Say Hi to my new pal. He's a Maltese/Shih Tzu cross, two and a half years old, that we bought several days ago from a lady who has had a tumour operation behind her eye. Due to further complications, and more hospitalisation, she's had to reluctantly part with him, and was tearful but pleased to let him go to people who will obviously love him. His name is Bundy, named I'm told by her after that great Australian icon Bundaberg Rum from Queensland (not sure why, as she was of a perfectly sober and respectable nature

), but I do agree with her that one hasn't experienced one of life's fulfilling moments until you've had a "Bundy and coke"

We thought of renaming him but he answers so easily to his name so we'll keep it. Being part Maltese he's got a lovely allergen-free coat that doesn't shed, but great moustaches from the Shih Tzu side which I greatly envy

He's well trained, walks beautifully on his leash and absolutely loves car drives. He's a bright little spark with a great sense of humour and playfulness, and loves all humankind (not sure about other dogs as recently demonstrated at the local dog park where he gave as well as he got in a barking competition with a Beagle). Completely useless as a watchdog...if we had a burglary he would not only lick the burglar's hand but also show him where the goods are while holding the torch. Because of the previous owners illness his grooming was badly neglected, with an overgrown and badly knotted coat in places, and bad "tear stains" on his face. Here are some pictures of Bundy when we brought him home, before he had his "dog grooming salon"lol session today: And now Tadaa! after a pampering session of aromatic bath, clipping of coat and nails and a special dinner of left-over roast chicken for his pains from his "dad" (yes I know

), here's our new pooch! So, although I've been a "cat person" for years (my wife is still firmly one

until our beautiful Russian Blue cat "Boris" passed away), I'm now to my own surprise becoming a "dog person", and ready to provide extra competition to the cat lovers on this forum lol. Andrew Sent from Oz using Tapatalk