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Multitouch finally makes sense


iPF Noob
I never understood what was so great about multitouch until I started using my iPad. The experience is nothing like an iPhone. I find using pinch to zoom useful (I always hated it on iPhone). Multitouch gestures actually work and flow. This device really demonstrates what touch computing is all about. I can't wait to start seeing some really innovative apps soon that really take advantage of this new format. I think the current apps are more making touch friendly versions of their mouse counterparts, but there aren't many apps yet that are really taking advantage of how responsive this thing really is with gestures.

A lot of friends for some reason want to challenge me, asking what's so great about a big iPhone and I just tell them to try one for themselves. It really is an amazing experience and my first truly portable computer.

I wrote this whole thing one handed on my iPad. Lol.
llol yea it realy is a revolution and this is before all its capablities are opened up and everything is upgraded and that
I agree, the size of the iPhone's screen really limited multi-touch's usefulness. The iPad will show us more of the potential of MT.

My hope is that Apple will continue to expand the MT functionality. I would love to see the Home screen changed to contain stacks of programs like the photo app contains stacks of photos. I really like how the photo app navigates by pinching to go up or down a level. I would love to see the same thing on the home screen.
I agree, the size of the iPhone's screen really limited multi-touch's usefulness. The iPad will show us more of the potential of MT.

My hope is that Apple will continue to expand the MT functionality. I would love to see the Home screen changed to contain stacks of programs like the photo app contains stacks of photos. I really like how the photo app navigates by pinching to go up or down a level. I would love to see the same thing on the home screen.

hmmm, stacks of apps...that is a great idea. Guess we will find out where the next level is going to be tomorrow!
I have my fingers crossed on this one :). There are rumors that the home screen is changing in some way so I give it about a 50/50 chance of happening (maybe I am being overly optimistic). Who knows maybe Apple has thought of something even better. Like you said, we should know more tomorrow ;).
I have my fingers crossed on this one :). There are rumors that the home screen is changing in some way so I give it about a 50/50 chance of happening (maybe I am being overly optimistic). Who knows maybe Apple has thought of something even better. Like you said, we should know more tomorrow ;).

Well they don't do events for small changes (did they do one for the 3G iPhone? I don't recall) so I'm assuming if they are doing an actual event there are going to be some major changes to talk about.

And next week Microsoft is announcing something....courier maybe? This should be an interesting month!
Ya, the "Hand of Microsoft" using the SkinPut arm band some of their devs made :-p. Why touch a Pad when you can touch your girl friend with a pad in her. Just be carefule as a side effect will be ocassional "blue arm of death"


I take it back, it won't be a tablet compotition it'll be the XGlove, the latest inovation in portable game technologly. Why hold an uncomfortable controler for hours when you can just wiggle your finger and tap your arm. "Play like a bad ass!" (insert image of guy with crossed arms tapping controls projected on his triceps)

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