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Poor video quality on iPad2

Whoa guys, settle down! I posted this thread because I saw a problem and wanted to let you know, just in case video quality was important for you. Of course I tried various movies, from different sources, using several different codecs. I used PavTube to convert the BluRays and Handbrake for the DVD's. I also have about 2 dozen movies, both standard and HD, which were purchased from the iTunes store. Not all of them show the same problem, but I can see some artifacts on all of them which don't occur on either of our 2, original iPads. My neighbor, who bought his iPad2 at the same time as me can see the same problems, on the same videos, made on different computers.
For some reason you all seem to be making it personal, and it's not! There is no bigger Apple fan than me, but I see a problem and, since this is an iPad2 forum, I thought it would be ok to share my experiences! I guess not.... I'll leave you all to your insecurities and hairy palms!
This is getting kinda personal. I agree. Come on guys. This is a discussion forum. I know you all know how to discuss like mature adults.

I hope so.
I'm not quite sure why saying our iPads have no video playback issues is any kind of personal attack. It seems the OP is doing the name calling.

I certainly shave my palms daily! :)
What are the defects you are seeing? I spent a ton of time watching videos on my ipad2 over the last two weeks (business trip to Germany) and the only thing I saw was the light leakage that's been pointed out in many other threads.

Is the coloring off? Is the playback choppy? Is the audio out of synch? (sorry if you mentioned it already, i may have missed it filtering through the extraneous noise in the thread)

If it is coloring try taking a screenshot on your friends ipad2 (hold power then press home key). See if that captures the coloring issue and post the pic.
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Hey guys, new to the forum. I just bought my iPad 2 this afternoon, I never had the first iPad, so all this is new to me.

I was also experiencing a "grainy" picture on a video that was transferred from iTunes. It was an HD movie, bought and downloaded on iTunes. The apps, and pictures look amazing, only problems with video. I tried downloading a second movie, same thing. Also, Netflix was very low quality, even though it is coming in clear on my iPhone 4. I am planning a trip to Apple in the morning to see what they think of it.
I'm not surprised most people won't see the problem, even though it's not subtle. I watched "The Social Network" (purchased in HD from the iTunes store) and the problem is quite noticeable. The scene, at the start of the movie, when Mark Zuckerburg is in a bar with his girlfriend, shows the problem quite clearly! The original iPad is significantly better! As for the camera, I'm not trying to compare it with my D3X, but it isn't even as good as an iPhone 3G! Anyway, you guys continue on, mine went back to the Apple Store and I don't miss it at all. ( ! )

It's funny you mentioned that scene. I watched that movie on Direct TV pay per view movies. It's a very low lit scene and the movie is not as bright as others I've seen on pay per view. I'm sure you watched on iPad 1 and 2 but I wouldn't use that movie as my test bed. I put 8 movies on mine from digital copies of movies I bought. All looked damn good. I didn't own an iPad 1 though. I got inception and a few others still on here and they play beautifully. I am a technology and avid media on devices fan so to speak. I love this thing for good quality movies in the resolution the iPad window provides.
Thank goodness I'm not qualified for anything as I like the iPad's video playback.
It's just a little inexpensive gadget with aspirations.......
I have compared the same video clips side by side on the 2 ipads and apart from the yellow tint, I can see no discernible difference. I don't have any qualifications to back this up but I do trust my eyes as I do photography part time and I am quite anal about perceived differences in the image.
Darth Wader said:
I just returned my iPad2 to the Apple store! The reason? Poor video quality as compared to to my original iPad! Videos that I transferred from iTunes, including movies purchased from the iTunes store, look very grainy and patchy, when played on the new iPad. I also found the cameras to be substandard compared to my iPhone 3G which was the only reason I bought the new one! I'm an ISF Certified tech, so I think I'm in a position to speak about this! My guess is that Apple cheaped out on the video processor! Oops!

Heey! I have exactly the same problem, i thought that i was the only person in the world with this problem until i found this forum. Yes, i agree with you, it is a poor quality on videos on ipad2. I search for help in the store and their technical support and they say "it is normal", but IS NOT. Well, i don't know If people can't see this problem because they are too used to poor video quality, or it's because only my ipad2 have this problem and still don't know why, i have tried everything to fix it, and anything works. I used to have an ipad and the quality was more than ok. If someone knows something to do so it can help me i'll appreciate it.
Heey! I have exactly the same problem, i thought that i was the only person in the world with this problem until i found this forum. Yes, i agree with you, it is a poor quality on videos on ipad2. I search for help in the store and their technical support and they say "it is normal", but IS NOT. Well, i don't know If people can't see this problem because they are too used to poor video quality, or it's because only my ipad2 have this problem and still don't know why, i have tried everything to fix it, and anything works. I used to have an ipad and the quality was more than ok. If someone knows something to do so it can help me i'll appreciate it.

I kept my original iPad while I went through a couple of iPad 2 returns for backlight issues - bleeding and yellowing. The clarity of all was as good as the original though and I watch a lot of video content on the iPad. I don't purchase movies through itunes though so it may be related to the video processor as they are all hardware accelerated.

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