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Shameless Promote Your Book Thread

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Heres my shameless self promotion

Shameless self promotion here.

Connor the Cockatoo HD is the first in the series of Animal Alphabet Adventures. we are giving 10% of the proceeds to the QLD Australia Flood Appeal to help upto 40,000 families who have had their homes destroyed or heavily damaged in the January floods in Brisbane, QLD Australia.

Connor the Cockatoo has now been released on the iPad and is in the appStore NOW!! very soon to be a top 10 book. This is the first in the series and the first cause (every book is contributing to a cause or charity beginning with it's letter) of 26 to be created by Cazag Creations.
Have a look @ Connor the Cockatoo HD by kids for Kids.

If you're a reviewer and would like a promo code to review the book please email us.


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GREAT BOOK RECOMMENDATION: 25 Lessons I've Learned about Life!

An Awesome Book to Read on the iPad!

25 Lessons I’ve Learned about Life has been the #1 best selling photo essay on Amazon for both 2010 and 2011. It is also a best seller in the Arts & Literature Biographies & Memoirs, Self-Help, Inspirational and Spiritual categories. 25 Lessons is on sale for .99 cents (text only) and $1.99 (for text and photos) starting today, Saturday, January 22 until Monday, January 31.


In his best-selling book, Lorenzo describes how the deceptively simple rules of photography can also be applied to the art of living. Inspirational and poetic, this book will not only spark readers' creative energies, but also reawaken your passion for life.

In 2005, as a husband, father, and corporate employee - Lorenzo's life revolved around home, work, and his daily commute from the suburbs to the city.

Then, one day, he found himself staying at the Little Church in midtown Manhattan in the wake of a marital separation. Living in virtual isolation for three months, he had a rare chance to re-examine his life.

Quite unexpectedly, he found himself wandering around the city to take photographs, a passion he had let slide in the years of pursuing a career and starting a family. During his nightly sojourns through the streets of New York City, he was reminded of some important life lessons-lessons too easily forgotten in the blur of everyday existence.


"The book has been the best $3 investment in my life." PD, New York

"I don't think I've ever read as moving a piece on the craft of photography in my life. Most pieces on photography are more tech manual in approach, this one really touches my soul...it's going to really impact my life." Phyllis Johnson, photojournalist and author of Being Frank with Anne

"We received our copies of 25 Lessons today and began reading it as a class - it is truly amazing." Paul Scott, Head of Photography, St. Boniface's Catholic College in Plymouth, UK

"In many of my conversations on great photographers, I frequently mention Lorenzo's work. His sequential photographs...are nothing less that a visual urban poem. It has been my pleasure to watch Lorenzo's rapid growth as a leading photographer of our time."
Jim Van Meter, Rochester, NY, USA

"Lorenzo is a master. His body of work is some of the very best online and may very well be some of the best being done in the medium today. His street work follows in the tradition of Paul Strand, Cartier-Bresson, Garry Winogrand and Larry Friedlander. Lorenzo's 25 Lessons are...as seminal as Ansel's dissertation on the zone system. I found them to be reenergizing, perceptive and extremely useful. I have been touched by his story, his writings and by his work. I can't imagine anyone not being so."
Barry Shapiro, Los Angeles, CA, USA

"Lorenzo...has a passion for life, photography and writing. He is a linguistic genius, a storyteller through words and pictures. He captures with his camera the world as he sees it, its feelings, love, beauty and all it has to offer..." Brenda George, Adelaide, Australia

"As an oncologist, my primary job is not only to add days to people's lives, it is to add life to people's days. Lorenzo's book has provided me with a great instrument through which I can further become the counselor, healer and confidant my patient's demand. It has reignited in me the passion, warmth and compassion which are sequential for me on a daily basis to be the best physician and person I can be and I've encouraged all of my patients and families to share in his masterpiece as laughter, love, and imagination are the ultimate weapons against grief and despair. Secondary to Lorenzo's great influence in my life, I continue to use his writings and photography as a means to inspire my patient's to express their deep inner emotions as a way to reflect on their understanding of disease and in developing goals of therapy. I recommend his book to all." Mike Rotkowitz, MD, New York City


Inspired by and aspire to make beautiful impressions of daily life, Lorenzo Domínguez is a best-selling author, a writer and an award-winning street photographer.

He has written numerous books, interviews and articles about fine art and photography for En Foco, Nueva Luz, Rain Tiger and the Examiner.

Throughout most of 2010, his book, 25 Lessons I've Learned about photography Life! has been the #1 Best Selling Photo Essay and Artist & Photography Biography on Amazon.com. Paul Giguere, guru for the popular podcast thoughts on photography, considers 25 Lessons one of the "classic" essays on photography.

