<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=47162"/>
awww thank you she was a British shorthair mixed with Scottish fold. everything about her was the british characteristics, except for the folded ears. her fur was like thick velvet, very very dense and super soft! they call the color 'blue' but its a cool shade of lavender gray.
I did think she was a British Shorthair but the ears threw me......I have one too and her fur is the most luxurious I've ever felt, especially her tummy!
Here is our Mischka]
awwwwwwwwwwwwa! soooo cute! how old is she? my next cat has to be another Brit. just love that breed... love the teddy bear quality!
and since we're showin our bellies!
I did think she was a British Shorthair but the ears threw me......I have one too and her fur is the most luxurious I've ever felt, especially her tummy!
Here is our Mischka
View attachment 47163
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=47162"/>
Our dog Yukie knows she's not allowed on the carpets, so she sits and waits for the cats to come to her.
Mischka was enjoying a roll on the carpet.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=47208"/>
I bet Mischka loves the superiority over Yukie!
The Archangel
Our dog Yukie knows she's not allowed on the carpets, so she sits and waits for the cats to come to her.
Mischka was enjoying a roll on the carpet.
View attachment 47208
awww thank you she was a British shorthair mixed with Scottish fold. everything about her was the british characteristics, except for the folded ears. her fur was like thick velvet, very very dense and super soft! they call the color 'blue' but its a cool shade of lavender gray.