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OpenNotifier - Notifications in the Status Bar

Hate to be the one that asks the dumb question, but - have you turned Friendly's notifications on in Settings? Not for OpenNotifier settings, but the regular iPad Settings.

That asked, I, too, sometimes don't get Facebook notifications (I use the iPhone version). TBH, I don't really understand how Facebook handles their notifications, 'cause on some days I'll get some, others I won't. Not that big a deal, but confusing nonetheless.

BTW, coffeeboy, when you edit your post, you aren't updating it to a new post in the forum's system. So, for those people who only go to unread posts (or active or new posts), your comments/questions don't kick in to show the thread is unread. I know it's considered bad form to keep adding to a posting, but if you've got a legitimate question, it's okay to add another separate post. Else, we unread post stalkers will never see it. Suits?

Yes, M, I'm aware of this seeing as I frequent other forums as well. Anyhows, I regarded this a somewhat dead issue, hence the edits. I figured I'd let it rest. At least 'til FB realeses their iPad app.

And, sure, should something pop up, I'll throw in a query or two. Or, as in this case, add a new comment.

Your comment suits! :)
The Open Notifier Premium Pack has been updated today with 11 new icons... Yay!
This is exactly what I was looking for, this looks like the HP Touchpad with better icons. I was using a notifier on my last jailbreak, it had a different sort of bubble that would fade out in the upper right of my screen, but it was buggy and too obtrusive, even if better than the default.
Now - Add Color!

The other day, I was helping someone with a status bar icon for the WiFi. As I was tinkering with that, I remembered thinking, "why don't I have colored Open Notifier icons? They're colored in the screenshots on Cydia, why not my iPad?"

I've wondered this before but never did anything about it. Now, I wanted color icons, gosh darn it! So, I went looking through iFile to find the images because I figured that once I knew what they were called, I could make my own, colored, images.

What I discovered is that Open Notifier installs with two sets of icon images. One has the white images that load on the iPad, the other has the color images (that I assume are for the iPhone/iPod). So, instead of making my own color images, I decided to save time and use the ones already on the iPad.

All the images are located here: /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework. The white icons all start with Black_ON_, while the color icons all start with Silver_ON_. The image name is the same, otherwise.

I made a theme folder on my PC and put the color images I wanted to use into it (the folder path is MyThemeName.theme/Bundles/com.apple.UIKit/[the PNG images]).

I then changed the name from Black_ON_[the icon name].png to Silver_ON_[the icon name].png for all the icons I was using.

I put the folder into the Themes folder of the iPad (full path: /var/stash/Themes…/MyThemeName.theme/Bundles/com.apple.UIKit/[the PNG images]), opened Winterboard, selected my theme, resprung the iPad and tada! Colored icons!


I did a few cheats: I changed the color of the Words With Friends icon (it was a horrid, dull brown), found a birthday cake icon for my Occasions app and modified several icons so they'd display in an even row in the status bar (yes, I'm that obsessive about neatness!). Oh, and AFAIK, the iPad does not use the @2X icons [that you'll see in iFile]. And, if you're unsure what each icon is for, the name of the icon exactly matches the description of the icon in the Open Notifier section of your Settings app.

I'm now a happy camper. I have colored icons. Yay for me!


P.S. I have to add this caution. If you want to do this - I strongly advise against changing the images on the iPad itself. Make a theme for your tweak. That way, if something goes wrong, it goes wrong with an easily removed theme - not the iPad's core files. Makes life much simpler, IMNSHO…
If you want a simple way to rename all the icons

My-iPad:/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework root# for filename in Silver*; do echo mv \"$filename\" \"${filename//Silver/Black}\"; done

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