In October of 2010, he served as the NYC photography adviser for the recently launched Microsoft foursquare photography app. In 2008, he was chosen to be the HP Be Brilliant Featured Artist.

Since taking up digital photography in 2005, his photography has been featured in fotoMAGAZIN, Germany's premier photo magazine, and his photos have been cited, posted and published by over 350 other blogs, websites, and print publications. Here is a small sample from April 2006

Today, Lorenzo has over 30,000 photographs published on flickr.com-one of the world's most popular photography websites-where his photos have been seen over 6 million times and where he ranks as one of the site's most popular photographers (aka "lorenzodom").

He has been called an "Internet photography sensation" by Time Out New York and is considered a "Flickr star" by Rob Walker, Consumed columnist, for New York Times Magazine.


25 Lessons will be on sale for .99 cents (text only) and $1.99 (for text and photos) starting today, Saturday, January 22 until Monday, January 31.

25 Lessons is available as an Amazon e-book and can be given and received by anyone with an e-mail address. Electronic books can be read either on Kindle or on a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, or Android Phone. 25 Lessons is also now available as a Google eBook, which can be stored and read online.

Amazon.com, US
Amazon.com: 25 Lessons I've Learned about Photography...Life eBook: Lorenzo Dominguez, Lorenzo Dominguez, Stephanie Staal: Kindle Store, Text only, $.99 (regularly $2.99)
Amazon.com: 25 Lessons I've Learned about Photography...Life (with photos) eBook: Lorenzo Dominguez, Lorenzo Dominguez, Stephanie Staal: Kindle Store With photos, $1.99 (regularly $3.99)

For More Information:
Theta Head now at reduced price - 0.95 GBP (Kindle version)


[FONT=&quot]Theta Head - technology doesn't need a mind of its own, it can have ours...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Now at 0.95GBP at Amazon: [ame=http://www.amazon.co.uk/Theta-Head/dp/B003ZYEUXQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1296613204&sr=8-2]Theta Head eBook: Greg Dawe: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store[/ame]
[FONT=&quot]Theta Head is about a young woman’s search for her missing boyfriend and how that search leads her to the Theta Heads – a group who use neuroscience to alter consciousness. Although it may seem far out it is in fact very much a character focused novel which explores how technology can bring people closer to themselves, as opposed to technology’s more popular use of bringing people closer with others.[/FONT]


The Voice:Special Edition. On Sale Only This month For .99 Cents!

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004IAS0JG"]The Voice[/ame] is on sale this Month for .99 cents.

A man finds himself floating offshore looking back at a destroyed city. He has no memory of what happened, what his name is, who he is. The few survivors he meets also share the same memory loss. Confused, they travel the one undamaged road towards the truth, guided only by The Voice.

"A fascinating read - William L.K's writing keeps you guessing right up until the last page. The Voice is a critical success for this fresh new writer, the reviews speak for themselves. Expect good things from him, seek him out and read."

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Storm-Stritonoly-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B004H1TLU8"]The Eye of the Storm [/ame]and [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Baroks-Exodus-Stritonoly-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B004K1EZP6"]Barok's Exodus [/ame]are the first two books in The Stritonoly Chronicles series. They are also on sale only this month for $.99 cents.


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The Messiah of Green Street Free Excerpt

Free Kindle Nation Shorts - February 19, 2011

An Excerpt from THE MESSIAH

A Novel by Shuab Parvez

By Stephen Windwalker
Editor, Kindle Nation Daily
©Kindle Nation Daily 2011

Anyone who takes a look at author Shuab Parvez' "About the Author" text in the right sidebar will probably join me in concluding that, at least when talking about himself, he is a man of a few words. It may be a risky posture for an novelist, but it worked for J.D. Salinger and for many others.

For it to work, of course, the proof must be in the pudding when it comes to the writer's fiction. And as you will see when you read this weekend's generous 6,000-word Free Kindle Nation Shorts excerpt from his novel The Messiah of Green Street, Mr. Parvez has every reason to be confident in his silence.

He has written a remarkable novel that resonates with the picaresque wonders of Gunter Grass' The Tin Drum, the enchanting magical realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' One Hundred Years of Solitude, and the seemingly effortless balance of humanity and humor that animate the pages of a Zadie Smith or Salman Rushdie. The morning I began reading it I had to stop myself after just a couple of pages so I could bring my Kindle into the bedroom and begin reading aloud to Betty from the beginning.

Betty and I don't always share the same taste in fiction, but we agreed about Shuab Parvez' gifts as a novelist, and before the morning was over The Messiah of Green Street was on both our Kindles. He grabbed us both from the beginning and diverted our attention from the unlikeliest elements of his story with the dazzling details of the most commonplace.

