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Sending multiple photos. Ohhhhhhh have mercy.

I did it through Dropbox aand the guy said he doesn't know how to use that service. I also uploaded them to photobucket. Photobucket allows you to download the album. Real simple process, but this guy is too computer illiterate. :-(.

With outlook you say I can sent a zip file that big?

Well, I would have to agree w/ the other posters, i.e. upload the images to a file sharing site (I use SmugMug - a paid service) - and use the options to allow your contact to view the images or DL ones needed. If this is 'business related', a basic understanding of computers (and certainly the use of fairly simple online services) would seem like a necessity.

NOW, I'm not sure about the 'time frame' of exchanging these photos, but you could buy a handful of USB flash drives (just got four 8 GB ones in a packet from Costco for $20) put as many images on one as desired (zipped or not), and use 'snail mail' - I assume he has a computer and can plug in a USB drive - but may be wrong.

Finally, wife & I migrated to Apple in my retirement and have been using an iMac & MBPro since spring of 2013, so I cannot remember the capacity of Outlook for this purpose (plus you would still need to address your ISP's limitations as to email file sizes).

Just one more thought - I was an academic radiologist and toward the end of my career, I had to transfer LARGE image files to various publishers & the American College of Radiology - I used their FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers - this would worked if your contact can understand and learn the process (again I'm assuming he/she has a computer?). If this is of any interest, then just google FTP - there are free and pain clients (can't remember which ones I used - been over 3-4 years). Good luck - Dave :)
Thanks Marilyn. Your option is great. My only thought was that photo bucket have option of smaller size images which would speed up the upload. But I could be wrong I use both to store images and documents .
Thank you all for the great advice.

I tried to talk him step by step with Dropbox. He's either a moron or is stubborn and just wants it done a certain way. I talked him through photobucket and the same thing happens. Stubborn mule.

I will let things smooth over for a while bc he put me in a bad mood. Being illiterate and having no professional manners.

P.s thanks for the step by step with pictures. I will use that next time I suggest Dropbox to him.
just to confirm wit
I'm going to try to convince you to give Dropbox another try. Even if the guy is acing issues, sending the file by Dropbox is as simple as sending one link. Here's what I'd do:

(1) Get all the photos you want this person do see into one folder in your Dropbox account. You can do this on your Windows computer - especially if you have your PC linked to Dropbox; then it's just an issue of dragging/dropping on the PC.

(2) Once all the photos are in that one folder in Dropbox, make a link to that Dropbox folder.

(3) Paste that link into the e-mail to the person. Ask them to click on the link

Dropbox will take over from there. The link will open that person's browser of choice and the person will automatically see all the pictures in that folder. The person can click on a picture to see a larger version (and be able to scroll through the pictures like a slideshow

Also, within Dropbox's website, the person can choose to download all the pictures (in a .zip file) or one-by-one.

Here's "proof of concept" (I used the Dropbox app to e-mail a folder link to myself, Microsoft Office on my PC to open the e-mail and click on the link, which then opened my default browser (Chrome):

(A) My Outlook on the PC with the e-mailed link:


(B) Initial view after clicking the link:


(C) After clicking on one picture:


This way, he will be able to see every picture you've put in the folder at one go. Maybe it'll help...


I just want to double check.....

No1 needs dropbox in order to download the files correct? The only person who needs dropbox is me. I upload them to dropbox, I hit share, I send the shared link to people and all they have to do is click download. Correct?
That's correct - the recipient does not have to have a Dropbox account in order for you to share photos (or anything, actually) via link.

And, I must apologize. I made the photo for what the person saw when they clicked on the link - but didn't realize I was already signed in to Dropbox when I "followed" the link. So, here's the real view of what a person would see when they click on a Dropbox link (and they don't have Dropbox ... or aren't signed in):


Notice I've made the wording so you can use it without the other picture. So, you can use it as a tutorial if you wish. I erased my mistake, as it were... :)

Sorry about the mix-up...

That's correct - the recipient does not have to have a Dropbox account in order for you to share photos (or anything, actually) via link.

And, I must apologize. I made the photo for what the person saw when they clicked on the link - but didn't realize I was already signed in to Dropbox when I "followed" the link. So, here's the real view of what a person would see when they click on a Dropbox link (and they don't have Dropbox ... or aren't signed in):


Notice I've made the wording so you can use it without the other picture. So, you can use it as a tutorial if you wish. I erased my mistake, as it were... :)

Sorry about the mix-up...


Thank you so much!! I E-mailed him a few minutes ago with step by step directions that even a Monkey could understand on how to download it. I sent it through e-mail and dropbox.

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