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No wifi

Ok I did a reset within ipad. Nothing
I then restored via iTunes and was forced to upgrade to 3.2.2 which I did. Still nothing. So i restored a few more times (via iTunes) but still nothing.
So I jailbroke it via limera1n hoping it would kick start the network card. Still nothing.

I am about to start pulling hair out.
Problem is Apple has not yet released the iPad here in the UAE so there is no support. I bought mine from Boston and will not be going to the US soon.
And I cant keep running it on 3G because the provider caps me at a certaina bandwith. Well doesnt cap me but will happily charge me "out of bundle" usage.
From your picture your battery is showing 4%. I belive that wifi turns itself off when the battery is low. Give it a charge and see if that helps.
glenn, actually I have used wifi & 3G till my iPad shut itself down. So thats not the reason. I will let it charge fully today though. Lately ive been charging it then trying to fix it so its never really reached a full charge since it broke.
From what I've read on the net (regarding the iPhone and iPod though, not the iPad), a greyed-out WiFi icon, with a "No Wi-fi" message, signifies a hardware problem, and not a software problem.

i.e. something's wrong with your wi-fi chip, so you'll have to send it in to get it fixed/replaced.

Some people have custom solutions which they term as "reflow the wifi chip" (you can try to google it), which involves seemingly crazy stuff such as cooking your motherboard in a 385-F oven for 7-8 mins, or using a heat gun, methods which I do not recommend at all, and I think you should just send it in instead.
The last time I backed up my iPad was about 2 weeks ago.

So do you mean I should hard reset (i.e restore to manufacturer settings) then restore the back up i created 2 weeks ago?

Will I loose my jailbreak? I jailbroke to be able to multi task and use sbsettings. I have paid for all my apps.


Is your jailbreak tight? Do you want to "loose" your jailbreak?

Of course you could also "lose" your jailbreak.
bundat, seems like that because a friend suggested I install mywii, to kinda kickstart the network card. mywii kept crashing my iPad and starting it in safe mode. This kinda convinced me that my network card has been raped.
Problem is I am from the UAE, live here and will not be going back to the US any time soon. I bought my iPad from Boston during a trip. Apple has no support for iPad here. So yes, technically they would happily swap it out for me, I cannot because there is no magical Apple store here. : /

star56, english is not my first language, in fact its my 3rd language. loose/lose common mistake. I thought you had to have at least 1,200 posts on a forum to "troll". I guess your "one of dem" lol
I would contact apple, you still bought it and seems to me they can take it back via mail and send you another, that is weird because I had mywi on iphone and it did the very same thing, so I removed it, worked fine after that
wow that is stupid, you would think they would give you better treatment, why on earth would you want to mail it to someone only for them to turn around and take it to apple, then it would have to get mailed back to that person and then mailed to you, you would never get it back... I take it the WiFi still isnt working?
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If it were me, I'd just start calling apple stores one at a time until someone agreed to receive it. If denied initially, ask each one to speak to the manager. Offer to send a "will-call" shipping slip if you can get that over there, so the store doesn't have to figure it out.
WAM, yah I will see how that goes. I am hesistant to do that because of the cost of the calls (all international) and then the integrity of the device being shipped, handled then re-shipped. I may as well give this one to my wife (with a pre-paid 5gb sim card in it so she doesnt surpass her limit) and get myself a new iPad. Then when they finally launch the iPad here, I will be the first guy demanding an exchange.
Hedonist, hope you got yours fixed. This port helped me to work out that my wifi chip had gone. I was amazed to be able to book a genius bar session next day and walked out with a brand new iPad. Apparently this problem is rare but common with iTouch etc.. I am in Australia and I was told that they would have treated a US iPad the same way, so perhaps posting to a trusted friend is your answer. Matt

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