug
Pronged Slugabug
Fin-Eared Fripp
Skinny Krakel (2)
Horned Squonk
One-Horned Steve
Skinny Tricyclops
Squiggly Tricyclops
Round Moppet
Fuzzy Tuckle (2)
Bunny Tuckle
The following are available in the egg shop for the next 21 hours
Pig-Nosed Squonk
Mouse-Eared Fuzzle
Horned Rabble
Spotted steve send

Can i hv d bunny tuckle