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Sony Launches Crackle iPad and iPhone App

The uk app store, the app store varies from country to country, with different apps being available in each. I was just responding to a previous post saying it was only available in the US.
Sound problem fixed on iPad ...

It took me a while but I figured it out.

I had setup the lock button on the right upper corner of my iPad to screen lock (as opposed to mute/unmute ).
When I changed it back to mute/unmute - the default option in the settings app , it started to work.

I'd say this is bad sw coding ... But atleast we have a workaround

Good watching now
Sound problem fixed on iPad ...

It took me a while but I figured it out.

I had setup the lock button on the right upper corner of my iPad to screen lock (as opposed to mute/unmute ).
When I changed it back to mute/unmute - the default option in the settings app , it started to work.

I'd say this is bad sw coding ... But atleast we have a workaround

Good watching now

I have never messed with the lock button on the upper corner. My iPad1 has not been messed with as far as settings go. So are you saying that as the iPad is set from factory defaults only the content is muted but not the advertisments? And if you mess with the settings so that the lock orientation button becomes a mute button then it will work? I do not understand this as all.
Sound problem fixed on iPad ...

It took me a while but I figured it out.

I had setup the lock button on the right upper corner of my iPad to screen lock (as opposed to mute/unmute ).
When I changed it back to mute/unmute - the default option in the settings app , it started to work.

I'd say this is bad sw coding ... But atleast we have a workaround

Good watching now

I have never messed with the lock button on the upper corner. My iPad1 has not been messed with as far as settings go. So are you saying that as the iPad is set from factory defaults only the content is muted but not the advertisments? And if you mess with the settings so that the lock orientation button becomes a mute button then it will work? I do not understand this as all.
Since iOS version 4.3 (I think) you have thhe option of configuring what the lock button does. the default being mute/unmute .i have changed mine to lock rotation ( the other alternative ) because it makes easier to read books.
after i returned that setting back to mute/unmute , crackle started to have sound on the movies/episodes. that was the only thing i had changed.

So, if you haven`t changed that , maybe i am just mistaken and theproblem was something else.

in any case, this problem only existed with crackle . everything else worked fine no matter what the lock button was configured to ( netfilx, pandora , youtube, playon, etc, etc ).

so it is really a "crackle' issue whatever it is . my guess , having worked inn the computer/software idndustry for the last 25 years , is this software was just not properly tested / debugged being hitting the road ...

I hope this helps you and other people.

SweetPoison said:
I thought it was pretty good but I couldn't get my sound any louder ~ it was way too low.:(

You mean the volume on Crackle? Its plenty loud on mine, maybe one of your settings is a bit off?

The Archangel
SweetPoison said:
I don't think so. My volume was all the way up ~ Am I missing something?

Oh was that really rude of me........d'oh, I just couldn't resist!

What were you watching, I can try it here and see what it sounds like?

The Archangel
A lot of the shows only have clips. I wanted to watch the killing on amc but it only has few minutes long clips. Even movies like that. Am I doing something wrong or is it just like that on some movies/tv shows???
SweetPoison said:
I don't think so. My volume was all the way up ~ Am I missing something?

Oh was that really rude of me........d'oh, I just couldn't resist!

What were you watching, I can try it here and see what it sounds like?

The Archangel

You are mean, Gab.:( I forget what I was watching ~ it was only for a few min, whatever it was.
SweetPoison said:
You are mean, Gab.:( I forget what I was watching ~ it was only for a few min, whatever it was.

Now I feel bad.......well a little!

If you try again and it still sounds quiet let me know and I'll see if it's the same. I've only tried a couple but the volume was fine for me and my hearing is rubbish after too many gigs with my head wedged up against the speaker stacks!!!

The Archangel
OK..... This insane! I went into settings and checked the auto rotation lock. Then reset it to mute. Pushed the sliding toggle to mute the iPad. Then slide it the other way to turn off the mute and now I have sound in the movies and TV shows. This is insane. It was not muted, but when you turn mute on then off then the sound works.

1) Thanks to you crazy guys & gals that think outside of the known universe to figure out that something that is not broke is broke & turning something that is not on - on so you can turn it off so you can turn it on even though it wasn't off in the first place so that it will now work when it should have been working all along.

2) The brainiacs at Crakel should have their heads pulled out of their mother boards & get their butts spanked. Idiots!

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