Here's the set-up:

The Messiah of Green Street tells the story of Sahil, born to Bangladeshi immigrants Karim and Anjana in the deprived melting pot of Upton Park, London. This strange-looking prodigal of a boy - who can allegedly speak Arabic and Hebrew from birth - is greeted as a miracle and 'a child of the world', but the superstitious adulation of his community slowly ebbs and sours as the realities of life as a disenfranchised and dispossessed second generation immigrant take over.

The story of Sahil and his family, of their friends, relatives and neighbours is mordantly satirical, deeply poignant and very funny. As Sahil grows into adulthood and becomes more and more disillusioned with his lot, his reluctant attempts to connect with his roots, buried under the weight of slavery, colonialism and racial hatred, take him in unexpected directions on the way to his own particular truth.




by Shuab Parvez

Kindle Edition

List Price: $2.99

Buy Now

UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download

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Read An E-Book Week price for Scourge and The Second Coming is 50% off with code: RAE50 at Smashwords.

Happy Reading everyone!!
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Pieces of the Empire - now 99 cents at the iBookstore!

I'm discounting my book, Pieces of the Empire, Book One in anticipation of the release of Pieces of the Empire, Book Two which should arrive at the iBookstore by June of this year.

You can find out more about this series by visiting jlmoss.info.


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#1 Bestselling Photo Essay & Artist Biography in 2010&2011 on Amazon is .99 in March!


The #1 Bestselling Photo Essay & Artist Biography in 2010 on Amazon, 25 Lessons I’ve Learned about Photography...Life!, is on sale in March for .99 cents and is now available with 25 Spectacular New York City street photos. It is the perfect gift for your favorite photographer, aspiring artist, job seeker, soul searcher or anyone who just needs a little inspiration.

25 Lessons is available on Amazon in paperback and as an e-book and can be given and received by anyone with an e-mail address. Electronic books can be read either on Kindle or on a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, or Android Phone. 25 Lessons is also now available as a Google eBook, which can be stored and read online. Currently available in English, Italian, French and Portuguese. Spanish version coming soon!

For More Information: 25Lessons.com
Hi everyone, I'm Sean Patrick Reardon, a writer from Bostom Mass. My crime thrilller novel "Mindjacker" is available in the iBookstore for only .99 cents. I look forward to joining in the fun around the forum.

When wealthy Russian mobsters contract L.A psychologist Joel Fischer to develop a device to manipulate minds, the DreemWeever exceeds all expectations. Everything is on track for delivery and a big payday, until two adventurous stoners steal his Dodge Challenger that, unknown to them, contains the DreemWeever in its trunk. Fischer and his crew have two days to get it back or he dies.

Latest Review
Morality Tale In A Tornado- Great ride. Like a combination Tilt-A-Whirl and Wild Mouse . . . in the dark . . .with really great music . . . and, oh yeah, your arms and legs get sucked off your body. The back story has the subtle flavor of some great movies: the original Manchurian Candidate, The Parallax View and the original Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. If this all sounds confusing and scary -- you're right. Read it, but make sure your chin strap -- and athletic supporter -- are cinched down double tight. Like I said,it's one helluva ride.
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I have two new titles available at the iPad bookstore now:

Paying the Piper:
The Piper is the Bay Area’s infamous child kidnapper. When the Piper selected crime reporter, Scott Fleetwood, to report on his latest child kidnapping, Scott thought he had the world in his grasp, but he held nothing. Scott had been duped by a wannabe. By the time the FBI exposed the hoaxer, time had run out, leaving the real Piper only one course of action—to kill the child. With a murder added to his résumé, the Piper vanished leaving Scott to take blame from the public and the investigating FBI agent, Tom Sheils. But now, eight years later, the Piper’s back, with very specific targets in mind—Scott’s young children. Scott can have his children back as long as he can pay the ransom. The hard part is that ransom isn’t measured in dollars, but in blood.

Some debts can’t be repaid...

“Wood keeps the pages flying, even as his plot gets more and more complex, accelerating nicely toward an elegant climax.â€
— Publishers Weekly

"Revenge fuels Wood's fast-paced thriller and the good guys deliver a winning finale.†— Oakland Tribune

Accidents Waiting to Happen:
Josh Michaels is worth more dead than alive. He just doesn't know it yet. He has no idea why someone would try to kill him, clearly that's exactly what happened. When an SUV forced Josh's car off the road and into a river, it might have been an accident. But when Josh looked up at the road, expecting to see the SUV's driver rushing to help him, all he saw was the driver watching him calmly...then giving him a "thumbs down" sign. That was merely the first attempt on Josh's life, all of them designed to look like accidents, and all of them very nearly fatal. With his time--and maybe his luck--running out and no one willing to believe him, Josh had better figure out who wants him dead and why...before it's too late.

