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New itunes, old ipad folder


iPF Noob
I have upgraded my pc and have the old folder with ipad photos back upped. How do I set up iTunes so that it doesn't delete or even replace the existing photo library and neither any app from the iPad? How do I get the existing iPad apps in the (new) iTunes library?
My iPad folder from which I synced photo's on my previous pc has been back-upped and then transferred to my new pc. Naturally, on the new pc also iTunes had to be reinstalled.
Now when I connect the iPad to the new pc, this message appears: The iPad is synced with another iTunes library. Do you want to erase this iPad and sync with this iTunes library. I don't know what will happen when I say Erase and Sync. What will happen with all the apps.

Is there a way to get all the apps and photo's into the new iTunes library?
I understand now!

Yes, you need to 'export' your iTunes library from the file menu within iTunes on your old computer then 'import' the library to your new iTunes - that way your iPad should recognise it as the same iTunes library and therefore not want to erase anything...
If you use the newest version of iTools English Beta 2012 on your PC it gives you an option to backup the apps from your iPad to the PC. You can do the same with any music, video or photos that are on your iPad. Once these are backed up onto your PC go and transfer them into your iTunes account. I am not near my PC right now but if you run into any problems just let me know and I will double check the location on my PC as to where iTunes keeps your apps. Going by memory it should be under you C drive, Users, your user name, My Documents, My Music and then iTunes media. In there you should have access to the folders iTunes uses for Apps, Music, Etc. Let use know how you make out with this.

This is a screen shot of the iTools program on my laptop with my iPhone connected. As you can see you can highlight any app that you have on your iPhone or iPad and then have it save a backup to your PC. The folder on your PC where iTunes stores the apps is located in Users, your user name, My Music, iTunes Media, Mobile Applications. If you use the iTools program you can have it backup directly into this folder or save it to your desktop and from there cut and past directly into the proper iTunes folder. Good luck.
That sounds like good advise. Thanks.
I cannot find a link where I can download this iTools version. Can you recommend one?
I've not seen iTools before, will be good to hear back from you, Butterflies, after you've tried it
That is a great link. I have downloaded, love the interface! Need to investigate more. Can you backup your itunes library from it? I tend to copy mine to an external hard drive from time to time.

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