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My only Dislike of the Ipad2 is ?

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This is crazy, iPad 2 is amazing, and having issues with it, is crazy( I mentioned that already), it's only iPad 2, not 5 or 6, take time and everything is gonna be possible.

I'll do a few quotes soon.

It's like my Sony tv, I can browse Netflix and YouTube and Facebook and twitter and a whole lot of other things, but no web browser(like my moms newer Sony tv)...... everything takes time.

But in most cases here, only thing is, would be the user login option, that I'm not sure of yet, but if you are jailbroken, dreamboard allows you to have different setup screens, same as user logins, just a switch away and you're back to each screen setup, same way you left it.
My only Dislike of the Ipad2 is the rear camera set up..To me that is a waste of space on the unit and i cover the camera with a piece of tape before putting on the hard rubber case on the ipad2 model ..

I do like the face time video with the family and kids along with makeing video message to them and sending it to them ..

Plus if i'm going to take picture's i use the 35 mm digtal camera i have to that

From having an iPad 1 no camera, glad to have one for iPad 2, kids kill it. Glad you're enjoying it for FaceTime tho.
My biggest gripe so far is the unacceptable file-transfer mess, particularly as it applies to photos. There's GOT to be better way.

Most products work better with their own kind, get a MAC and see the difference, you will like it, a big difference, easier and better.
I too have this issue.

I'd love to be able to password protect folders on my homepage if you can't have separate logins. Either of these 2 options would be peachy for me

Jailbreak allows for password protection of each app or folder, Not sure if this is available as an app in AppStore.
Is there a way to turn it off with a JB?

But it's better on than off. Better of the 2 evils.

Should be allowed to edit or modify it manually, though. Like a dictionary file in a word processor!

Actually there is a cool jailbreak app called "Manual Correct Pro" which switches the default auto correction on its head. Instead of auto correcting, it suggests a correction and if you want it you tap it for the correction, if not you just carry on and it leaves what you typed.
For me, that's much more intuitive than the standard auto-correction! Worth it's weight in gold...
Most products work better with their own kind, get a MAC and see the difference, you will like it, a big difference, easier and better.

I suspect I am not alone, but one of the reasons I purchased an iPad was all the hype about how apple devices, in general, are better and iPads, specifically, are the gold standard...they just work...so easy...so intuitive...don't crash....better...we all heard it. I decided that now was the time to give apple a shot. Then...when we get one and find it falling short of all the overly lofty expectations, we are disappointed. It is not that the device is bad, but simply not as good as we had hoped (perhaps we were hoping for too much) and, in some ways, not as good as other similar devices.

I now own, use, and like an iPad. I also use a Mac. They are not easier or better in all ways. Saying otherwise is, in the long run, and in my estimation, counterproductive and misleading.
I wish it could run flash

I am ammending this after seeing a link to Apple's thoughts on flash' and reading it. atm I am inclined to agree with Apple's view and think I am still trapped somewhat in "pc thinking"
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I wish it could run flash

I am ammending this after seeing a link to Apple's thoughts on flash' and reading it. atm I am inclined to agree with Apple's view and think I am still trapped somewhat in "pc thinking"

I don't have a dog in the pro-flash/anti-flash fight. But frankly "pc thinking" has been pretty productive for me (and tens of millions of others) over the last 30 years or so. I can engage in anti-Microsoft rants with the best of 'em, but I'm also old enough to recall the day when IBM treated end users more or less the way Apple treats its customers today. ("We'll tell you what you need. Don't annoy us.")

I'm perfectly willing to let Steve Jobs decide what's good for me for a device that plays only a minor role in my work and my life. I wouldn't feel the same way if Mr. Jobs' views dominated my computing capabilities.
I was disappointed by the camera, however on a resent trip the battery died on my real camera and the iPad saved the day, taking serviceable, if not terrific pix. Still, why not use the iPhone camera in the iPad? Maybe that is being saved for the iPad 3.