How much are you worth and to whom?

“One of the most riveting first chapters I have read in some time. The pacing is spectacular and gets progressively faster as the reader nears the finale. An unqualified recommendation.â€
— Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine

“An impressive debut.â€
— Mystery Scene Magazine

I hope people will check the titles out. I think you'll like them.
My Wife is the Erotic Authoress Victoria Blisse, a Number of her books are now available on the iBookStore including all the books of her popular "Getting Together" series.

She writes erotic stories about Curvy "Real" women, with Humour, Honesty, Charm and the odd bit of British wit. She has even won an Award for her "Point Vamp" series and was featured on Five.TV's The Vanessa Show.

I'm biased but she does write some awesome stuff (it is for the Adult Audience though so 18+ only) so if you like your reading a little Raunchy, a little Racy and with Curves in all the right places then do check her out you won't be disappointed.

If anyone is willing to write a Review of one of her Books I can get her to gift copies to you, just PM me and let me know.

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Triangulate Your Golf Swing

If your an average golfer that wants to improve your swing, take a look at my new book described below. You will need the Kindle app on your IPAD to read it. It is available at Amazon.com. Also, take a chance of winning a paperback version of the same (see bottom of post).

How many ways are there to swing a golf club? Golf magazine writers and TV commentators certainly don't have a shortage of golf swings to analyze. So, I suppose we will never know the answer. This all creates a certain amount of confusion for the average golfer who is trying to improve their swing. After years of frustrating golf and countless swing changes, I thought that there must be a simpler way to look at the golf swing. Rather than look at all the differences, I wondered instead if there was something that all good golfers do that the average golfer generally does not.

Anyone that is serious about golf certainly needs to learn the fundamentals, but what I was looking for had more to do with what I call "The Principles of Triangulation." Although inherent to all good golf swings, these principles are rarely given priority when it comes to golf analysis. I believe they are at the heart of every good golf swing and at the core of every good golf shot.

Inside your will find a thorough explanation of these principles along with illustrations and drills to help you apply them to your swing. Additional subjects include how to reduce tension, creating lag and how to start the downswing, the difference between a one-plane swing and a two-plane swing and why you should never change your natural way of swinging, and much more. Learning to apply traits that are common to all good players has made my game much more enjoyable and I sincerely hope they do the same for yours - Ron Celano

Book giveaway contest - I will be giving away 4 paperback books at the rate of 1 a month starting on May 15th and ending on August 15th. This contest is open to all except family members of the author. There is no obligation to buy anything. Go to your Facebook account and search for "Triangulate Your Golf Swing" then click on the "like" button to enter. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can get one for free at Facebook.com. I will notify the winners with a Facebook message and post the winners on the book page. Good Luck to all and be sure to tell your friends!


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My Secret Life: The Complete 11 Volumes [for iBooks]

Available now, exclusively in the iBookstore.

My Secret Life: The Complete 11 Volumes
The complete eleven volumes of the infamous and epic 19th century classic in a newly prepared digital edition.

This is the first and currently the only complete version available in the iBookstore.
To date, it's the only electronic version virtually free of OCR and transcription errors and without missing pages.
It was [painstakingly] prepared specifically for iBooks, and is complete, with the exception of the original index (which will hopefully be made available soon).

Keep in mind, it's a dirty book. (there are actually quite a few of them in the iBookstore)

Wikipedia entry about the book and it's numerous incarnations:

[iPad/iPhone/iPodTouch ONLY]

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"Daughter of New York Series" now free to read on iPad...

Hi Everyone,

"The Daughter of New York Series" can now be read free at
donyseries dot com.

This is specifically designed for the iPad screen in size and
resolution. In other words, it looks great, keeping the formatting
of the original book.

Thanks all, have a wonderful day!
Want to read a funny poignant novel?

The Messiah of Green Street tells the story of Sahil, born to Bangladeshi immigrants Karim and Anjana in the deprived melting pot of Upton Park, London. This strange-looking prodigal of a boy – who can allegedly speak Arabic and Hebrew from birth - is greeted as a miracle and ‘a child of the world’, but the superstitious adulation of his community slowly ebbs and sours as the realities of life as a disenfranchised and dispossessed second generation immigrant take over. The story of Sahil and his family, of their friends, relatives and neighbours is mordantly satirical, deeply poignant and very funny. As Sahil grows into adulthood and becomes more and more disillusioned with his lot, his reluctant attempts to connect with his roots, buried under the weight of slavery, colonialism and racial hatred, take him in unexpected directions on the way to his own particular truth.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/dp/B003MVZMC0]Amazon.com: THE MESSIAH OF GREEN STREET eBook: Shuab Parvez: Kindle Store[/ame]
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