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Skyfire App Will Soon Be Bringing Flash to Your iPad

"Skyfire for iPad works by launching a browser that converts any Flash videos you want to watch into HTML5, and then plays them back in a separate video" - This is great, that means if I setup Skyfire brower, then I don't need the iFunia YouTube Converter to convert the YouTube videos I download, and just watch freely online, including many flash based videos!!
Cool, I'd like to have a try, but don't know how the speed is?

the video done by engadget seems to show that skyfire is extremely fast at rendering webpages.
Yet another function that should be part of the OS's native browser, but instead you have to pay for, as with printing and network access. It's very curious to me how the iPad community justs rolls over on this.

That's your opinion but in the real world Flash is not supported direct by Apple on iPod touch, iPhone and iPads. It is a decision that is final and has been covered at great length in this forum. The millions of devices sold as listed and the number that complain about lack of flash is so small it's not funny. Alternatives exist as stated in our forums in other words the millions of iPad users do not roll over they do not need it. As time goes by you will have on 9" and what ever tablets that will support flash if that is what you MUST have then thats the choice. I frankly do not like macdonalds i have choices and I go to alternative places that provide what I want or enjoy no different.

Hope you understand

Regards Colin
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Yet another function that should be part of the OS's native browser, but instead you have to pay for, as with printing and network access. It's very curious to me how the iPad community justs rolls over on this.

What I just rolled over? Darn I just can't handle this crazed idea of free enterprise anymore :D
That's your opinion but in the real world Flash is not supported direct by Apple on iPod touch, iPhone and iPads. It is a decision that is final and has been covered at great length in this forum. The millions of devices sold as listed and the number that complain about lack of flash is so small it's not funny. Alternatives exist as stated in our forums in other words the millions of iPad users do not roll over they do not need it. As time goes by you will have on 9" and what ever tablets that will support flash if that is what you MUST have then thats the choice. I frankly do not like macdonalds i have choices and I go to alternative places that provide what I want or enjoy no different.

Hope you understand

Regards Colin
You skillfully redacted my entry. If you note, I mentioned printing and file sharing, which are much more important to me than Flash, which is on its way out in any case.

BTW, here's what Jobs has to say about Flash: "Adobe’s Flash products are 100% proprietary. They are only available from Adobe, and Adobe has sole authority as to their future enhancement, pricing, etc. While Adobe’s Flash products are widely available, this does not mean they are open, since they are controlled entirely by Adobe and available only from Adobe. By almost any definition, Flash is a closed system." (Thoughts on Flash)

Seems just a bit hypocritical to me. I don't want to start a flame war here, but what's open about the App Store?
What does it matter if it's a closed environment it's seems at least a few people do not care. The fact that one has to pay for some apps in itunes does not concern me or millions of other users. I am fully aware of the open system that android and others offer and at the same time aware of the issues and problems users have on those platforms with support from developers. In my opinion I do not see why it is such a big deal if one has to pay for a printing app or any app for that matter that offers a third party solution to the iOS The choice is there regardless. It is obvious that a few people in this world enjoy Apple's so call closed digital store. Current facts are as follows as taken from recent articles.

Asymco says iOS users are currently downloading 17.6 million apps compared to roughly 7.5 million songs per day, on average. Currently worldwide Apple has approx 69% Of the digital Market.

I personally have absolutely no problem what so ever in using iTunes as a a main store for buying renting movies, subscribing to newspapers and magazines, purchasing songs, buying apps or download free apps plus books etc etc. I have no problem supporting developers of applications whom provide excellent support and upgrades in a timely manor. Having one store to provide all of the above makes accounting easy in tracking purchases, obtaining support if something does not work and more important offers a huge variety of product. Finally file sharing for me and again many users is not an issue Drop box works fine along with many other apps that provide similar features. Any thing I do on the iPad I can share or copy back to my MacBook but in saying that the only time I use my MacBook is just to provide back up and syncing with the apple tv and other iPod, iPhones and nothing else.
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... I am fully aware of the open system that android and others offer and at the same time aware of the issues and problems users have on those platforms with support from developers....
Good posts from you, Col.

It's precisely because the iPad has a closed system that we don't get all the problems that plague other more open systems. Windoze and others are customisable, but the resulting issues caused by bugs creeping into the system are enough to drive anyone crazy.

BTW, from your name I thought Col meant you were a Colonel, LOL!
I am just amazed at how my admittedly business and therefore Windows centric viewpoint doesn't make sense to all you Apple fans. I enjoy the iPad's small profile, touchscreen UI and its integration with iTunes as much as any of you.

But I maintain if you promote a machine for email and provide apps for writing you need to be able to print and to save that material (not the music and image content that iTunes manages so well) to the printer of your choice and the network location and folder of your choice, not neccessarily your tethered Macbook, or Mac-anything, and those features should be part of the basic machine, not add-on apps that in this particular case don't work well at all.

For now, for me, the iPad is an interesting amusement appliance, but until version2, which is rumored to have things like real world ports, printing and file sharing built in, it's a toy. A very good toy, but still a toy. Perhaps I would feel different if I had bought it, but it was a gift and I enjoy it very much, but I wish it could be a computer. That's my fault, not Jobs'. He's found his target audience, which are the zillions of dyed-in-the-wool Apple fans who don't find things like having to pay to print unusual.

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