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problem with icloud

Thanks twerppoet. Who would have thunk it...iCloud cannot be accessed with iPad I am traveling at the time, so I will fix when I return home. I would use my LogMeIn, but have not set up on the host yet.

Have a great evening!
No problem.

Every aspect (or nearly) of iCloud can be access via the iPad, just not through the website. You use the apps instead. It is only a problem in a few cases, like yours.
hi.. im new here. still figuring how to get into the conversation and all. anyway. i have the same problem. im using the original ipad2 then updated to using icloud ios5 and what not.

my problem is, i dont even know what icloud is for and why after i updated my itunes cannot be open? every time i connect my ipad to the computer, itunes wont detect the device.

additional ques: whats the different between jailbreak and not?

p/s: sorry. kind of new to all these.
1) Apple - iCloud - Your content. On all your devices.

2) Can't help you. This is usually a Windows problem, and I don't know/remember the answer, though if you are not using the latest version of iTunes, that would be a first step.

3) http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/2838-jailbreaking-explained.html

And for your posting / getting around problem, the below link will be handy. Read all the sticky (highlighted threads) at the top. If you're on the iPad app, then there is a tab for the stickies.

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