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Question about group emails


iPF Noob

Newbie here...
After some struggle I managed to import all my contacts from gmail to the iPad2, but I lost all the "groups" I had organized inn gmail, that made my life a lot easier to communicate with a few people at a time.

Is there any way to retrieve them, or -in a worst case scenario, re-make them in the iPad-associated gmail?

A lot of people (disclaimer: I'm one of them) have had great success with the app Mail Shot. It allows you to make mail groups, save them in your Contacts app and access them in your Mail app. There's a free version so you can try it out (you can't add as many people to the group as the paid version).

I tell you this because I know of no other way to create groups on the iPad.

Good luck.

thank you! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something, but after your reply I realize I'll need some type of app

WIll check the one you suggested, but some of my groups need to have a large number of people.

I'll probably have to get the paid version

Anyway, thank you for your input!
Me again....

I am trying to buy the app, but it says it cannot connect to the iTunes store

Is this something that happens every once in a while, or should I worry that there's a problem with my connections? Everything else seems fine, email, net.....
It may just be you ... or the App Store.

So, try these three things in order (seeing if you can access the App Store after each step).

(1) Close the App Store app out completely. Do so by double tapping the Home button (or swiping up with 4/5 fingers if you've got multi-gestures enabled). Locate the App Store icon; press and hold it until it starts to wiggle. Then, press the red minus sign in the upper left side of the icon. Tap the screen to close the multi-tasking bar and then go back to the App Store to see if it works. If not, then

(2) Restart the iPad: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears. Then, when your home screen appears, go to the App Store. If that doesn't help,

(3) Reset the iPad: Hold both the power and home buttons until the screen goes dark and the Apple logo then appears (the slide to unlock screen may or may not appear). Once the logo appears, release the buttons. After a time, your homescreen will appear. Please note that it may take some time for the Apple logo to appear or for your homescreen to appear (or both). This is normal. Eventually, the homescreen will appear. Then, find the App Store icon and try yet again.

If any of this works, yay! If not, give it a little time before you access the store again. Sometimes, their servers get hammered pretty hard and you just can't connect.

Good luck and do let us know how you get on.

Thanks, Marilyn...

I am at work right now and iPad-less ;-)

but will do what you suggested as soon as I get home. Will report back how it goes.
Got some nice news!

a graduate student from my lab found a way to work around the issue and it worked for me. I am sure the app is a much nicer way to do it, but for those interested, here it goes

1- access the full version of gmail (on a laptop or desktop)
2- compose an email
3- add the group that you want on your iOS device / the group that you are trying to get onto your iOS contacts
4- select all the names and email addresses in the "To:" field and copy them. As we all know, an easy way to do this is to select the "To:" field and type 'Command/Ctrl+A' to highlight names then 'Command/Ctrl+C' to copy them (Command for Mac, Ctrl for Windows)
5- Create a new contact in your Google Contacts and give it a group name (Lacrosse Contacts)
6- Select the email field, type 'Command/Ctrl+V' to paste the contacts from the original group into this individual contact with a group name.
7- Sync your iOS device and utilize the new contact to email to a group.
8- enjoy, and spread love about Google!
Would like to add that this "trick" doesn't t work as smoothly as I thought it could...

Sometimes not all addresses go in the group message, and I cannot quite figure out why.

I am biting the bullet and getting the app, as I need to be able to do the group thing and trust it will work every single time.

Hope this helps others make up their mind too

I ve got another issue with mail, but will start a new thread....

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