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Siri yayyy !

You have no idea how pumped I am. So ready to play with Siri, see how they have increased Facebook integration and so much more! I just hope Siri works well and will prove to be useful and not just a novelty I get bored with quickly.

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susanlackey said:
You have no idea how pumped I am. So ready to play with Siri, see how they have increased Facebook integration and so much more! I just hope Siri works well and will prove to be useful and not just a novelty I get bored with quickly.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Hi Susan,
I have a gnawing suspicion that your vivid imagination will save you from utmost boredom, where incredibly intuitive, Dear Siri is concerned.
If I'm mistaken, you can give me the works...

Well it's the 19th and no sign of ios6 in the UK yet.... Anybody guessing the ETA ...:(
Hi Suz26, you're looking around 6:00pm UK time when it will be released but I suggest you wait a day or two because Apples servers are going to be bombarded with the amount of people wanting to get their hands on it.
Bluray said:
Hi Suz26, you're looking around 6:00pm UK time when it will be released but I suggest you wait a day or two because Apples servers are going to be bombarded with the amount of people wanting to get their hands on it.

Yes Bluray I know your right but can I wait...Waaaaaaa!
i love SIRI but im very dissapointed because siri dosent suport location outside the U.S eg. look for a sushi restaurant and she will reply back saying sorry location is not available

iPad 3 
Gabriel1 said:
I was hoping for a girl on my iPhone 5!

The Archangel

Awwwwwww to bad Gabriel I think it's Alex from my Mac sounds a lot like him lol. but its nice your going for the 5 me toooooo can't wait. I think you will have to move to America I think they have a girl Siri....

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