Hi Carol. Iggy's quite a boy. I often leave him inside the house and he can roam freely. He begs food like a dog when it is lunch or dinner time. The difference is if he's able to go on top of the table, he won't touch your food if it's on your plate. He waits.
When driving, he loves to stay on your cars dashboard and behaves well as if he knew what accident can happen if he make bad moves. When he was younger, he loves to hang on the steering wheel. Now, that he's almost 2 meters in length and how many pounds in weight, definitely impossible. It's either the dashboard or the driver's headrest for him.
What I like the most is when he chooses the headrest, he scratches gently the bottom part back of my head. I don't know how but the feeling is like there's a gentle pushing of a thumb and a soothing scratching of the scalp. Imagine that on a heavy traffic and having a scalp massage from a therapist. Only thing is it's Iggy doing that. Good thing I don't fall asleep.
He scares strangers like dogs inside the house. He bobs his head when he doesn't like the person. That's a cue to stay away from him unless you want a lash from his scaly tail that can really make the skin bleed.
I'll post more for you to see.