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Printing with Airprint from an extender?


iPF Noob
Hello all.

I have my home Wifi set up and it works fine but I just noticed a problem when using AirPrint from my iPad or either one of my kids iPad Mini's. I have a linksys 2000 as my wireless router and a Netgear extender because the router alone won't cover the whole house. When you go into settings the router will show up as its correct name as one of the connections and the extender shows up with the same name along with _EXT at the end of it. So when you're out of range with the primary router you go into settings and select the _EXT connection and your on your way. However, I have two wireless printers in the house and neither one is picked up with AirPrint unless you are logged
Into the main router. When you select print both of the printers will show up, but if you are logged into the _EXT extender they are not there.

While logged into the _EXT extender I can use ip canner to see them and can even log into them to check ink levels.

Any clues as to why this is happening.

Dose the EXT router have it's own DHCP server, or does the primary router supply iP address for the entire network. The second configuration is more likely to work than the first.

That's the only guess I have at the moment.
Thanks for the reply. I think I got it straightened out now. I logged into the extender and it automatically checked for updates. It had a firmware update and after it finished it started working. Apparently they knew about it and fixed the issue.


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