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Question about Voice Recorders


iPF Noob
Hello everyone,

I hope this is in the right place. If not I am prepared to be yelled at, I'm not new to forums :)

I am new, however, to iPads. Actually, I have no clue about them. The most experience I have with Apple Products is my iPod Touch, which has basically become an extension of my body. Anyway, my question is this:

Can I plug in a portable, digital voice recorder (Olympus VN-8100PC Digital Voice Recorder 142600... check it out on Amazon if you can) to an iPad, transfer the files, and send them on their merry way? I'm currently doing some research into voice recording options for my boss and one of the biggest stipulations is that it has to be able to transfer to his iPad so he can send them. I don't think he takes a PC with him on the road, so it's very important that it be able to work. I don't even know if iPads have USB compatibility...as I said I have no clue how they work or what they're for. I'm pretty far behind on the whole tablet thing.

So yeah, that's my question. If any of you have experience doing something similar, please for the love of Galactus share it with me.

Hi Clearwater - no can do I'm afraid.

Best bet off the top of my head would be to transfer the recordings onto PC then add them to your iTunes library and sync with the iPad
Why not record directly to the iPad? I use iTalk lots of times. Very good sound. I have an additional mic I use at times called BlueFire. I have used it for several hours at a time with no problem. You can either email or then upload to dropbox. Lots of times the recordings are too big to email. In Dropbox he can just invite the person to share just that one folder where the other person can then download and listen to the recording. Simple.
I installed and used QuickVoice (It's in the appstore) while attending a 3 hour workshop. The resulting recording was 300 megs.
I received this email from the developer just yesterday after contacting them on how to retrieve my recording

I can confirm that the utility extracted the recording - I've not had the chance to test anything else
Dear Friend,
Thank you for contacting us… Below are download links to our most recent QuickVoice sync
utility (up to iOS5 and iTunes 10.5)
for copying QuickVoice recordings
from your iPhone/iPod/iPad to your computer.

You can use this utility for the following:
1. To copy your QuickVoice mobile device recordings to your computer
to a location in your DOCUMENTS folder called “QuickVoice Recordings.â€

You can
also use the utility to add recordings to your iTunes library for management
there: play QuickVoice recordings using iTunes, burn audio CDs, upload to your
iPod, manage and archive, etc.).

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