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safe mode/mobil substrate issues


iPF Noob
So I have been dealing with this stuck in safe mode thing for a while now. The only way I have been able to get out of safe mode is by removing mobil substrate and from there everything works fine. Now since I have been trying to download this app "pluggedin" which puts mobil substrate back on my ipad I get stuck back in safe mode. I am on ios 5.1

Things I have in installed on cydia...

BigBoss Icon Set
Cydia Installer
Cydia Translations

There are more installed apps but everything else is POST safe mode just things I have tried in the past hour or so to fix the issue..
Crash Reporter
APT 0.7 HTTPS method
Erica Utilities

Can anyone help me PLEASE solve this issue. I have watched a bunch of youtube clips with no success. Just want to get my ipad where I have install "plugged in" have mobilsubstrate without going into safe mode because plugged in will not pop up in settings while in safe mode

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