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Not sure about getting ipad 2 now

Hmmm, seems very hit and miss. I will wait and see. Might go for ipad 1 instead this year and get a new one next year.

Thanks for all the replies.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using iPad Forums
The nature of forums is that the worst somehow seems to become the norm....Don't sweat it. If you have probs with it, return for another one. I'm sure for every screen that has an issue, there are thousands that don't....

Just my $.02

Steve in So Cal
If you get it from a store then their support is amazing. I had wifi issues after the last update and they replaced the unit, even though it looks like it may be a software issue (apple not mine but still... ). They had a ton of units on display in my store. Every item, laptops, computers, iPods, etc... All had an iPad next to it as a label. Quite clever actually ;)

Replacement policy is the best around. They will give you one in the store before you leave if necessary.
I am encouraged by hearing so many that do not have this issue. I have purchased 5 so far and all have had back light bleeding right out of box in a dark room on the sync screen. The last one I purchased today and according to the serial number it was manufactured very recently. I definitely want to keep one as it does everything I need a tablet for as opposed to honeycomb that does not seem to run Netflix yet. I am just disappointed so far that every one I have gotten so far has had it from extreme to the latest one just having two small blooms of light going down one side. I COULD live with this one but would still rather have one with no bleed as I am paying the same as everyone else :/
Buying an iPad 1 is going backwards in my opinion mainly because they stopped manufacturing last Jan. In saying that if you get it for $300 it would be good otherwise just buy the new ipad2 it is fully covered by warranty so I icant see why it is such a big issue.
I own the original iPad so can't comment on the flaws of the new iPad 2. To be honest though with the amount of bleeding reports I've read reported, I myself would be tempted to bide my time. There seems to be a lot of speculation on the iPad 3 being released "before" the end of the year, rather than the usual yearly Apple hardware update, from what I've read the reasoning seems to be the iPad may lag behind in regard to hardware, quad core processors, among other advances, being made by Apples competitors.

I'm not suggesting this is the case, but there is a fair amount of speculation. The reason I'm suggesting biding your time is I bought my iPad two weeks before finding the iPad 2 was being released, my own fault, I would add, for not doing research before hand.
I have seen small amounts of bleeding even on the iPad 1 at the extreme edges. This bleeding does not come through a black background except under extreme conditions (i.e. a completely black background in a pitch black/dark environment.

If so much attention had not been given to this issue because of the truly severe bleeding that was evidently quite prevalent on the first shipments of the iPad 2, I doubt that that many of us would have ever noticed. My impression is that a perfect screen is difficult to come by. Having said that, I would not accept a bad pixel or any amount of bleeding that is clearly visible on a dark background.
I was disappointed to see my ipad had major back light bleeding but i wasnt suprised that it had the issue. The genius was very helpful and gave me a replacement on the spot. My replacement has no back light bleeding issues. I live in Canada and my ipad was purchased from the apple store online.
ive had the ipad 2 since the first day it came out(Yes i was one of the fools that stood in line at Best Buy -but only for an hour) and no problem with screen bleed whatsoever,
I've had 2 ipad2s (dropped my first one) and the screens were perfect on both. Apple keeps completely different stock on hand for replacement iPads. My replacement was in a simplified brown Apple box and had none of the accessories included. It took all of 5 minutes to walk out with the shiny new replacement.

If you don't want to get an iPad2 now, it would be better to wait until March for the ipad3 than get the ipad1. I already have 3 apps that are designed for the iPad 2 that either runs in a limited stripped down mode, or not at all on the iPad 1. Apps are in development for iOS5 that won't work on the original so it might not be a good idea to buy technologically obsolete gear.
Tarkio said:
I've had 2 ipad2s (dropped my first one)

Were they ok about replacing for damage caused by an accident?


They were great. They said that the warranty didn't cover dropping the iPad onto a tile floor and shattering the screen. But they went ahead and replaced it with a brand new one for free, same model and carrier. They said they would only do this one time.
Having read through the forums, I have noticed there seem to be alot of ipad 2's having backlight bleeding issues.

I am now not sure I want one because I wouldn't like to order, wait ages for it to arrive and then find it has this problem, have to return it and wait however long for a replacement which I gather could also have the problem.

Did the ipad 1 have this issue at all? Maybe I would be better off with that.


Sent from my GT-I9000 using iPad Forums
Not a problem for me. Are you using a Galaxy S?

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