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Network drive & apple tv


iPF Noob
Hi all,
I have an ipad2 and a network drive. At the moment i am using File browser to streem music & films directly to my ipad from the network drive (no music or film stored on the ipad). The question i have is..........If i get myself appleTV will i be able to use it to listen to the music and watch the films i have on the Network drive via my TV & Hi-Fi.
Hope that made sense !


I am getting the ATV2 too! So I am curious to the answer. We have a few experts on the ATV and they will chime in as soon as I find them! :)
From what the official specs have to say it seems as if it wont stream from a network drive. Is there anyway round this, any app ? Will it help if the unit is jail broken ? Anyone help me out here ?

Hi all,
I have an ipad2 and a network drive. At the moment i am using File browser to streem music & films directly to my ipad from the network drive (no music or film stored on the ipad). The question i have is..........If i get myself appleTV will i be able to use it to listen to the music and watch the films i have on the Network drive via my TV & Hi-Fi.
Hope that made sense !

You can do what you'd like if you jailbreak your Apple TV2. Google "aTV Flash (black)" for more info.

Otherwise, no you can't access a network drive with a stock Apple TV2.

Hope that helps!
Otherwise, no you can't access a network drive with a stock Apple TV2.

Not directly no, but if he has a Pc/Mac running itunes that is connected to his network drive and his media is itunes compatible and in his library, then he can access the movies/music via a stock apple TV2. Lot of if's but it is a possibility.
You can do what you'd like if you jailbreak your Apple TV2. Google "aTV Flash (black)" for more info.

Otherwise, no you can't access a network drive with a stock Apple TV2.

Hope that helps!
Thanks for the info.....just another question for you. Will I be able to use file browser on my iPad to choose which music files I
Want to listen to through my Hifi or will I have to put my TV on to use the on screen menue.
Thanks again
Thanks for the info.....just another question for you. Will I be able to use file browser on my iPad to choose which music files I
Want to listen to through my Hifi or will I have to put my TV on to use the on screen menue.
Thanks again
Glad to help. I'm not sure what you mean by "file browser". The iPad can work with your new Apple TV2 in several ways when it comes to playing music on your system.
  • Using the Music App on your iPad you can stream music directly from your iPad to your system via the Apple TV2. (No TV needed)
  • You can control and playback music in your iTunes library on your computer using your iPad via your Apple TV2. (No TV needed.
  • With Apple's free Remote App you can control your Apple TV2 with your iPad to play music, photos, movies, etc. on your Apple TV2. (TV may or may not be needed depending on the media)
More here:

Apple - iTunes - Remote

If you sign up for iCloud and the iTunes Match service, your Apple TV can stream your entire iTunes music library (up to 25,000 songs) without needing to access your computer, your server or your iPad. FWIW I also used to keep all of my music on a NAS and used my jailbroken Apple TV2 to play it back through my home theater. After enabling iTunes Match I don't need to use my NAS any longer and I've put my Apple TV2 back to stock iOS.

More here:

Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

Apple - iTunes - Explore the new iTunes.

iTunes Store: How to subscribe to iTunes Match

iTunes: How to add a computer or iOS device to iTunes Match

Hope that helps!
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Again thanks, but all my music is kept on a network drive. So after the jailbrake will I be able to stream the music files that are on my network drive using file browser (it's an app that gives you access to files on an external drive) that's on my iPad via my Hifi without having to use th onscreen menue.
I hope you can see what I'm trying to do.

Again thanks, but all my music is kept on a network drive. So after the jailbrake will I be able to stream the music files that are on my network drive using file browser (it's an app that gives you access to files on an external drive) that's on my iPad via my Hifi without having to use th onscreen menue.
I hope you can see what I'm trying to do.

Ah, got it. This app?

App Store - FileBrowser - Access files on remote computers

If so, it doesn't appear that it has Airplay. More here:

Apple - iPad 2 - Stream movies and music wirelessly with AirPlay.

I didn't read through all of the information, but there's no mention of Airplay which is required to stream media to the Apple TV2. So in that sense, probably not. You could contact FileBrowser's developers and ask about it.

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