I suppose my biggest gripe is the fact that it is too easy to bump my fat fingers into sections of the screen that I didn't intend to touch. I'll be reading a news story and suddenly find myself someplace totally different with no clue as to how to get back to where I wanted to be. Maybe what is needed is a "back" button like on a browser that will return you back to where ever you were last.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

Double tap the home button , tap the app you were in, it should pick up where it left off

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I would say that my only major complaint, is the keyboard. I hate where the Send button is. Too many times I find myself hitting that instead of backspace.
I would say my biggest complaint by far is the keyboard. I despise nearly everything about it, but was/am used to a variety of keyboard replacements available on my Android phone, where I was able to try out quite a few and find one I liked (currently using FlexT9)

My company did buy the iPad2 for me, so I shouldn't complain too much. If they take it back, I really doubt I'll buy one for personal use, but if that time comes, I'll re-evaluate where the Android tablets are at, as I do kindof like the bigger screen.

I have an additional laundry list of complaints about my iPad 2 which follows, but wanted to just state I don't really want to come off as a hater. I enjoy the iPad for what it is. It's just not all that it could be to me.

  • The camera as mentioned is horrible. Not a huge complaint for me since my phone has a decent camera and I don't use FaceTime (I prefer Google Talk or Skype since it does video chat phone-to-phone and phone-to-pc and everyone I know uses one or the other).
  • The keyboard as mentioned
  • The "one signature for all email accounts" thing drives me up a wall. I have 4 different email accounts (that I use regularly), but it only lets me have one signature that gets used on all of them? WTF were they thinking?
  • There is obviously the Flash thing. Yes, I understand the whole security concern, but I am an adult, and I don't consider myself a moron and don't like or appreciate being told what sites I can visit and what I can't. I'm so tired of seeing big holes in web pages (or in my Pulse news app) where Flash should be.

Also, Navigating the app store is the most frustrating thing I've experienced in the recent past. After all the great things I heard about it, I can't believe how horrible it is and deserves its own list of complaints:

Someone please please please correct me if I am just missing something obvious with all of these (cause I like to learn, dammit!)

  • Updating apps requires a password? Why? I guess I can almost see this, but would like to disable it.
  • Updating or installing kicks you out of the app store. Why?
  • Frustrating to do any kind of advanced searching or filtering (it's not that bad, but took me a bit to figure out you actually have to do a search first to get to advanced search....like search for "games" and then you get the options to sort by subgenre or device).
  • No sorting capabilities (other than by "name" or "release date")
  • I've decided I hate in-app billing. It is almost impossible to find "free" apps vs ones that are really paid apps in disguise. Yeah, there are plenty of free apps out there, but if I am just interested in "free" games, it's not like I can really tell if something is free or not, without thoroughly reading the description or comments. They need to make this easier to see at a glance.
  • Categories are very frustrating. I can click on categories, then games. Then....uhm how do I see all games again? All I have is "New and Noteworthy" and "What's Hot"....yeah, I can't even figure out how to see all games from here. Let me just search for 'games' instead. Yeah, there we are: Apps 1-12 of 22265. Awesome. Now I'll just jump up to the middle of that to like #12,000.....oh wait...I have to page literally 1000 times (yes, I said and mean "literally"). Awesome. But wait! If I actually look at a game's page and then back out, I frequently (not always, but randomly) get sent back to page 1. Some of this is eliminated by advanced searching (such as looking just for "Adventure games" only yields 1610 apps), but that still means you have to page ~65 times to get to the middle of the list, and if you get dumped back to page one...well, too bad. Someone should really be shot over this. Figuratively shot, not literally.

I guess that's pretty much it. Like I said, I enjoy it for what it is. However, after the "honeymoon" period with it was over, I frequently find myself just reaching for my phone, which is usually in my pocket and more convenient. I mostly use the iPad now for when I'm laying on the couch and plan to be using it awhile.
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